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Roger Ebert
Dubya & STAR WARS???

FBI would have to search every Sandcrawler that Jawas have.
Sand People would be shot at sight.
You won't be able to sign up for the Academy if you had Watto's accent. (hint: has courses on piloting spacecraft)
Imperial seal would have little white stars and buffalo horns.
Palpatine would have Texan accent.
Vader would wear cowboy's hat (instead of helmet) and belt.
Ion engines would be retrofitted to use petrol as a fuel.
Stormtroopers would be shouting "hou-yaa!" and "semper fi!".
Rebels would be considered "terrorists".
Luke Skywalker would have moustache and tanned skin.
We could only see Leia's eyes as the rest would be obscured by her black clothes.

Disclaimer: I have nothing against USA, the Lone Star State or Texan people...
Roger Ebert
Bossk - have you PM'd Jay about this? Maybe if it will be signed by the webmaster himself and not by one of the many petitioneers (no offense, my friend) it may seem to be "more important" in Ebert's eyes?

BTW: Good job, the tone "Help us, Mr. Ebert, you're our only hope..." and all...

So you don't want each of us to spam Ebert with the letters? Will one do the job?
Naive question #1
Thanks for support, Alan!

And I thought I'm boring everybody when I whine about putting pressure on TF.N to support OT.com

If only you weren't a Wookiee I could get you a quick promotion in the Imperial Navy... you know, I have friends here and there... It would be great to have you as a wingman.
Naive question #1
OK guys, now could you please do the same what we did? The links & sample message & the recipient are posted in this thread - if more people will write to him/TF.N, the bigger are the chances we get what we want (Originaltrilogy banner on TF.N main page). Many voices are louder than one or two.

Thank you, (Jedi_Master_)Ousley!
Naive question #1
OK people, today I've sent a PM to TF.N admin Joshua Griffin with the following message:

Greetings Mr. Griffin,
I'm simple SW fan trying to make my way in the universe. I'm also one of over 33,000 fans who signed the petition on www.originaltrilogy.com because they want their beloved Original Trilogy on DVD.

From what I've heard, TF.N already spoke to Jay Sylvester, admin of the originaltrilogy.com site and founder of the petition, about lending support to the petition. There were some problems regarding server performance and the whole thing was abandoned.

Since www.originaltrilogy.com already moved to a new, reliable server, capable of processing more signatures than the previous one, I'd like to ask you, the TF.N admin, to reconsider the offer to put www.originaltrilogy.com banner on the TF.N main page. Please, join us in the just cause, as we all will benefit from its success.

Avid OT Fan,

Please, help me and do the same - with enough pressure they will yeld to the power of the Dar.... oops, I mean to our polite request

I have posted above a link to the thread I'm talking about.

RRS-1980 - out!