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The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

Every great empire reaches a point where going backward can seem more appealing than going forward. When the world is changing so fast, it makes us yearn for the old ways when life seemed simpler. But it doesn’t mean those old ideas are good for us now. We have to face one hard reality as a country … the new Star Wars was not as good as everyone thought it was.

The Random <em>Star Wars</em> Pics &amp; GIFs Thread

ATMachine said:
they went to see if the 3D was any good. And then in six months’ time they had largely forgotten it.

Just for the 3D (which was awesome and the only good 3D I’ve seen with Gravity and The walk) ? Not because it was James Cameron ? Not because it was the man which previous movie was Titanic ? The movie had an impact, people still talk about it (geeks mostly hate it for reasons I don’t understand). The only issue is that it’s taking quite a long time to get to see the sequel(s). We’ll really know what the Avatar cultural impact is when the second one is released.

<strong>STAR WARS: REBELS</strong> (animated tv series) - a general discussion thread

You know I’m french, I don’t see the difference between moron, prick, douche, etc. So I picked one which seemed suitable to the guy; I use the same with you, my little frinkette. Now, if you don’t want to talk about the tvseries you can go **** (could be “read”, who knows ?) yourself (or duramachin) elsewhere.

@ Lord Haseo
Well I think I mostly agree. Like I said I hope the season proves me wrong in the end. But season 2 kinda had the same narrative issue that was hidden by very good stand-alones and the residual TCW sequel that was infused in it. So far, the season 3 stand-alone episodes are just ok and Maul’s caméo appearence is mediocre (imho).

<strong>STAR WARS: REBELS</strong> (animated tv series) - a general discussion thread

Yeah I understand that, but the fact is that twice in a row he could have easily destroyed one rebel captain and two Jedis as well as one of the most efficient crew of the rebellion and he doesn’t for a “master plan” we - as the audience - have no clue about (not even a hint of some kind, just “they shall see… they… shall… see” stuff). This is why I don’t like the way it’s written because there is no real contruction of the main season plot yet, things don’t add up so far, so it doesn’t work well (but it seems I’m the only one bothered by that). When Vader in season 2 or Tarkin in ANH lets the rebels go away we quickly know why; here it’s just “yeah they can go away, I want the entire fleet”. Thrawn reminds me of Maul (series version): (very) talkative and smart ass but in the end everything falls apart for every possible reason. But again I would be pleased the show proves me I was wrong.

<strong>STAR WARS: REBELS</strong> (animated tv series) - a general discussion thread

So Thrawn basically gets own by childish tricks for the second time since the beginning of the season ? With a master plan that no one gets ? He seems pretty sure of himself each time but we never see in what way he puts the heroes in real danger. At least season 2’s Vader had a quick plan and within a single episode narrative destroyed half the rebel fleet. Quite disappointed by Thrawn. A weak vilain. I don’t like the way season 3 is written. Weakest season so far.

Rogue One * <em>Spoilers</em> * Thread

It’s pretty clear in ANH that Bail Organa was supposed to get the plans. And we know he’s in a caméo sequence with Mothma when the mission is discussed, so I guess it was Captain Antilles job to get the plans so that as a diplomatic ship he could avoid further Imperial investigation… but Vader couldn’t care less about diplomatic regulations and attacks the ship. The fact is that Leia was also supposed to meet with Ben and ask him to get involved. We might get some more info about a “hidden Jedi Knight who could help us”.

[I also wouldn’t mind at all a scene with the Imperial Senate, since we’ve never seen the Senate in the Imperial era; could be quite fun to see PT and OT visual styles colliding in one sequence]

Rogue One * <em>Spoilers</em> * Thread

The surprising part of the trailer (for me) is the huge space battle. We really need a good space battle: TFA space battle wasn’t very imaginative, TPM’s was too short, ROTS opening was not really a space battle and AOTC only had a short asteroid chase. The cgi models for the x-wings seem too “clean” in the trailer (and there is a weird ornage color on the walkers), so I guess there is still some work to be done on the effects before the release of the movie.