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Star Wars DVD Covers

Alright, I've been getting many requests for a re-up of my 1990's VHS-style covers.  I've made some subtle changes since the last upload - here are the new ones (quality on the samples isn't as good as last time because I resized them after upload to Imgur instead of beforehand):

And, because I've also gotten complaints that the black text on the Star Wars cover is hard to read (though it's faithful to the original), I made a version that includes white text instead:

Personally, I think that's harder to read than the black one, but I figured I'd give people the option.  It's not like these are 100% faithful to the originals anyway (due to the difficulty in finding the actual images used on the backs of the originals).

All 4 are included in the download, which is here.

I've also been toying with the idea of doing similar covers for the prequels, but ... well ... I hate the prequels, so the task is proving challenging at best - I'm just not motivated to do it, really.  But if anyone can give me a good synopsis to use for the back of them (specifically TPM), that would help tremendously.  Note that my TPM cover would be intended for use with Adywan's theatrical DVD, and as such would use its runtime instead of the DVD's.  But other than that, there won't be any special features listing or anything, so if you don't mind a small runtime discrepancy (not even sure what the runtime difference would be between the theatrical and DVD cuts of TPM), it could easily be used for the official DVD as well.  Or both.

Info: "Deleted scene reconstruction thread" - post your reconstructions here

First, the Veers death sequence:

You used the exact same shot of the AT-AT's head exploding, and it's incredibly obvious.  Doesn't work so well - I frankly think the sequence works fine without Veers' death, anyway.

Now, the "lightsaber building" scene ...

Random shots of Luke talking to Yoda played under audio from the radio drama, which doesn't even sound that much like Mark Hamill?  Um ... no, doesn't work so well.  And I'm pretty sure I've seen that first/last image in someone else's mock-up YouTube video recently, zooming in/out in that exact same way - if that's true, you've given that person no credit, and that's not cool.

Just my two cents.

Japanese Special Collection Star Wars Trilogy "Take 2" (* unfinished project *)

Just watched the sample - it looks pretty impressive.  Really takes me back to watching the pre-DC VHS tapes when I was a kid - despite the fact that there's obviously less detail than the GOUT/DC transfer, it's much brighter and (as budwhite said) more "alive."  And no horrendous DVNR smearing!

Great job, DJ!

Idea & Info: 'Watchmen - The Graphic Novel Cut'...

Alright, I'll try to respond point-by-point, but I apologize if I miss anything:

- I will most definitely try to make Veidt more of an ambiguous, less straightforwardly-evil character.  Several friends of mine who hadn't read Watchmen that I saw the movie with instantly asked me if he was the bad guy when Dan visits him in his office.  I'd like to change that fact.
- I haven't seen Under the Hood, and I'm not convinced that inserting portions of it into the film will help the film in any way.  Sure, it may bring it slightly closer to the graphic novel, but if that comes at the expense of the film's ability to stand on its own, then I won't do it.  I'll reserve judgment on this issue until I've seen Under the Hood (which likely won't be until the Ultimate Cut comes out).
- I've seen (most of) the motion comic, and I agree that the score is good.  If I can find a way to use portions of it, I certainly will, but I wouldn't hold my breath for that one unless a soundtrack album is released.

Jabba launches new business venture...

Hey, I work there.  Is it sad that I can tell that's a large box by the thickness of the fold at the front?

And it's not that the name is changing, at least not at the one I work at - the medium and large boxes all say that, though, for some reason ...

Is it sad that I've been working there for at most two months, and I've already been offered a manager position?


O.o ANH:R V2?  Really?  Well, the only things that I would change from the current version would be the following:

- No torture-droid-zapper-thing
- Take out "We've stopped!" (Threepio) and "There's no one here!" (stormtrooper) lines added to the 2004 SE
- Take out the floating droid in the alley-search scene in Mos Eisley
- I'd say restore the desert-search-dewback scene to the one shot it originally was, but I know from experience how fucking hard this would be to do
- No Emperor's theme in the Death Star conference (not that big a deal to me, though)
- Make Vader turn on his lightsaber before Ben does (Jedi = self defense), and use the ESB/ROTJ sound for Vader's saber ignition
- No music during Ben/Vader duel
- Original timing during Ben's death (the added slow-mo screws up the music a bit)
- Restore final shot of Tarkin before Death Star explodes

I'm 99% sure that's everything I would change.  I mean, obviously I'm changing more in my edit, but that's because it's more of an "ultra-purist" version than anything else.

Idea &amp; Info: 'Watchmen - The Graphic Novel Cut'...

Leper, I'll kindly ask you to stay out of my thread from now on.  You clearly have no interest in this project if I don't do it exactly the way you want it done (even though what you want done is pretty much impossible).  And how are we whiners?  I see no other whiner in this thread except you.

You're adding nothing constructive to the discussion here.  If you make one more post in this thread, you will be on my ignore list.  (Why I'm not putting you on it now is beyond me, but whatever.)  I'll also urge others who read and follow this thread to do the same.

Idea &amp; Info: 'Watchmen - The Graphic Novel Cut'...

Squid WILL NOT be in my edit.  It's impossible to do.

I don't have a problem with the new ending.

Rorschach's mask is fine, and will stay as is.


If you want to start an argument about the merits of the novel-to-film changes, start a new fucking thread.  Nothing's going to be exactly the same when you adapt something from one medium to another, and you shouldn't expect it to.  I'm not doing this edit to make it exactly like the novel, just more in the spirit of the novel in the areas where I thought the film just didn't work.


Sorry for the grumpiness, it's 2AM here and I'm tired.  I didn't expect to see one new post here, let alone 15 that amount to arguing over something I've already discussed earlier in the thread.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread
Darth Chronus said:

Well being part of the new generation (well middle actually, since I'm 19)

Hmm ... I've never thought of myself as being part of the "new" or "middle" generation of Star Wars fans (I'm 20, myself), but I guess that makes sense.  I saw the pre-SE OT first, though (either in 1993 or 1994 for the first time, so I was 4 or 5), so I've never really considered myself to be part of the same generation that saw the PT first.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Please, no.  If we must have any color besides blue and red, make it green - but even that I'm not a fan of.  I'd much prefer all blue until Luke in ROTJ, symbolizing that Luke has found the "middle way" (to bring a bit of a Buddhist mentality to this) between "pure" light side, which is too restrictive, and "pure" dark side, which is too corrupt, thus heralding a new age of Jedi not bound to highly restrictive dogma the way the Jedi of the Old Republic had been.

But then again, I wouldn't mind certain Jedi masters having green (Qui-Gon, Yoda [if he must be seen with a lightsaber, which I'm also very much against], Windu, etc.), just as long as there's no fucking purple, yellow, orange, pink, or any of that shit.  I could deal with white for trainees, though.

THE STAR WARS SAGA - 1080P AVCHD DVD-9 for PS3 &amp; Blu-Ray players - Episodes 1, 4 &amp; 5 available now

NTSC video was originally 30fps, but when color was introduced, this was changed to 29.97 to make room for the added information.  In order for film to be telecine'd to 29.97 fps from 24 fps, it first needs to be slowed down ever so slightly to 23.976, which is "progressive" NTSC.  For some reason, this standard (23.976 and 29.97) was kept the same for broadcast HD content (probably to keep compatibility with standard NTSC).

Blu-Ray has the capability of utilizing true 24fps content, but some players don't like it and won't display it properly.  Ady encoded ANH and ESB at true 24fps, but it seems that now he's releasing them at 23.976 in order to improve compatibility.  A smart move, in my opinion - the difference isn't particularly noticeable anyway.