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STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>
Nice work, but I hope you keep at least some blue tint in the snow, as it naturally reflects the sky (I believe)


most of the pictures if seen of arctic areas have at least a little blue tint

Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side (the TM edit) (Released)
Wow. I should known that, but I've never seen Back to The Future. I must be pretty stupid not to have known that was a joke :p. At least it got me interested in this project again, are there any clips of the real thing that are up on the web? I looked through this thread and the only stuff I saw looked like it was taken down. Also, you could try posting on Vimeo, there's an "Attack of the Phantom" clip on there that hasn't been taken down, plus it allows for higher resolution videos.
Crystall Skull has GL's fingerprints all over it
I'm not debating the quality of the films or of the story. I'm talking simply about special effects and how some people seem to criticize movies just because they use cg heavily. CG and models/matte paintings have their own strengths and weaknesses. Models tend to look stiff and are harder to animate high intensity sequences. matte paintings are just lifeless, they show no movement whatsoever. CG can, in contrast look almost too animated and colorful and just look very out of place if not done correctly, and there are many instances of that in the PT. I'm sorry if my original post came across as harsh, I realize that one of the main points of this board is to talk about preservation of the OT. I also understand that it is very shady for Lucas to go in and "improve" classics without preserving the original film as it was seen in theaters (As far as I understand, the 2006 DVDs do include the originals, but the are not cleaned up or remastered, nor are they presented in anamorphic or surround) and I hope the eventual Blu-Ray set contains both versions. I also understand that the PT, as much is I like them, are unfocused, often too childish and have some awkward acting and writing as well as bad pacing, of course, you could say the same thing about ROTJ which is also more about redeeming Anakin than it is about Luke. Oh, and lastly, I agree that models can look better, in 2001 they certainly look pretty realistic, and don't pop out at you like CG does, but then again that movies has very little action...
Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side (the TM edit) (Released)
When I first saw this project it looked great but the one clip I saw on youtube...


...was hilariously bad. I hope it's been much improved since then...whatever happened to Anakin being a "good man" and a "good friend" to Obi-Wan before he turned to the Dark Side? In that one clip I saw Anakin was a total bastard and didn't seem to fit the character at all, plus the dub was terrible and didn't sync right...Do what you like but if that one youtube clip is evidence of the final product, I don't see how anyone could be anticipating this. I see Anakin as being overly ambitious, a little impulsive and a little naive and easily coerced. That is why he was able to be seduced by Palpatine. How Anakin acted in that clip, I'm surprised Master Yoda didn't already deport him to a faraway planet. Also, Obi-wan didn't seem to react at all, you would think he would be upset with Anakin or visually strained. The new dialogue just doesn't work at all. I hope the youtube clip is a bad joke or something...
I just have to say...amazing work. You've managed to create something that pleases longtime fans of the original trilogy and new fans who would just like to see the old movies presented in the same quality as the PT and without some of the random changes Lucas made that don't really add anything. I had only seen the 2004 DVDs before this and I must say that this version is so much better. Han shooting first makes for a way more satisfying scene and the new Death Star reveal is awesome. I also really like the new Obi-Wan/Vader fight and the fact that the Death Star starts firing as it blows up. I look forward to ESBR.
Crystall Skull has GL's fingerprints all over it

I'm new here, (I came basically because I wanted to comment on Adywan's awesome revisited project) and I have to say that some of you guys are just afraid of change. How the effects are done in a film doesn't matter, it's the final result that matters. CG artists do a a lot more work than any matte painter or model builder and it is the way of the future. True, computers can never perfectly capture the expressions and demeanors of a living being, but that's what mo-cap is for:


I always thought that the CG in pirates is some of the best I've ever seen. It's true that CG can look very bad but so can models and matte paintings. I'll take a complex rendered CG environment over a matte painting any day. I think some of the CG in Indy 4 is poorly done (why get CG prairie dogs when you can get real prairie dogs?) but they took a lot of time in making the movie nostalgic and old looking, and fans shouldn't bash the movie for being radically different because, if anything, it is TOO much like the old movies. I'm glad Lucas didn't go that route with the Star Wars prequels. What people don't realize is that these movies are just as much for you as they are for new generation of kids.