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Idea: The Kevin Smith Secret Stash Collection - Proposed project. (* unfinished *)

Ok. Now we're talking. This is the project I have been waiting for. I've been lurking for a loooooooong time, and I haven't been active in the OT scene in almost 3 years, but I think I can be of use to this project. I have, in no particular order:


Chasing Amy workprint

J&SBSB "workprint" (actually the final test screening edit)

Clerks location tour video (on VHS, 1st GEN dub from the guy who was on the tour and taped it, then sold copies on eBay back in '03)

Train Wreck shorts, the whole collection from viewaskew.com

Mallrats and Dogma scripts ( I think Mallrats is 3rd draft and Dogma is 1st, but I need to check when I get home). I could take these to Kinkos but copies would be pricey. Over 200pgs each. Theyd make killer PDFs.

Kevins "Superman Lives" screenplay treatment, in txt format.

Playboy 1998 Kevin interview (whole mag actually, bc i wouldnt tear out the interview.) I can scan this to BMP.


I may have more, but I'll have to dig. If you guys are interested, I can send out copies of everything I have. The JSBSB needs some fix up work due to an audio glitch, and Chasing Amy is very high-gen from VHS and looks and sounds like crap, but its the only known source.


Email me or msg me and we can get this ball rolling! Ive been dying to get this stuff out there, I just needed more fans to help.


Info & For Use: Ace Ventura Pet Detective - tv footage
Meh, you can have it if you want it. I haven't been able to sucessfully deinterlace it, one scene has some station ID across the bottom for about 30sec, and it was taped in EP. My brother said hes seen it on TV lately, and perhaps someone could watch their local listings and try to grab it on TiVo or something. But like I waid, I can post it somewhere if you want it anyway.
Help: looking for... 'Mallrats' - Television Cut DVD
Though this really belongs in the request forum, I'll second this. There is in fact some footage in the network cut that does not appear on either official DVD. Plus, its just cool to have some more Kevin Smith.

Also, it would go great with the Criterion Brazil boxset and the new Dune Extended DVD to showcase how drastically a movie can change when you let Universal Pictures studio editing staff hack at your film!
Info & For Use: Ace Ventura Pet Detective - tv footage
Yeah, I've been lurking. Long year, 2005. Looking better for 2006. Coming Soon from me: The Crow workprint, test footage for Skull Cowboy, View Askew Stash Bash Tour video, (maybe) Fight Club Workprint, and all the tv verion deleted scenes I own. Even more after that, as I go thru and catalog all my VHS tapes. What is the recommended method to get you guys this stuff? Raw footage up on MySpleen?
Info & For Use: Ace Ventura Pet Detective - tv footage

I have a tape of the deleted scenes shown in the tv cut of Ace Ventura Pet Detective, if anyone is interested, I can cap them off my tape, and an interested party can clean them up. Audio is mono and the video will likely still be interlaced when received. I some cool stuff to give out, but I don’t have lots of time to clean it. Sorry.

Info: Universal and ABC's cuts... also does anyone have the Bulletproof TV cut?

Is It just me, or has anyone else noticed how Universal Pictures goes nuts about re-editing their releases for TV? Heres a short list:

Far and Away
Major Payne
Sgt Bilko
Back To the Future (tv edit no longer shown)
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Lost World Jurassic Park (I have this and can share it in the near-ish future)

They love recutting their flicks with deleted footage or alternate takes when they hit the airwaves.

Also, does anyone have the TV cut of Bulletproof. The film is shot in 2:35, but the tv version is the only one with the deleted footage, about 40 minutes of it which includes an entire subplot (I can not remember what its about.) I would love to see that offered.

Info & Help: looking for... other ld-rips to dvd movies ex. blade runner int cut, songs of the south, frighteners dir cut - and much much more...
Rik, that sounds like a great idea. In the end it would cost basically nothing. Who on the forums can capture the 5.1 track tho? I didn't think anyone here had that capability. I'd be down for $20-30. Would have t cut you a check or money order tho. I'm not using my PayPal account right now.
Info & Help: looking for... other ld-rips to dvd movies ex. blade runner int cut, songs of the south, frighteners dir cut - and much much more...
Meanwhile, now that everyones talking Frighteners, I have a set of DVDs I got off DVDr-Core overa year ago. They are PAL, I beleve, and capped from a VHS of the LDs. Pro menus, 2.0 sound, kinda soft black levels, and the documentary is broken up oddly acrossed the 2 discs, but its 100% watchable, and it sustains me while I wait for a newer version with the DD5.1 and the commentary. Doesanyone know how to make screencaps with Apple DVD Player for Mac?
Info & Help: looking for... other ld-rips to dvd movies ex. blade runner int cut, songs of the south, frighteners dir cut - and much much more...
I will take some caps once my main pc is up again. Does yours bhave the "skip" when hes writing haiku and emailing them to everyone? Mine is very high-gen, and would need some real cleanup, particularlyin for ghosting, off colors, and faded audio. I'd rate my copy a 6, maybe.
Info & Help: looking for... other ld-rips to dvd movies ex. blade runner int cut, songs of the south, frighteners dir cut - and much much more...
Can someone post that workprint of Blade Runner? Ive been longing to see that for a while, but the one chance I had to get it would have left me with a $50 VHS. Some time soon, I want to rip my Fight Club workprint VHS. IT totally destroys the release version. Way moodier and creepier.
StarWarsLegacy.com - The Official Thread
I've seen comparison pics from the 97 SE ld's, and they would need even more color correction. They're very screwy, colorwise., And soft too, from what I've seen. Not as much as the Faces discs, but still not right. I'll tell you too, it urks me that the "restoration" algorythm Lowry used actually ERASED the original starfields! Can you believe that crap?!