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Original trilogy deleted scenes restored Project?

Williarob said:

Slavicuss said:

Williarob said:

Here’s my quick attempt at restoring the Tosche Station scenes:


Very nice. Bummer about the watermark though.

It’s just a quick test - I only spent a day working on it. I need to spend a little longer to restore some of the details that were scrubbed out. When it’s done, I’ll make it available without a watermark to anyone who wants to use it.


The Empire Strikes Back - Expanded Edition (Work in Progress)

Just finished watching the whole thing.

Impressive - but I’d leave out any of the SE changes (Hoth Wampa, etc). I’m glad you didn’t include that alternate Cloud City scene between Han and Leia.

My favourite additions are, the extended Wampa attack on Luke at the very beginning, the brief shot of Boba Fett in the carbon chamber, and the deleted scene with Leia tending to Luke’s injuries in the Falcon - this deleted scene looked a little cleaner than the surrounding material, and should be ‘dirtied up’ to match the rest of the film’s video quality.

The audio levels for the deleted scenes are all over the place and need to be fixed.

Otherwise, a decent job!

The Empire Strikes Back - Expanded Edition (Work in Progress)

Just finished watching another half hour chunk.

The colourised b/w footage (Veers’ death, Yoda with the metal bar, and the extended Leia / Han kiss) was impressively done. The matching colour grading was almost seamless in some instances.

The rearranged scenes felt odd, but that’s from viewing the 1980 film so many times, so was to be expected.

The film’s poor video helps the integration of the cut material enormously.

The audio levels for the deleted scenes was a little high for the surrounding material (Luke / Leia medical bay, etc).

The Empire Strikes Back - Expanded Edition (Work in Progress)

ifjg said:

Slavicuss said:

My free account with Mega.nz would only allow me to view the first 36 mins of your expanded cut.

I enjoyed what I was viewing a lot.

Some observations:

At the 5:16 mark, there’s a random frame or two that slipped past, during the deleted, extended dialogue between Han and Chewie (“dont lose your temper.”) that needs removal.

At the 23:20 mark, Artoo’s scream (from the Hoth Wampa scene?) carried over Piett’s face and the start of the deleted scene between Luke and Leia (recovering after the bacta tank).

At the 28:04 mark, the deleted scene with Han and Leia could use some work on its geometry - the scene looks vertically stretched (Leia, looks like a conehead).

That’s as far as I got before the “Transfer Quota Exceeded” message popped up to ruin my pleasant viewing experience. Lol. Bummer. Would like to see the rest - if possible?

If you download it using the MEGA app, it should automatically resume when the wait time runs out. I’ve also had some success messing around with VPN’s to get around the wait.

I’d like a link too, by the way.

I’ll try it. Thanks!

The Empire Strikes Back - Expanded Edition (Work in Progress)

My free account with Mega.nz would only allow me to view the first 36 mins of your expanded cut.

I enjoyed what I was viewing a lot.

Some observations:

At the 5:16 mark, there’s a random frame or two that slipped past, during the deleted, extended dialogue between Han and Chewie (“dont lose your temper.”) that needs removal.

At the 23:20 mark, Artoo’s scream (from the Hoth Wampa scene?) carried over Piett’s face and the start of the deleted scene between Luke and Leia (recovering after the bacta tank).

At the 28:04 mark, the deleted scene with Han and Leia could use some work on its geometry - the scene looks vertically stretched (Leia, looks like a conehead).

That’s as far as I got before the “Transfer Quota Exceeded” message popped up to ruin my pleasant viewing experience. Lol. Bummer. Would like to see the rest - if possible?

Doctor Who - alternate 6th Doctor intro story

You want to fix THE TWIN DILEMMA?

Take the regeneration scene at the end of THE CAVES OF ANDROZANI, and use that as a CASTROVALVA-style reprise for the start of ATTACK OF THE CYBERMEN (an infinitely better opening story for the sixth Doctor). Done - no more nasty THE TWIN DILEMMA.

I remember that STRANGER video. I borrowed it once - out of curiosity. I had an idea it was going to be sh*t. Guess what? It was.

Original trilogy deleted scenes restored Project?

Ronster said:

War of the Stars although entertaining os kind of like a joke edit…

The deleted scenes will get cleaned up eventually, work is ongoing.

Here is the Dianoga and chasm battle Restored.


And Here is the Duel and the Hangar shootout


Credit to Adywan for some shots involving Obiwan and Vader I think it is hard to watch Star wars with thr Cloak prop these days… THere is something I am a bit perplexed there is a piece of reversed footage here so I have unreversed the shot now it matches the soundmix but it sort of kicks out… Are some of these shots vertically stretched or something?

The placement of the Dianoga shot worked better in the theatrical release(s).

The reshuffling of Vader’s line: “You should not have come back.” feels a little awkward. The line delivery doesn’t quite match his prior dialogue. Otherwise, nice job!

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace HD Pan & Scan (a wip)

Interesting …

A while back I did something similar for JAWS and JAWS 2. I zoomed in to remove the black bars, Reframed and cropped almost every shot to make fullscreen versions for my extended cuts. I had no choice, as the TV cuts for JAWS and JAWS 2 contain (still unreleased) deleted scenes only presented in 4:3. I used the early 2000s DVDs, at the time.

Might have to go back and do it all over again - but this time - use the BD releases. I’d got lucky with JAWS, the fullscreen 2000 JAWS DVD release saved me a lot of work.

It’s a b**tard of a job, going through each shot and reframing it (I used iMovie). Still, if you want a nice-looking fullscreen version of a film, it’s the only way to go. Old laserdisc and videotape releases just don’t cut it quality-wise.

Are you planning on doing the same for the other two prequels - or any of the other STAR WARS films?

Original trilogy deleted scenes restored Project?

Ronster said:

Well as far as the Lightsaber close up shot goes I messed up the audio a bit there… I don’t want to give up on it just yet because in the Film the Lightsaber just appears and Luke changes position which is a lot worse than the close up of the lightsaber.

That shot of R2-D2 in the Canyon is supposed to go there for some reason he was put in the other canyon earlier in the film and it just does not work at all in that part as it’s a totally different location and it ruins continuity,

As for Editing of the Banthas yeah it’s been a bit of a tough call because I am not editing it how I would really like to because there are big marks on some of the frames and I tried to avoid that knowing full well that nobody is going to clean it up or it might be very hard to clean up. I am not hitting the cues because I am avoiding big frame damage.

But I did notice when the cue of Drum roll starts this should probably cut to the Tuskan Raider running along the edge of the ridge. I should be able to hit that cue.

Never say final I will try and get another better version up in a while but I think best to keep the Landspeeder scanner as a brief crash cut.

The extra shot of the lightsaber - is that supposed to be carpet (background)?

Original trilogy deleted scenes restored Project?

Nice job!

You’ve edited out the Stormtrooper bumping his head, but left him adjusting his helmet a moment later, when the other troopers enter the room.

The tentacle grabbing Luke sounds very good, as does Chewie beating on the door.

Some of the wider shots look a little lighter compared to the tighter shots (inconsistent black level?)

The video quality is very nice. Lovely colours.

Original trilogy deleted scenes restored Project?

kg1977 said:

ifjg, Slavicuss, Ronster

Glad you like the colorization. I remember telling Benduwan (I think it was) that I had no plans to do black and white in extended versions, but once I saw the latest tools for this and how far things have come, I am definitely including what I can. Next up for BW is a portion of the Luke and Yoda training. I am also looking forward to Luke and the Rancor extra scene where he uses force jump.

I especially like the blue colour on the FX-7 droid in the background shots.

About the audio. What are you going to use for 2-1B’s addition dialogue (voiced by the director)?

I like the overhead shot (looking down through the grating) of young Skywalker about to get into hand-to-hand combat with the Gamorrean Guard. Would’ve been an interesting fight to see. Wonder if any more of it was filmed?

Original trilogy deleted scenes restored Project?

kg1977 said:

Ronster said:
I redid the Techdome Edit to improve it and added the Blue Milk Scene.

Nice! if you want 1920 wide blue milk with no dust here is a link (no audio).

the google preview stinks so download to see full qual.


I spent 3 hours on this scene removing as many imperfections although you probably would not think that. The color grade is higher SAT to match adywan. Comparison below (yea the overlay ANH-X text is only on the comparison I do.)


but obviously adjust to your taste if inserting. Mine is 23.97 as well. Enjoy

I like your background sounds in blue milk with the generators/kitchen equipment sound. My blue milk is going somewhere else (before breakfast) as there is radio drama additional meal scene and dialogue and using blue milk to set that scene up. but your edit works here perfectly and where it was meant to go I’m sure.

tech dome looks great. I have more radio drama audio with 3PO and Mark Hamill which gives that scene a few extra seconds and confirms that what luke sees with treadwell was indeed the same ship the droids came from, but what you have here cleans up the “official” cut of this. I thought I saw an extra shot of oil bath at one time (was that your first shot)? I would have to go see if that was it? just a small extra angle if I remember. Only other suggestion is to remove the audio where 3PO sais he is not sure he has been in many battles as clearly time has passed since EP III memory wipe and now, although that is subjective and very small detail. I think there was a Youtube cut that someone tried that idea out.

anyway nice work.

I am trying to finish the colorizations of the ESB "Friends watch Luke’s bacta bath scene atm, but will go check out and do the tweaks on Tosche later mid-week.

Great job cleaning the footage.

What software did you use for scratch removal? Any recommendations for a Mac user?

Original trilogy deleted scenes restored Project?

Ronster said:

  1. I took a still of Luke with the magenta face and put it in “gimp” and put green in the shadows and it fixed the weird magenta you are getting so that should work.
  2. Long shot yeah as I said look at “Star Wars begins” for that shot it looks like the whole shot was over dark I think the sky perhaps needs more gain or brightness and less saturation. Alternatively upscale that shot as it’s not blocky like the rest or color match.
    3.It’s ok to have a washed out sky if that is the lighting conditions - dusty desert. Yeah it’s only at the start I can see the edge softness issue once he jumps off the landspeeder it’s gone.
    4.Yeah it’s either blue contrast on that stairs element or it needs red push. The box the other side of the door also looks too sharp consider darkening that element a bit so it sits or blends better. This looks better than the star wars begins version just need to get the blend on.

To be honest it’s all small tweaks but you are very close to having that look very good.

I redid the Techdome Edit to improve it and added the Blue Milk Scene. Sww the link below


There was some audio I discovered was the wrong way around when Luke Uses the Wrench

The important bit of audio was found in the documentary Star Wars the Magic and the Mystery where there is an isolated soundmix without Leia’s “Help me Obiwan-Kenobi” lines and with R2-D2 whirring and projector coming on. I think that tells us that we did not get perhaps all the changes that were planned perhaps as this fixes the fact the recording is not saying the lines at the time it is played by R2. A few scenes are shifted about.

I also employed the Tuskan Raider Rocking Backwards and Forwards trick on R2-D2 to help smooth out the continuity of the end conversation as it was a bit Jarring.

Then I added sound mix for Blue Milk to the end. Hope you like this final iteration.

Nice job.

What’s the frame rate for the deleted “blue milk” scene you’ve reinstated. It looks a little choppy compared to the surrounding material?

Love the colours for the garage interior. Much nicer than any of the official DVDs and Blu-rays.