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The Last Kingdom on Netflix! It’s super addicting. It has some problems but is one of those rare cases for me where the issues are eclipsed entirely by how fun it is. It moves very fast and relies on an almost perfect/universally loved protagonist, but it’s hard not to be invested in spite of all that. I’d say the condensed plot and character development are almost an asset because some of it wouldn’t land as well if we were allowed to stew on it for more than an episode.

Charming, if not shallow characters - but all very interesting in their own right - placed into wildly entertaining plotlines. I like it.

Going away? Post so here!

I’ll miss seeing your lovely posts snooker! You were one of the nicest most supportive members here, and I found your sensibilities regarding the franchise refreshing in contrast to a lot of other SW fans.

While we’re at it, I feel like I’ve been in the same boat as snooker for a while now - I just don’t have the willpower to not check this site as part of some boredom autopilot. I haven’t really updated my edits in while because I’m just so burnt out on Star Wars. I pretty much shitpost to make myself feel involved, but I can’t say I really am. If it weren’t for people waiting on my finished edits to use in their own projects I’d probably be gone by now too lmao.

The Unpopular Film, TV, Music, Art, Books, Comics, Games, & Technology Opinion Thread (for all you contrarians!)

fmalover said:

I don’t know why punk rock music is so popular. It’s all the same tempo, same notes, same chords, and in the case of the Sex Pistols in particular, they only had the most basic understanding of how to play musical instruments.

Seriously, why is there so much hype around such a rudimentary type of music?

It’s cathartic I guess. Like, ideally it’s the musical[sic] equivalent of letting out some anger and pretty much all of it out on the instruments. It’ll sound like it. That’s what’s fun about it, but also lends itself to lyrical subject matter that would sound odd in other genres.

I’m pretty much down for any genre of music tbh, they all have their place and purpose that other sounds won’t. I wouldn’t listen to R&B to get hyped up, for example. And you can’t hip or hop to classical music.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

Anakin Starkiller said:
I 100% believed he was trying to tell Rey he loved her and was shocked to find people read it differently. I may not have picked up on Stormpilot, but Finn’s simp act is hard to miss. Why else would he rush over to the Death Star ruins?

That subplot is basically jealous Han thinks Leia loves Luke in ROTJ lmao

I don’t know, if Finn’s simp act is supposedly telegraphing a romance, then all of the Finn/Poe stuff has more weight, because it’s more overt than that little un-reciprocated crush. But I digress.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

Anakin Starkiller said:

Look, I’m not opposed to Stormpilot, but at the end of the day I never picked up on any signs, and I say this as a Reylo fan. Maybe I’m just too straight to ever pick up on gay hints. Harley and Ivy seemed outta nowhere to me in Harley Quinn so…

I don’t think you have to be gay to feel any of that tension bro. xP

COAXIUM BEBOP (CB-style Solo Fanedit) (WIP)

Yeah, I wasn’t really thinking about any of that when working on this to be honest. The movie is what it is, and pretty much everything about this edit is coming from a different place creatively than “righting its wrongs.” (Which makes it a lot of fun to work on!)

That said, Maul probably won’t be in this edit for reasons along those lines. If there’s one thing I think they “should have” done, it’s make Qira’s decision to leave Han entirely her own. Of course Han may think she up and abandoned him, but we know she was trying to protect him. I think it would’ve been really interesting and heartbreaking if Qira ultimately decided she wanted Dryden’s throne more than she wanted to be with Han, and that’s why she leaves. It’d really hammer in how much she’s changed and moved on, and I feel even has roots in her yearning for more back on Corellia.

I think that fits the melancholy of Coaxium Bebop really nicely, and even mirrors the themes of Spike Spiegel’s own stunted emotionality from the original show. Han living in the past, falls into cynicism as a defense mechanism for all his hurt, and that follows him even into his backslide around TFA times.

Ideally, I’d like this to be almost a critique of Han’s character.

COAXIUM BEBOP (CB-style Solo Fanedit) (WIP)

Thanks everyone for the encouragement on this pretty obscure idea!

For an update, those 15 minutes have been tweaked a bit since I posted. I’ve added (back? I had to re-foley myself) some sound in the later parts of the clip and swapped out approximately the last third of “Elm” used with another portion of it. I just thought that it got a little repetitive at the end, so I use the guitar plucking from this point in the track. You’ll hear in the full edit I will release.

In the meantime, Here’s a rough draft of the next 13 minutes

Farewell Blues
You Make Me Cool
Too Good Too Bad
Stella By Moor
Green Bird

I don’t want to end up posting part after part before it’s fully done, but I did feel iffy about this immediate next portion. Levels, dialogue isolation, etc. I also wasn’t so sure about my usage of Green Bird, I feel like I might be stretching the premise thin here? Anyway, thoughts would help.

COAXIUM BEBOP (CB-style Solo Fanedit) (WIP)

Here’s a rough draft of the first 15 minutes

There’s a color grade and some grain/film effects to age the footage a bit - I thought that fit the vibe. The B&W flashforwards will stay clean and HD, the majority of the edit will be like in the preview, and I have another grading scheme for the scenes that take place on Corellia. Basically, it’ll be more saturated and grimy the further back in the timeline, with the OT/ST clips being monochrome.

Music used:
Spokey Dokey
A Heavy Blues Hook (from YouTuber WhistlersBrothers)
Don’t Bother None
Yo Pumpkin Head
Road to the West

Bebop uses not only music but also silence really well, so I tried to have stretches of just environmental sound to capture that laid back feel leading up to the heist, as well as tension during Enfys’ attack. For the cold-open “Memory” sequence, I used the Imperial alarm in place off the church bells.

I’m thinking about starting session two with Corellia flashbacks before returning to Beckett, Han, and Chewie.

COAXIUM BEBOP (CB-style Solo Fanedit) (WIP)

Cowboy Bebop isn’t really anime anime FWIW. Its influences are rooted in western culture and cinema and none of the otaku culture and tropes that typically turn people off of the medium are in it.

I will say, part of me kind of hopes some people will watch this edit without having seen Bebop actually. I highly recommend the show either way, but I also want the edit’s style to speak for itself and not just be a novelty of “Oh! I get how this is a reference! etc. etc.”

I think there is something inherently melancholic about Han’s story in Solo, and I think the tone and pacing of Bebop really bring that out more. He’s just a kid, willingly headed towards a darker, complicated, criminal future because of his heart. And that defines his life, even in his final moments. It’s amazing how well that thematically works with Bebop.

COAXIUM BEBOP (CB-style Solo Fanedit) (WIP)

(password: fanedit)

Cowboy Bebop is one of my favorite shows of all time, and Star Wars is a franchise very close to my heart. Naturally, I’ve always been thinking of ways I could express my love for both. So here we are! This is a fanedit I’ve been fooling around with of Solo (2018) in Cowboy Bebop’s style. I mean, it’s perfect. Space cowboys and past loves, they’re thematically perfect for each other.

Basically, this edit will be Solo re-scored and edited to be more introspective and melancholic. The soundtrack is an eclectic mix of primarily jazz and blues. It’s very stylistic and deliberately paced, but a lot of fun.

I hope this can scratch those Pulp Empire, or Neon Noir itches.

Here’s the original “Memory” cold open I’m emulating in the preview for comparison to the source

Music is a very important part of Bebop’s DNA, and that will stay true for this edit. Sequences of the film will be split into sessions, named after certain songs and musical references (for example, part one is named after The Rolling Stones’ “Silver Train”) and I’ll definitely be using motifs throughout. “Memory”/“Adieu” for flashbacks/forwards, etc.

It’s not even close to being done yet, but I needed a break from some of my other edits to do something a little more fun. It’s generally just re-scoring and de-foleying so far, but I’m thinking about making some graphics for the bumpers in between acts and whatnot. I’m also open to some music suggestions - from CB or otherwise. Some Empire Jazz might make it into here. 😉

Stay tuned!

What is the main Star Wars Saga about?

It’s pretty simple I’d think: Star Wars as a series is about storytelling, and the act of passing stories down. It’s rooted in a fun genre pastiche, with the original film(s) as a classic monomyth set in a storied world. The prequels then set out to deconstruct the ideals inherent in those stories from a more sociopolitical angle (The Empire rooted in capitalism, the classical masculine ideals are problematic, etc.) then the sequels tr(ied) to make sense of it all from a postmodernist perpsective: why are these stories important to us? How do you apply their lessons to real and imperfect people?

On every level, from Luke’s quest to fulfill his father’s legacy, to George’s borrowing of references, to even its cultural impact thereafter - Star Wars is about legends and how we interpret them. How the Jedi interpet their code, how Luke chooses to see his father, how Rey or Kylo see history, and their futures.


The Unpopular Film, TV, Music, Art, Books, Comics, Games, &amp; Technology Opinion Thread (for all you contrarians!)

I guess my unpopular opinion is that “greater plot” is one of the most overrated things in media criticism, though I don’t deny that some things could benefit from honing in on one. (Although even that’s a pacing thing, and not really about a certain mode of storytelling.)

Just hanging out with characters I like, in a world I’m invested in - it’s not even that that’s “good enough for me” like I feel someone would ascribe to this opinion - I genuinely think the format has potential to be, and often is, just as good as or better than an overarching plot.

I can understand why someone would want/need that since that was me once upon a time - just when I was 19 and hadn’t really watched anything. I hope that doesn’t sound condescending.

Revenge of the Sith (The New Canon Cut) [ON HOLD INDEFINITELY]

It’s not too negative! (Nothing will be for me tbh!) I definitely understand what you mean and was on the fence about it. Hence the question mark.

I’m of a few minds about it. I definitely think it makes Anakin immediately more unsympathetic, but I also feel like that should be okay if everything that gets him to that unsympathetic point makes sense. It’s the story of Anakin’s fall after all. If he goes from a good person to a bad child-murdering one and it tracks - well, that’s the kind of thing that impresses me in other media. It’s so dark in a way that is emotionally affecting if not for remembering who he was and for the people close to him. It’s not like this scene isn’t implied by the events in the film anyway.

But yes, overall the arc from I-VI for this character is redemption. That is much harder to argue for if Darth Vader is explicitly a mass murderer of children. I think I might make two versions when the time comes.