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Hal 9000

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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

We’ve certainly augmented a few things in light of TLJ, but I do not share the appraisal of TROS ignoring TLJ. It clearly wanted to retcon some stuff, though.

The best example is poppasketti’s change for this project to tweak a Kylo Ren line. Rather than telling Rey, “I never lied to you,” he says, “You were right.” Because, in TLJ Kylo never told Rey her parents were nobody. She did. It rings more true this way.

Another is removing the idea that Leia (and, more puzzling, Luke) somehow knew Rey was granddaughter of Palpatine. TLJ seems not to leave any room at all to suppose Luke knew who she was. In this edit, we aren’t told when Luke found out, so I would think one would assume he learned it at some point after dying, and it doesn’t matter much by the time we see him on Ach-To with Rey.

Kewlfish’s crackling saber effect seems to add a layer of meaning to TLJ breaking the Skywalker saber.

Added comm chatter sort of implies that word of what Luke did on Crait has continued to play an inspirational role.

I’m sure there’s more that I can’t think of right now. About the only thing that has been done to TFA and TLJ in light of this movie has been to sprinkle in a few very subtle Palpatine hints. And I guess to partially reinstate lines about ‘cheating death’ from Palpatine in LOE.

How would you handle a hard reboot of all nine episodes of Star Wars?

If one had the entire saga to reboot, surely the story would be quite different. You could seriously iron out the kinks and apparent retcons.
Would one be obliged to stick to certain key points?

Only one Death Star. ROTJ’s battle centers around a fleet or an attack on the Emperor’s person on Coruscant. No Starkiller Base, either.

Anakin’s origins are shrouded, with no virgin birth stuff. Prophecy is fine, but it would later be subtly implied to be a sort of ongoing thing, like anyone can be anointed as a chosen one by their actions.

Rey Nobody, to go along with the above.

We get to know the Sith with exposition and seeing them scheme, perhaps with Plagueis being the shadowy villain for TPM. We should have some sense of their history.

The third trilogy would delve into mystical aspects of the Force and balance, perhaps letting us know the Whills. Something to elevate them thematically over what we already saw in the second trilogy.

Really, though, if I had 9 guaranteed films to sketch out, I’d let 1-5 be similar to what we know of the existing saga at their basic plots, and then replace 6 with a 6-9 worth of stuff as Luke finds his lost twin and faces Palpatine in an Ep9 showdown.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hoop28 said:

Toblerone said:

Hoop28 said:

Hal, have you considered having Luke speak to Ben during the Mustafar Opening or when he is repairing his mask? Maybe just a quick line like “Ben”, but something just to be consistent with Luke’s last words in TLJ of “see you around kid”.

Any thoughts?

I really, really like that! I think it works incredibly well! I also think that Luke shouting “Ben!” when he turns his head on Mustafar would be a good idea, but this is fantastic!

I don’t think it works, but I would’ve liked Luke to haunt Ben more than he seems to have.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

We’d floated the idea of Corellia, and that’d be my pick for an extra-saga planet. But I think it’s better to keep it in-story.

Unrelated: it might do for someone to simply keep Palpatine’s face in the dark (remove flashes of lightning) until the line “as all the Sith live in me” finishes. I may be able to myself without any FX needed, so I’ll give it a try if I am able to sit down (again, that’s kneel) at the computer later.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

nl0428 said:

Hal 9000 said:

How I thought it would feel nearing the very end of the ‘9000 Saga’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=248ggPoK158&t=12s

What it actually feels like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68jxhJYmo7o

So… you’re disappointed that work on this edit may never truly end?

No, just that it’s more melancholy than triumphant.