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Info Wanted: The Pink Five Collection
The easter egg on the DVD boxset is on the Bonus materials disc. Go to "video games and still galleries" The menu looks like the interior of the Millenium Falcon. Enter "1138" on your remote, and it will highlight a box on the floor and then it should start. It has some bloopers, and other stuff. Then it will have the DVD credits. I think that is how it should work.
Info Wanted: any Star Wars Preservation DVDs available by Mail? thread
Excuse my ignorance, but is pay-it-forward a sort of distro system. I took part in some distros of old time radio on CD before, and there we had a system were someone makes a copy, and then sends it on to the next person or two on a list, who then copies it and sends it on to another two people, etc. Perhaps something like this would work here? A DVD a week, and people who want to take part sign up?
Some EarlY Star Wars TV details
I personally don't mean to be Lucas bashing, but I personally would like to see a quality product with the name "Star Wars" on it and not some lousy "just trying to cash in on a popular brand" type show. If the show is good, I'll watch it and be happy. But I'm just afraid that it will be bad. Look at Star Trek. After a run of quality shows, they put on "Enterprise" that seemed to be a poorly done program that they expected to be popular only because it was "Star Trek" and therefore anything they do will be ok, because everyone will love it. And they managed to kill the entire francise with that attitude. That being said, yes, I'll watch it and hope for the best, but we'll have to see.
Some EarlY Star Wars TV details
I'm not sure how this series can be uniquely "Star Wars." The rise of the empire time period means no jedi, force, etc. I'm afraid it will become just another Sci-Fi series that just happens to have some familar Star Wars aliens in it. Change the title from "Star Wars" to some generic Sci-Fi type title, and no one will ever notice or suspect that there is a tie-in. I'm not expecting too much out of this. But maybe I'll be pleasantly suprised.
Jar Jar is dead canonically!
and its the home to the most annoying creatures in the galaxy (Gungans) and the most annoying of the most annoying (Jar-Jar). I doubt most anyone would care. As for Jar-Jar's fate. Do we really want a book or something written about the further adventures of Jar-Jar that has his final fate? Who in their right mind would want to read that? Let him just fade away, like a bad memory...
My 1997' SE laserdisc transfer set - including extras.... (Released)
I started watching Jed/Feta's ANH SE disc today. Transfers I beleve were done by Dark Jedi, and I was very impressed with the quality of the picture and sound. Compared with Editdroid set/Cowclops V2 (the only other sets I have to compare against), I thought the picture quality was as least as good or better than the above mentioned sets. I'm not sure one can really compare the two sets, however, given the different sources (DE vs. SE laserdics) Sound quality sounded good using Dolby Pro-Logic II. overall, a very good set. Great job, Dark Jedi and Boba Feta!
Info & Offer: dark_jedi DVD gift packs
Dark Jedi: The discs came yesterday. I appreciate it and I will write up a review once I get a chance to watch them. I've watched some of the SE and DC sets and they look good so far. Thanks for all your work on these!
starwarsfan8376: I am copying this now for you and will get it in the mail once I get finished, probably Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest. Hope you enjoy it!
OK i need gaming console help here.......
There were more games for the intellivision, and some very good ones, like Pitfall, and astrosmash. but the intellivision had that strange controller with the center disc. But the Colecovision also had a strange controller, IIRC. I think it was a very short, stubby joystick that you had to move with your palm. Which is why I say that the Atari 2600 had the best games of the era, with a decent controller. Only graphics was better on the last two systems.
The Mace Windu Debate
It seems like to me that Lucas made more of a point to show the deaths of Mace Windu and the Jedi in the prequels after the EU got a hold of Fett. From the few interviews I've heard, Lucas seemed annoyed that Fett was brought back, even if he did approve his use. So characters like Mace Windu was given more definite ends. The character this really shows up with is Aalya Secura, the blue twilek female jedi. The clonetroopers were shown blasting her to nothing, I would think to specifically keep her from showing up in future EU books/comics, etc. Windu is gone, and hopefully some EU story won't ressurect him. I also agree that he wasn't as great of a character as he could of been/was lead to believe he would be. So I don't really want to see more of him.