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John Doom

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General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

darklordoftech said:

It's interesting how open to interpretation Vader letting Piett live is. There's three meanings that I can think of:

1. Vader was distracted.

2. Vader respects Piett.

3. Vader was beginning to move away from the dark side.

I agree that it's (1). The comic book actually says that he walks away thinking about, possibly, the future (which is not the jedi way, according to Yoda).

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

Have you seen this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyOUESbTCRk

At last a new Star Wars movie recorded on a REAL set! ;)

emanswfan said:

Nice to see that Michael Ardnt and Lucas really had essentially no influence whatsoever on the movie.

I myself think having Lucas to direct the ST would make it terrible, but with no one involved in the creation of the OT returning (except thankfully Kasdan) it may not be the same franchise we know, just new movies with "Star Wars" in their titles.

4K restoration on Star Wars

Frank your Majesty said:

The car will never catch on, horses are more than adequate for the masses.

Cars and horses are like apples and oranges, in both functionality and uses, while 1080p TVs and 4k TVs are the same, except in resolution and size (again, because a 4k TV has to be pretty big in order to actually appreciate its resolution).

People like me just want to buy a TV, put it in a living room, making sure it doesn't take too much space and that it can be seen at the right distance (about 2 meters).

team_negative1 said:

4k will be a spectacular failure, much like the bluray format is compared to vhs and dvd adoption. Digital files have replaced them for flexibility and forwards improvements at a much quicker pace.

Well, I don't think digital 4k resolution will be a failure, because it will find some application one way or another.

4k TVs, though, are in my opinion coming too early and are pretty much pointless too (as our very "negative" fellow said :D). The way I see it, it's just an excuse to make us buy something unnecessary.

... But it will sell nonetheless! :D

StarWarsLegacy.com - The Official Thread

TV's Frink said:

Lust-In-Phaze said:

they already have a 4K version

 Um, what?

The ones they recently screened, I guess. But, as savestarwars.com said (http://web.archive.org/web/20140312150335/http://savestarwars.com/specialeditionfail.html )

What is more, the Special Edition version here was only scanned from the film negatives at 1080p. This is to be the new digitial master for the films, and all of the new ILM work was done from this scan. So, if you ever see the films in theatres again, it will be from 1080 lines of resolution, never mind a 2K scan (I guess an 8K scan is just crazy talk at this point).

So, if true, they're just sh***y 2004's upscales, right? Is it good enough for them?

4K restoration on Star Wars

Yes, technically xb1 and ps4 can achieve 1080p (though usually no more than 30fps at that resolution).

What I'm saying is that since 2005, when 720p become standard for consoles (not even 1080p!), companies are financially struggling to make content designed for that resolution: hi-res textures, hi-poly models and motion capture (which means paying professional actors too). You see, increasing the resolution doesn't necessarily mean better graphic if you don't do content designed for it: you may have sharp images, but it will eventually make textures look blurry and models too blocky.

AAA companies struggled to handle even 720p content without increasing production costs (which means increasing financial risks) and loosing more and more money each year (look at EA). The situation has worsen since the new 1080p standard (just look at what's happening at Konami, trying to exit consoles' business to work on mobile). AAA videogames' production costs went from $3M in 2005 to $20M by now. If companies can't find a way to save money and reduce financial risks, they won't be able to support 4k content any time soon. But it's ok, because they're probably going to stick to 1080p in this console generation, while making (intentionally) crappy ports on pc.

4K restoration on Star Wars

Apparently my tv is 48", so I got to fix this:

John Doom said:

Now to stay off-topic, we know 4k televisions' resolution can only be appreciated on a big screen (probably bigger than 50")... now tell me, how are customers supposed to bring them home!? I'm not buying it :\

timdiggerm said:

4K monitors are becoming the standard thing to buy for gamers when going for a top-of-the-line gaming system. Pretty soon they'll be the standard for PC gaming.

With the AAA videogames companies already struggling with 720p (not even 1080p!) visuals' costs, 4k would bring them to bankrupt if happening too soon :\

DavidMerrick said:

Yeah, 4K is just not practical for most living room setups.

team_negative1 said:

With small screens, you won't be able to tell the difference between 720p, 1080p let alone 2160p.

4k is superfluous for the majority of people.

 That's what I'm talking about, you expressed my concerns better than I could :D

TV's Frink said:

What are you, a mouse?


 Nope, but, maybe I was a mouse-droid in galaxy far, far away :D

4K restoration on Star Wars

Harmy said:

4K BD players are already officially announced and the number of people with 4K TVs is growing rapidly.

We know Lucasfilm is always late to the party when it comes to technology :D (not sure about Disney, though)

Now to stay off-topic, we know 4k televisions' resolution can only be appreciated on a big screen (probably bigger than 30")... now tell me, how are customers supposed to bring them home!? I'm not buying it :\

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

I think bolts have become purple because of the reddish 2004's color grading (in fact they were blue in '97), so no doubt he has already fixed that :D

JEDIT: It seems they were purple from the beginning. If anything, they got even more purple :D

97 SE: http://youtu.be/C_Bs9GUkhIU?t=128

GOUT: http://youtu.be/_RFYoZ7H67A?t=324

Bonus Material You'd Like to See Released

I read about it here: http://web.archive.org/web/20140924201932/http://secrethistoryofstarwars.com/natureofthebeast1.html

When Lucas finally flew in from California and saw the rough cut he was horrified and scrambled to re-edit the film to be more like the way he envisioned--action-oriented, eliminating subtlety and moving from scene to scene as fast as possible;[60] again, very much like the editing of the prequels. His cut was a unanimously decreed disaster.[61] Kershner then recut the film with Lucas and it finally became we entity we know.[62]

YouTube/Vimeo/etc... Star Wars video finds

Well, I don't want to go off topic, but let me give you my opinion on him.

http://autori.fanpage.it/crozza-se-questa-e-satira/ said:

La satira invece è decisamente altro: è una critica verso aspetti o personaggi tipici della vita contemporanea (Devoto G., Oli G., 2003). Politica, religione, sesso e morte i temi prediletti. Personaggi pubblici che occupano posizioni di potere, gli oggetti privilegiati. Attaccare le convenzioni, smascherare le ipocrisie, seminare dubbi, proporre un punto di vista oscillando tra sacro e profano, sono i suoi compiti. La risata non è lo scopo ultimo, ma il mezzo attraverso cui veicolare un contenuto.

Si tratta di un punto di vista strettamente personale, perciò necessariamente faziosa: un giudizio sui fatti che accadono. Nasce dalla rabbia, per cui non è affatto consolatoria, ma scandalosa nella sua libertà d'espressione.

About Crozza (I'm using the video I posted as reference):

-he does criticize the society and its figures (Renzi);

-he does propose his opinion to the audiance (he's become as powerful as the Emperor);

-to him, laugh is a mean to show his point (through the Force, he can control the Parliament, censor the media);

-his gags often happen to be shocking in its  expression (and in fact he gets a complaint amost every week; should I mention he made Renzi sleep in the White House with Michelle Obama?)

So yeah, I think he does make satire.

Star Wars 97SE in HD using super resolution &amp; more

_,,,^..^,,,_ said:

@team_negative1: thanks for the screenshots!

Here you are the comparison between yours, and GKar+TB enhanced - no color regrading, reframed to match, more or less, the film frames



Troopers on the desert:


Better dynamic range and apparently more detail (like in R2's scratches), but it seems there's a bit of sharpening's artifacts.

Just noticed something in http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/126123: -1's scans' colors are temporary, but the escape pod is definetely blue here, while looks greyish in yours, which means...? Could it be was a last minute fix by retiming for the broadcastings? In comparison, in http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/126124 looks like there's more blue in yours.

Star Wars 97SE in HD using super resolution &amp; more

Those '97 SE scans look beautiful!

DavidMerrick said:

It's funny, when I see '97 Jabba the nostalgia of seeing Star Wars for the first time allows me to see past its gaping flaws. When I was seven, CGI Jabba was real, dammit. When I look at the '04 version I just see a digital effect, albeit a much improved one.

(And '04 Jabba is actually a damn good effect, just visually inconsistent with everything else in that movie.)

I totally agree with you :D

team_negative1 said:

We have not announced anything regarding the 97 SE versions yet. But we plan on preserving those also when the time comes.

That's good. I'd love to see the actual theatrical versions, the REAL ones, but I can't dismiss the '97 SE, as this is the version I grew up with.