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Rogue One * <em>Spoilers</em> * Thread

Swazzy said:

They’re sort of the in universe audience/observers of the grand story, while being completely oblivious to the fact.

That has always been the point. But for some reasons 3PO got his memory wiped (I prefer to imagine the wipe didn’t work and that he still remembered a few things prior to ANH). The ROTJ “storytelling scene” stays a very charming moment in the saga.

3PO caméo does not work in R1. I think he should have been in the ending scene (instead of Leia), just for the fun of Vader seeing him 😃 (“Master Ani! Thanks the mak… oh… RUN R2 RUN !!!”).

Rogue One * <em>Spoilers</em> * Thread

TV’s Frink said:

Lord Haseo said:

Mavimao said:

MalàStrana said:

  • “Star Wars fans only want one thing: Vader”
  • “I will not condone a course of pointless fan films that will lead us to more nostalgia madness !”

This just goes to show how diverse the Star Wars fandom is and how impossible it is to satisfy everybody.

I forget who said it, but if ANH was released today, it would be crucified by today’s culture.

They’d be calling Luke a Mary Sue

No, because Luke is a dude, and we only make that complaint about chicks.

Only about chicks… and only when the character is a Mary-Sue, meaning badly written and ridiculously over the top (Luke in ANH is perfectly written). You don’t hear/read that about Casey or Athena in Tomorrowland or Joy in Inside Out. On the other hand, Erso is no Mary-Sue: she doesn’t do anything at all for 2 hours but when she does it seems “normal”, like the other characters, not out of character (the writing is still quite terrible though).

Rogue One * <em>Spoilers</em> * Thread

Mavimao said:
I forget who said it, but if ANH was released today, it would be crucified by today’s culture.

Why ?

Were The Matrix, Avatar or Lord of the rings crucified by today’s culture ?

(and basically today’s culture has been partially defined by Star Wars so I don’t get your point)

(I don’t even understand the relevance here…)

You’re just repeating dumb statement which don’t mean anything trying to appear cool (you’ve failed by the way) or you really believe that ?

Clone Wars Movie Series - Episodes (Seasons) I to V released...

Ok about the wipes: since I’ve never gone as far as trying to do wipes in editing I didn’t know how hard it could be. So indeed it’s a very small issue that’s just noticeable here and there.

Excellent Episode IV by the way, with great fan-editing (you’ve achieved near perfection here, hope you’ll find enough time to complete your project and to make a few small corrections to your 3 first three edits as well). Funny thing is that the overall plot (the first two acts) is like an AOTC reboot which ends with another Geonosis battle (had the actual AOTC been done that way, we wouldn’t be that harsh against this Episode). Must confess I’m not a fan of the brain invaders subplot but there wasn’t much choice to complete the story with Ahsoka narrative arc otherwise. So really, an excellent episode that makes the uneven tvseries a worthy addition to the canon. And the best episodes are still to come 😃

I guess next installment will deal with Ventress and the Nightsisters, introducing formely Darth Maul ?

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

suspiciouscoffee said:

MalàStrana said:

Jupiter Ascending, a failure but a new concept (like a squirrel-faced Matrix)

I fixed this because the way it was typed seemed out of character for you.

Thanks man ! But I’m afraid I don’t agree since Kunis is a better actress and she does not remind me a squirrel like Riley does… (I’m still trying to find a nickname for Felicity Jones but she has so little emotion during the entire R1… oh… well, emotionless Jones seems appropriate).

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

@ generalfrevious

I may add that during the previous 15 years we’ve got new possibilities: Avatar, which was successful enough to get (I hope) worthy sequels; John Carter, a missed opportunity (movie is mediocre but a sequel could have been awesome); Jupiter Ascending, a failure but a new concept (like a feminist-oriented Matrix); Tomorrowland, great but didn’t make any money; Speed Racer, which is basically one of the best movies of the past decade and an invitation to a new kind of cinema (sadly we’ll never get to see the sequels); etc.

Star Wars Episode I: Cloak Of Deception (Released)

Hal 9000 said:
I’m hoping to avoid mentioning either a “thousand years” OR a “thousand generations,” because of the ambiguity between the OT and PT’s depiction of the timeline, EU material notwithstanding.

Just don’t mention it, there is no need. That’s why I would change “menace” by “ancient menace”, that way you get some kind of a “long time” idea without using “years” or “generations”.

Ranking the Star Wars films

It’s funny how we share the same ranking and the same grades, at the exception of the Disney “body snatcher” era. That’s really what bugs me. I don’t know what’s going on with this Rogue One madness. I can even understand the buzz for episode 7 which has a few good things (and a marvellous Williams score; especially compared to the flat Giacchino’s effort), but R1 is such a mess I couldn’t even find one good point. I wonder what you will really think of it in a few years when the hype is down, when you’re older. Anyway, you’re lucky to love it.

edit: oh you’ve answered to me on the R1 topic. Well, your a nice guy Darth. That refreshing not getting insulted for not loving a movie.

Rogue One * <em>Spoilers</em> * Thread

A complete negation of Star Wars in a boring and empty movie (almost nothing happens during the first 90 minutes), where characters are never constructed, have no story arcs, with terrible actors who deliver dialogues that are laughable (“save the rebellion… save the dream”… “rebellions are built on hope”… “I hate sand, it’s…” no, not this one, for a second I thought so…). It even beats Lucas on his own field of destroying continuity (rebels will become dumb and forget how to destroy Star Destroyer… so Leia is just above the planet where the shit happens ?.. oh, the death star is already operational then… so Tarkin is no longer arrogant at the end of SW, he’s plain stupid when we consider the efficiency of the rebel fleet: man, you really should evacuate you know !), but that’s not the worst, I can live with minor inconsistencies, as long as they are put in a decent movie. Rogue One is not. Not even close. Not only a terrible SW: it’s a terrible movie on its own. You want a true war movie, with emotion and war scenes with an insane creativity achievement, with layered characters and powerful themes ? Go watch Hacksaw Ridge. Rogue one is a dry piece of shit. In comparaison the awful episode 7 looks good (movie that I quite enjoyed at my first screening). I don’t blame Gareth: he never had the choice to make the good war movie he had in mind, the gap in quality with his interesting Godzilla is huge. I won’t even mention the lame fanservice (“blue milk… blue milk everywhere !”) and the ethical issue of recreating dead performances (great cgi, not perfect yet but this technology is amazing… pointless but amazing). I wanted so badly to like it, at least a few sequences, at least a few shots.

The special edition was the first stroke, but it still was Star Wars. The PT was a disappointment partially saved by the unique qualities of its third act in spite of key sequences completely failed, and it was for me the end of Star Wars, the second stroke, but it still was Star Wars, bad but unique and fascinating. The Disney Era is no longer Star Wars: the “Star Wars body snatcher” era. An insult to the saga and, by extension, to the Cinema. I’m really sad, but now it’s time for me to let it go.


Ranking the Star Wars films


  1. A New Hope (10/10)
  2. The Empire Strikes Back (10/10)
  3. Return of the Jedi (8.5/10)
    3.5. Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars (8/10)
  4. Revenge of the Sith (7/10)
    4.5.1. smudger9’s The Clone Wars movies (7/10)
    4.5.2. The Clone Wars Tvseries (6/10)
  5. The Phantom Menace (4/10)
  6. Attack Of The Clones (2/10)
  7. The Force Awakens (1.5/10)
  8. The Clone Wars 2008 Movie (0.5/10)
  9. The Star Wars Holiday Special (0/10)
  10. Rogue One (-1/10)

edit: updated.

Rogue One * <em>Spoilers</em> * Thread

ZkinandBonez said:

However the overall consensus of RO so far is pretty positive.

Considering how much TFA was praised, it’s predictable.

(and it’s depressing, yep. Still haven’t seen it, hope it’s better than the awful episode 7…)

(but it’s remarkable how well so called SW fans can accept anything thanks to huge “OT” bits wrapped everywhere. Even CGI Leia seems alright for fans… really depressing…)

Star Wars Episode I: Cloak Of Deception (Released)

So, if I may, here is my feedback:

Episode I
It is a time of decay in the GALACTIC REPUBLIC. In this turmoil of dissidence and corruption, an ancient menace lurks in the shadows of the galaxy.

Taking advantage of the Galactic Senate’s complacency, the greedy TRADE FEDERATION has seized the peaceful planet of Naboo with a blockade of deadly warships.

With the newly elected Queen of Naboo desperate for help, the Supreme Chancellor has secretly dispatched two Jedi Knights, the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, to end the conflict…

I’ve merged your text with bits of Lucas original version and tried to make the transition between the first two paragraphs more natural and trivial.

edit: a fistful of suggestions…
“rises again/awakens/returns” instead of “lurks”
“While Queen Amidala, Ruler of Naboo, seeks for help, the Supreme…”
“to settle the conflict” instead of “to end…”

edit2: well, second version with some of the previous suggestions implemented:

Episode I
It is a time of decay in the GALACTIC REPUBLIC. Within this turmoil of dissidence and corruption, an ancient menace rises again in the darkness.

Taking advantage of the Galactic Senate’s complacency, the greedy TRADE FEDERATION has seized the peaceful planet of Naboo with a blockade of deadly warships.

While Queen Amidala of Naboo seeks for help, the Supreme Chancellor has secretly dispatched two Jedi Knights, the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, to end the conflict…

Clone Wars Movie Series - Episodes (Seasons) I to V released...

Yep, and the issue does not appear on your previous edits. Well, it’s something really easy to correct with audacity (I’m doing it right now).

(edit: “L C R Ls LFE Rs” order you mean ?)

Ok about the slow down speed, I was wondering why because most of the wipes don’t have this slower motion. So I guess it’s fine !

Clone Wars Movie Series - Episodes (Seasons) I to V released...

Just a quick remark: you should ask someone to read your opening crawl next time 😃 (“seperatist”).

And it seems there is the same technical issue present on your other episodes, some kind of frame slow-down in speed for transitions wipes. I don’t know if it’s intentional or an editing issue (i.e. something you can’t correct).

edit: a little bit more important: I’m afraid you’ve made an error when you’ve imported the 5.1 audio track:

  • channel 1 is front left
  • channel 2 is front right
  • channel 3 is center
  • channel 4 is the basse (0.1)
  • channel 5 is rear left
  • channel 6 is rear right

I think you’ve interverted 2/3 and 4/5.