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Midichlorians Are Not The Force

The Force and the microbes are separate entities. And yet doing a blood test for them is normal, as if the Force power level is measured in Midochlorian XP. Once again the prequels try something vaguely interesting but muddle it so badly that it never works. Mysticism and biology become blurred making the whole thing reductive and stupid.

Now try and re-write this by saying that they are attracted to a Jedi somehow, maybe that would work. Maybe those who train hardest can absorb more of them and gain mysterious wisdom or something. But claiming that they talk to the Jedi and it never gets mentioned again? Just nonsense.

At the end of the day people like feeling as if they can vicariously live out the adventures of Luke etc. But if you say Luke is only strong with the Force thanks to his high M-cell count because of hereditary traits? Big surprise everyone hates it.

Unpopular Opinion Thread

fmalover said:

Strip away all the supplementary material, and judging him exclusively on the movies, I must say Boba Fett is amongst the most overrated characters in Star Wars.

The only thing he has going for him is the undeniably cool looking suit of armour. Apart from that he does absolutely nothing noteworthy, and in TESB they only call him “bounty hunter”, just to show how little Lucas thought about him.

I sincerely don’t understand why he’s so popular with fans as he’s pretty much a nothing character.

Yeah but the same can be said of Bossk and IG-88. They are cool because they do nothing. In fact in some ways the supplementary material takes away from the mystique too much.

Unpopular Opinion Thread

Servii said:

I’m just telling you that good films exist and bad films exist.

Only in your mind young padawan.

Cthulhunicron said:

Possibly. It just seems to me that if you attempt something drastically different with Star Wars…it kinda ceases to feel like Star Wars and just becomes generic sci-fi. If it just becomes a series about the Republic fighting against various different military threats from other planets, then it basically becomes Star Trek or Mass Effect.

I think there’s only so much you can do without the space wizard elements bleeding in. The other components that give that “SW feeling” are generally the Western tropes and the underworld crime tropes. Sooner or later the outer reaches of these ideas are likely to be met. Even the design language and visual style of SW has a lot of limitations, which accounts for a lot of why the prequels don’t feel right.

Unpopular Opinion Thread

Again why is this still a debate. Here are the objective things you can say about a film. The number of crystals in each piece of celluloid. The number of spoken words that are heard in the finished edit. The number of colours used in the chemical process. Subjectively the resulting film might well be a huge piece of crap. But enjoyment and taste aren’t things you can measure or count.