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The Original Trilogy restored from 35mm prints (a WIP)

DrDre said:

Laserschwert said:

I’d really love to see what amount of detail you could get from the speeder shot. You could always add grain to it afterwards to make it appear more natural. Since cleaning up the shot at all is already revisionism in itself, I’d say it’s fair to cheat a bit like that.

I would say cleaning up the shot to approach the image on the original negative is not revisionism. Cleaning up the shot to recover the maximum amount of detail with modern techniques with the purpose to recover an enhanced image beyond what was possible in 1977 is revisionism in my view.

Well yeah, I meant cleaning up the dirt that was created during those optical printer runs is revisionism. But most of the dirt in that shot came from that, and not from striking prints of the final shot. It’s never going to look much better than what we have now anyway. But that’s why I’d like to see HOW much better Poita’s tool can make this look (including removal of the defects that were created during compositing) without recomposing it.

I have to admit though that this cleanup wouldn’t have a place in a preservation, but in the Despecialized Edition.

The Original Trilogy restored from 35mm prints (a WIP)

I’d really love to see what amount of detail you could get from the speeder shot. You could always add grain to it afterwards to make it appear more natural. Since cleaning up the shot at all is already revisionism in itself, I’d say it’s fair to cheat a bit like that.

Also to clean up the non-Blu-ray parts of that Despecialized shot, I used AviSynth (and some manual painting in AfterEffects), which quite likely might have produced inferior results to what your new tool might do.

Furthermore we now have much better sources for that shot available (like 4K77).

4K restoration on Star Wars

nickyd47 said:

The Phantom Menace was shot on 35MM so that can be true 4K, however the other two prequels were shot digitally and not even at 1080p

TPM’s effects weren’t done at 4k though, so most of the movie will still have to be upscaled. And since they probably won’t go through the effort of replacing the handful of VFX-free shots with native 4k material, I’d even guess they’ll just upscale the whole thing.

Das Imperium schlägt zurück - Despecialized Edition 2.1 (German) (Released)

benduwan said:

mal ne frage zum lauftext.
da steht am ende:…" - hat tausende ferngesteuert raumsonden bis…".
müßte es nicht heißen “ferngesteuerter”?
auch wenn es im OT so ist,wollte nur mal wissen ob es ein fehler in der rechtschreibung war/ist.
frohe weihnachten.

Also ich lese da “ferngesteuerte”, nicht “ferngesteuert” 😉

Aber tatsächlich wäre wohl “ferngesteuerter” richtigER… ist mir nie aufgefallen. Eigentlich sollten aber beide Varianten stimmen.

Info: FrameCompare.com - A New Screenshot Comparison Site - Bug reports and Feature Requests

Taking this from NeverarGreat’s thread I think you misunderstood my problem then: What I want is to be able to quickly switch between two version even blindly, and even when their tabs are not positioned next to each other. As it is now I have to carefully move the cursor up above the tabs, and back down to the correct tab. But I have a better idea: Right now you allow to upload up to 6 images - can you maybe add keyboard support so that you can change the image by simply pressing its number key?

Neverar's A New Hope Technicolor Recreation <strong>(Final Version Released!)</strong>

This is really awesome! Do you take feature requests? Actually I only have one: Right now the fact that you can have multiple images to compare (which is awesome!) poses the problem that two images that aren’t directly next to each other (in the Bond example “SE DVD” and “35mm”) can’t be quickly compared. Would it be possible to also change the image when hovering over it (instead of just the title tab), to switch between the currently selected version, and the previously selected one? I.e. you first hover over “SE DVD” then over “35mm” and now, when moving the cursor on and off the image, it switches between these two versions?

Maybe there’s an easier way… a check box next to each title (whereas only two can be selected) would do as well.