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Dr. Krogshöj

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Info Wanted: Questions about FX in fan edits and the Starkiller Base

I am a scientifically minded person. I never subscribed to the idea that Star Wars should be above criticism for its scientific implausibility just because it’s space fantasy, not hard SF. I firmbly believe that even fantasy stories should comply with the internal logic of their universe, even if the rules in that universe are vastly different than ours. Which means that I would criticize Star Wars if they had a scene where spaceships DIDN’T have noise.

For instance, one of the internal rules of the Star Wars universe is that there is no instantaneous travel between distant points of the galaxy. They need hyperspace to do that. Hyperspace in Star Wars is not inconsequential. It’s a big deal. It’s one of the most iconic special effects in cinema history! That is why Starkiller Base destroying a star system half way across the galaxy has bugged me the first time I saw the movie.

A Resistance technician clearly states that Starkiller Base is a “hyperlightspeed weapon”. The Visual Dictionary says the base is the result of the Empire’s research into “hyperspace tunneling”. If the utilization of hyperspace was implied with a shot that I described, that would, for me, make Starkiller’s technology fit into the internal logic of the Star Wars universe.

The size of Starkiller Base is less of an issue but it’s still bugging me. We know the Death Star was 120 km in diameter. That makes the Starkiller about 1200 km in diamater, which is only 1/3 of Earth’s moon. A planet that size could not possibly retain an atmosphere. I wouldn’t care about it if Return of the Jedi didn’t get it right with the Death Star being relatively in scale compared with Endor.

Info Wanted: Questions about FX in fan edits and the Starkiller Base

Hi, I’m new to the community. I have just recently seen my first fan edit, Hal 9000’s Restructure of The Force Awakens and my breath was taken away. Big congratulations to everyone involved in the project. I was especially taken aback by the custom-made special effects. I have never thought such modifications were possible.

The shot of a Star Destroyer in place of the Hosnian system in the sky, the reversal and recoloring of the Starkiller Base energy stream, the Millennium Falcon exiting hyperspace, the modification of Leia’s hairstyle in her restored scene are things I never thought would be possible.

With all that in mind, I would have a hypothetical question to FX geniuses like Hal 9000, NeverarGreat and Sir Ridley. These are not requests or suggestions, just questions about the feasability of such modifications.

  1. Would it be theoretically possible to insert the familiar elongated stars special effect to the background of the shot where the red plasma beams are moving away from Starkiller Base into empty space (to indicate it’s firing through hyperspace)?

  2. Would it possible to shrink the Death Star even further, to a miniscule ball in the holographic comparison with Starkiller Base in the Resistance briefing scene, to give it a more realistic scale?

  3. Would it possible to move Starkiller Base further away from the devoured star in the space shot when the star’s draining begins? (We wouldn’t see the small planet in the initial shot, only after the camera pans to the left, with the plasma stream also elongated.)