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I think teaching them the bible at college age is a little ridiculous. As for translations, I would probably put them in four categories. Classical (King James), Crosswire Friendly (NET bible, ESV, World English Bible, ASV, Apostolic Polyglot, LXX2012, RV, Catholic Public Domain Version etc.) (That being said, I might be removing some of the less accurate/less scholarly translations from that list), Crosswire Neutral (NASB) and Crosswire Hostile (NRSV, New JPS, Geneva with modern spelling)

The King James is important for understanding the English language.

Crosswire Friendly translations can be run on anything that supports the FLOSS Crosswire protocol, which has clients for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Windows Phone, Android, iOS, etc. Unfortunately some companies either ignore Crosswire ministries request for a translation to be ported to their platform or outright state that they refuse to license their product to open source technology. Also, it’s possible that the credentials of the World English Bible, LXX2012, and Catholic Public Domain Version are not scholarly enough.

The only translation listed as Crosswire Neutral is the NASB, which “planned” to release a version in crosswire format for a while not, but never had.

Crosswire Hostile translations comprise of both one classical translation made more readable by modern audiences (Geneva) and translations highly regarded for their scholarly status (NRSV, and the New JPS). Because of being Crosswire Hostile, though, I’m not sure I am willing to accept them.


First of all, it is several years too early to ask these questions. I still live with my parents, I’ve never had a real girlfriend, I still don’t have a drivers license, etc.

That being said, for those of you who read my previous posts about my living situation, I have a question.

When (and if) I eventually marry and have kids, should I deny them access to my parents? I’m afraid some of their insanity (Dominionism, persecution complex; creationism; bigotry toward Muslims, LGTBQ people, and to a far lesser extent, black people [While they don’t support anything overt like slavery, they think that God made whites to be better]), especially that of my mom (anti-vaccinations; New Apostolic Reformation; seeing stuff like Pokemon, Mario, Sonic etc as satanic; traumatic exorcisms) would rub off on them. The fact that Mom sometimes says “You reap what you sow” concerning my future children whenever I act too “rebellious” does not help matters in the slightest. By her logic, she’s cursing my children, even if she doesn’t see it that way.

A related question. Though I may be sceptical of the Bible, I feel like it’s important that my future kids learn its contents, if only so they can understand the background of my family and make their own minds about its contents. I want my future kids to be critical thinkers, to have the right to have opinions that I might not agree with, but I know aren’t wrong. I want my kids to be able to be capable of making the right choices even without the fear of hell fire forcing them to obey. How do you suggest that I teach my kids the bible?

I think these are probably tough questions, and would really appreciate advise on them.

Random Thoughts

Post Praetorian said:

Danfun128 said:

Since I got most of my christmas money refunded because of a bad item, I was thinking that I really needed some…headphones/earbuds.

Seriously though, what do you recommend that is cheap and DURABLE? To me the most important thing a headphone set needs is durable wires. Most headphones I ever used break within a month, usually before that. While high-end sound is nice, I don’t need it.

Suggestions for earbuds or headphones with cords that will last for years to come?

What is your intended budget…?

$200 and below, but preferably below $100.

Random Thoughts

Since I got most of my christmas money refunded because of a bad item, I was thinking that I really needed some…headphones/earbuds.

Seriously though, what do you recommend that is cheap and DURABLE? To me the most important thing a headphone set needs is durable wires. Most headphones I ever used break within a month, usually before that. While high-end sound is nice, I don’t need it.

Suggestions for earbuds or headphones with cords that will last for years to come?

Random Thoughts

Sorry for double post, but considering how sensitive the question I asked above is, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone replies before I finish my reply.

Yes, that probably did sound a little blasphemous. Should I recant what I wrote above? I’m not sure that I would. On one hand, we have YHWH, who cursed Cannan and his descendents, who demanded that the Israelites kill everybody in the land that they were to inhabit, who is very xenophobic about ideas that aren’t his own, etc… On the other hand, we have the Devil, the embodiment of evil, a being who delights in doing everything YHWH considers abominable, many of these things still considered evil in the eyes of man today. Then there is the matter of what would happen to those who die. If popular theology was true, then after you died, you would either receive eternal damnation or an eternal lobotomy where you are incapable of going against YHWH’s will.

The message that biblical literalists (which, of course, include my parents) believe in sometimes feels like poison, and yet they say the best offence is a good defence, thus necessitating study of scripture (Old Testament, New Testament, Apocrypha, and Koran being the most important…maybe also the Book of Mormon for good measure 😛).

To ensure that my statement doesn’t become overwhelmed by the “Appeal to consequences” fallacy, I might as well mention biblical contradictions (especially concerning prophesy), inaccuracies, etc, that make the bible questionable.

For the theists on this forum, how do you deal with these issues?

edit: I forgot to mention that sometimes I think YHWH is incapable of understanding grey morality. Remember his comment in Revelation, (Paraphrased) “Some of you are neither hot, nor cold, but lukewarm. I wish that you either were hot or cold, and if you remain lukewarm then I will spit you out of my mouth!”

How do I sync video with audio of a different frame count?

While this question has many practical uses in the fan edit community, the usage I am thinking of is a little more…doomey. Specifically, I have recorded a Chocolate Doom coop session two/three days ago. I have also recorded a demo file so I can get the footage in higher quality later, and I have a separate mumble recording. The issue is that certain parts of the gaming session showed signs of lag. Since I want it to sync with the mumble recording exactly, and since the demo file doesn’t seem to preserve lag frames, I would like some advice as to the best way to solve this problem, preferably an automatic way of course.

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

I saw the movie today. Now I can visit these forums again without avoiding spoilers! YAAAAAAAAY…

Here’s what I thought.

It seems a little dull at first, but it got a lot better as the movie went on.
The movie had a good sense of humor.
A lot of what I feel like I have to say involves Kylo Ren AKA Ben Solo. First, he looks too unrelated to Han and Leia to be their son. Second, I know that EvilSideMakesYouUgly, but Ben didn’t necessarily looked deformed…he just looked…ugly. I’m not saying they should go the opposite extreme, but when you have an ugly black haired man who doesn’t resemble his parents, you have problems. Also, despite killing Han, I felt like he still didn’t cross the MoralEventHorizon, as it seemed like he has minute feelings of regret immediately afterwards. Another thing I want to note is Kylo Ren’s…temper tantrums whenever he doesn’t get his way. Seriously, destroying random equipment and wanting to kill people just because you got bad news? Not even Vader went that far. Maybe the scene would have worked better if he said this line. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m usually far more composed. I’m just a little bit ABSOLUTELY LIVID!”

Another thing, why does Ben worship Darth Vader? Does he not know of his redemption? I doubt that JJ Abrams ever thought of referencing Darths & Droids, but the Vader worship reminds me of how in D&D

[spoiler] Boba Fett desires to kill Obi-Wan, completely oblivious to the fact that Vader killed him until the Sail Barge scene, where he dies shortly afterwards. [/spoiler]

Seriously, Han might not have died if the scene went like this:

Han Solo: Why do you continue down this dark path?
Kylo Ren: Because I want to follow in the ways of Darth Vader.
Han Solo: You do know that before he died, Vader redeemed himself by saving Luke from the Emperor.
Kylo Ren: …you’re lying! You must be lying!
Han Solo: In your heart, you know its the truth.

At that point Kylo Ren/Ben Solo would have either had an emotional breakdown or killed himself as he realized that what he thought Vader was turned out to be a lie.

On another note, I know that the desert planet of… NotTattoine… was a harsh environment for Ray to live through, but I think being able to do the jedi mind trick and use a lightsaber competently is a bit of a stretch. Also, how did Finn fight his conditioning? How are stormtroopers conditioned? How many are conditioned? How many are volunteers? Who is this Supreme Leader guy? Why does Luke have a line in one of the trailers but says nothing in the actual movie? Why does this movie feel less original than the Prequels?!? (Let’s see: crash landing on desert planet, person of low status who happens to be force sensitive and doesn’t have parents around, a bar scene with lots of ridiculous creatures that are mostly never seen again, the Millennium Falcon considered junk at first glance, Han doing really badly in smuggling, a super weapon that can destroy planets, etc, etc, etc.) TOO MANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS!!!

The Force Awakens isn’t horrible, but in some ways it feels like Star Wars By Numbers. Whatever flaws the Prequels have, at least they are original.

On a lighter note, a trailer for the new Independence Day movie played, and I really wanted to scream “BUT WHAT ABOUT BOOMER!?!” at the end 😛

Random Thoughts

I’m surprised that nobody has ever tried to change the species so that “having a pure bloodline” doesn’t result in the offspring being deformed or stupid. I’m not defending that kind of thing, but maybe royal families (if any still exist in this current day and age) who are obsessed with keeping their bloodline “pure” would one day realize that such a task is impossible, and the only way to come close to that “ideal” is by changing the species.

Info: Capturing HD From LaserDisc? - a useful video on youtube...

Funny, the first thought I had was that you thought you could get HD signals from an ordinary laserdisc. My second thought was asking about ripping MUSE discs. This is only about upscaling, how dissapointing.

Upscaling to 1080p usually doesn’t magically add data that wasn’t there in the first place. Bonus points if the laserdisc was taken from a tv show that was recorded on (standard definition) tape, not film. In that case there wouldn’t be practically any additional detail to begin with. There is, of course, the “super resolution” algorithm which helps (for filmed or HD sources brought down to SD), but I’m not sure by how much.