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Info & Offer: Dear Santa...
Originally posted by: Notorius OB1
D*mn. I've been too busy with school to catch these generous offers fast enough.

Hate to sound like a beggar, but if anyone would be willing to send any of the following discs, I'll be honored to pay it forward x3 (after Christmas when I have my DVD burner).

OCP's "A New Hope" Classic Edition
OCP's "Empire Strikes Back" Classic Edition
Magnoliafan's "Balance of the Force" and "The Clone War" edits
Any version of the OOT "Return of the Jedi"

Happy Life Day, everyone!

I don't have the ESB Classic edition in my possesion yet, but I can send you all the others you asked for, if you haven't aranged that already.
Please note that the Magnoliafan's edits I have are in divX format.
Specify the version of ROTJ you want, give me your address and I'll send you your discs.
Info & Offer: Dear Santa...
90 DVD's went in the mail today (relief)
Please inform me when you receive your mail or if there is any problem with the discs.
I am afraid I did something quite stupid:
I went out on Friday and bought 50 envelopes with bubles inside, but it turned out they were too small to fit the DVD's if I put cases too.
So I had to wrap the DVD's with a piece of A4 paper to avoid scratches, and send them without cases. I hope that does not bother you too much (after all, it's what's inside that counts).

Note that those of you who asked for Moth3r's discs got one disc extra: The recently released Moth3r's ROTJ, cause I know you'll want it when you see the first two.
THX: I send your discs to your UK address.

Many thanks go to gltaylor74 and Robert Heymann: You deserve my gratitude! Be assured that your contribution made me able to send discs to more people.
Many thanks go also to ricardo and pittrek for their kind will to help me.

<strong>The &quot;ADigitalMan Special Editions&quot; DVD Info and Feedback Thread</strong> (Released)
Need some help over here...
I received ADM's SW epIII with SW spoofs and the Musical Journey DVD, and I am now bound to pif it to 3 other fine members, plus some guys that asked for the discs in the "Dear Santa" thread.
As I found out quite late, the last files of my SW spoofs copy are completely unreadable.
the easiest solution would be for the guy who sent me the disc to send me another one, but I don't want to put all the people on the wait because of this, so I figured out a way I might resolve this relatively quickly:
I managed to retrieve (after 5 hours of patience) all the files of the SW spoofs disc part one:
The VTS_12_1.vob file that is only half way readable. I set an FTP server here *link removed*
The file size is rather considerable (451MB) but if someone has a broadband connection and could spend 2,5 hours of uploading, it would serve the guys that are waiting on the line for me a great deal.
If someone can, please do help out.
The transfer can be initiated by simple copy-paste.
Please note that I have alowed for only one simultaneus login to avoid duplicate file uploads, so please don't hit that link unless you are serious about helping here. If not, you could be preventing someone else who is.
Thank you in advance
STAR WARS: The Torrents thread
Originally posted by: agr1170
Originally posted by: RATLSNAKE
Originally posted by: scalesojustice
would it be possible for anyone to throw up the classic editions of star wars and empire?

^ That would be a very awesome XMAS present.

If I could get upload status on MYSPLEEN I would do those and many more. I have a Broadband connection. I would upload on Demonoid but I would rather do it on MYSPLEEN. Can you help me become an uploader on there Rikter or Metallaxis?

I am sorry but I can't help you get uploader status
I don't know any of myspleen administrators.

However, as it has been stated in the apropriate thread, Star Wars and Empire strikes back classic edition will soon be posted @ myspleen by Rikter and me. So please be a little more patient.
And a small request: Please try to seed as much as you can. Keeping the torrents from dying needs the contribution of us all...
Info &amp; Offer: Dear Santa...
Funny statistic:
It stroke me as a strange fact, so I counted:
Out of 16 American people who gave me their addersses, only 4 did specify their country!
No other country resident forgot to mention his country...
I'm lucky USA postal codes are easily distinguished by the two state letters
Be carefull you guys, not everyone lives in the States, and you might lose your mail one day....
Star Wars: Classic Edition by Ocpmovie (Released)
Is ESB classic edition gonna be posted at absw in the near future?
Or shall I make arrangements to get it mailed to me???

Then again, I could wait for Riketr's torrent.
While doing that, maybe I'll put some weight off Rikter's shoulders by posting SW Classic edition myself (don't wish to step on any toes Rik, I just wanna help, so you could post ESB sooner. If you have any objections I'll step off)
When did you give up with the Prequels, TPM, AOTC, or ROTS?
Personally, I never did...
yes, sure TPM was a disapointment, not only because of Jar Jar, but also because the 16 year anticipation for the movie placed a heavy burdon on it. In 1999, people had already seen so many special effects in various movies, that when they went to see TPM they expected something extraorinary that was never delivered. Instead, they were given some more special effects that did not impress the audience as they would in the 1980's and a really weak scenario. That was a huge dissapointment.
But besides that, I really can't see why people hated AOTC so much. IMHO it was a much better film than TPM. It's scenario had it's weak points, but had some really nice elements too. Don't forget: AOTC is the story of a teenager, and a very impulsive one. So what did you expect? Joda's wisdom? No, the film demonstrated (as it should) Anakin's weaknesses, the ones that would ultimately lead him to become what he became.
And to those who say that AOTC is a silly love story: I find the love story taking place in AOTC much more apealing than the one in ROTJ, but I don't hear anyone complain about ROTJ.

just a reminder:
Solo: You love him, don't you?
Leia: Yes (clueless about the misunderstanding that is about to happen!!!)
Solo: Alright, I understand, alright. When he comes back, I won't get in the way.
Leia: (surprized) It's not like that at all, he is my brother


So my opinion is that AOTC convienced me that ROTS would be a really great movie, and I waited for it with great anticipation. And when I went to the theatre to wach ROTS, i must say I at last was not disapointed at all
Info &amp; Offer: Dear Santa...
Quick briefing: I am sorry I didn't answer to each PM or mail you sent me individually, but I think posting here would save me much time.
When I'll be finished sending gifts, I'll look at your pm's again and answer all that need answering.

For the time being:
Adamwankenobi, DarthBoMan, Rebelscum, catofong, svenge, Trooperman, Ell the Ewok, ReverendBeastly, Robert Heymann, you'll soon get your Christmass present.

ricardo, Max_Rebo, agr1170, Kaal-Jhyy, gltaylor74, pittrek, starwarsfan8376, Jerclay, RickWJ324, THX, Erikstormtrooper, I still need your addresses, please send them to me via pm.

Knightmessenger, I will send you an e-mail with the info you wish to know, so you could make your request and give me your address.

Merry Christmass!!!
Info &amp; Offer: Dear Santa...
@ Mother: once again, I'll gladly help you

@ everyone else: I have got too many requests over pm or just a post on the thread, so you will have to give me some time to proccess all of them (Santa's elves are not of much help lately )
I am afriad I won't be able to get any more requests for the moment.

But I have a suggestion: Since there was so much intrest in my offer, maybe we could turn this thread to a gift-giving thread, where everyone in the Christmass mood could make his gift offer. What do you say?
.: Moth3r's PAL DVD project :.
Originally posted by: RATLSNAKE
Originally posted by: Moth3r
is currently being posted to the newsgroup.

If the usual parties who have news group access can torrent this once they get it, like always I will be forever in their debt.

*RATKSNAKE looks towards Metallaxis*


I will download it and then (with Moth3r's permission) I'll post it @ myspleen
STAR WARS: The Torrents thread
Originally posted by: agr1170
========Presents in a joint effort w/ Boba Feta============
(Jedi/Feta) 97' Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition

Is this going to be on MYSPLEEN? I know its on Demonoid but it took me a week to download 2GB from there. It would take 2 months to downlaod 12GB. I could get it downloaded from Myspleen in couple days. I would love to have these.

This set is on it's way to my doorstep
I should have it within the next week. If so, and if there is demand, I could upload it @ Myspleen.
But for the time beeing, Babyhum 007, and Dark jedi's ESB/ROTJ are my first priority.