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Praise a "bad" movie

bkev said:

Isn't it a bit hypocritical to like a movie simply because of real sets and models? That's like the people we criticize for saying that there's not enough CG in current movies/the prequels...

Sets/models/costumes/lighting/etc. are not at all the same as CGI. 

Or did you mean, it's bad to like a movie simply because it has actual models over CGI?

Either way, I don't agree.  Some people like models better, and like the movies better because of them, what's wrong with that?  Personally, I think CGI is great, and can make a movie a million times better than it would have been otherwise, when it's used correctly, but that's just my opinion (as it is everyone's).

If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

My high school English teacher had her classes read The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, and after a few weeks, a few of the other teachers and parents complained about a rape scene in the book.  So, knee-jerk as usual, the school made her stop teaching it and banned it from the district, even though her students (who usually loathed reading anything) loved it!

But my teacher was awesome - she didn't give up.  She fought the censorship, and after going a long way, the State of Ohio came in and told the school they weren't allowed to tell her she couldn't teach it anymore, and that if anyone had any objections they would have to find another teacher.  She won an Intellectual Freedom Award for it in 2006.


The Kite Runner is a great book too, by the way.

Going away? Post so here!

Well I had a pretty adventurous week.  There's this building (skyscraper?) in downtown Toledo called the Fiberglas Tower (or "Tower on the Maumee" as they're now calling it, I guess) that's been abandoned for years, although recently they started doing renovations on it.  Well Thursday night some friends of mine and I decided to see if we could find a way in, and the door was unlocked!  We walked up all 30 floors (ugh!), then climbed a two-story ladder up to the roof.  You could see everything, it was awesome.  We even went around exploring some of the empty floors and stuff, pretty creepy.

For the rest of the weekend I went camping in Michigan, which was relaxing. 

Now I get back on here and there's a million threads I haven't read, but I skipped most of them after realize they were (lame) necroposts or constant bitching by (or about) he who shall not be named. 

Sooo, hello again :)