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STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Bingowings said:

It's always April 1st somewhere in the universe

Indeed. Here on the East Coast of the US, we've still got about three hours more of April 1st. The West Coast has got six more hours! Perhaps Ady took this into account when planning his April Fool's joke. The fact that it would be the same joke as last year would, I think, be to his advantage--who'd expect the same joke two years in a row?

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Update from Ady on Facebook:

It's now 12:02 am 2nd april here now and i can now tell you all.................It isn't a joke. this has really happened. I'm going to go out and get a new 3TB drive tomorrow and i will try all the suggestions to try and get this other drive at least working enough to recover the data from it. The drive is still under guarantee but i will lose all my data if i send it back, so i want to exhaust all options first.

Doctor Who: The Enemy Within - The TV Movie Recut [PROJECT DEAD]

This edit sounds really promising!

I like Bingowings's idea of retooling the film to serve as a sort of bridge between the classic and post-2005 series, though I think that some of his suggestions are a bit... extreme? It would, however, be nice to have something that connected the two series.

In any case, I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out!

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Hey Adywan! Everything sounds fantastic! I, too, have a suggestion for the audio mix. I actually mentioned this about a year ago, but it was a busy time on the forum and I'm not sure that anyone ever really noticed it.

Anyway, in the original cut of ESB, when Lando reveals his plan to escape Cloud City to Leia, Chewie, and Threepio, Leia says, "You think that after what you did to Han that we're going to trust you?"

However, in the '97 SE, 2004 DVD, and Blu-ray cuts, Leia says, "You think that after what you did to Han that--" and then the rest of her line is cut off by Chewie's growling. This has always been a real pet peeve of mine... Never understood why they changed it, but would love to see this line restored!

I can't seem to find a clip of the OOT on YouTube, but here's what I'm talking about in the '97 SE onwards:



nightstalkerpoet said:

For all the flack the prequels get, RotS has always been held in higher esteem than the other two. So I think it is reasonable to reconcile between that film and the OT, even if I feel Eps 1 and 2 should be made to match the rest.

Rather than use that as a reasoning, I'd point to Yoda telling Luke he must "confront" Vader, giving the impression of initiating a battle.  Also, Obi-Wan stating that if Luke will not kill Vader, "The Emperor has already won". Both statements give reasonable support to a Jedi being the aggressor in a battle. 

I sort of agree. I wouldn't call the Jedi an aggressor, but obviously you don't fight to lose, especially against a Sith--there's quite a lot at stake. And you're right: if the Jedi doesn't confront his enemy full force, then the enemy has already won.

doubleofive said:

I don't agree and feel that Obi-wan actually failed at his own teaching by using the Force for attack during Episode III, and that I feel he would have learned from his earlier mistake against his old apprentice.

I don't think Obi-Wan failed at his own teaching; he would have if he'd used the Force for attack during a training exercise, but he was no longer Anakin's teacher at the time of their duel--he was his enemy. When he's fighting Vader, he's fighting to win.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

brash_stryker said:

Also, in a US (internet?) radio interview, Ady stated that the space battle shots were just that. Still images cut out and then moved around in aftereffects! 

I think you're referring to an episode of the podcast put on by ihnradio.com. It's the only live interview I've ever head Ady do. (For those of you who haven't heard it before, you should give it a shot--it's really interesting!)

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSmjxa-5ujc

Collaborative Fanediting: An ROTJ Proposition (BACK ON TRACK WITH EMANSWFAN AT THE HELM--SEE POST 1488 OR OP FOR A LINK!)

Johannus said:

fishmanlee said:

Is there much a difference between 860 and 900 years old though?

Enough for Yoda to look very different in the PT than the OT.

Regarding whether Vader should be Hayden of Sebastian it comes down to whether he should look old or young, not whether the audience can tell that the unVadered actor is meant to be the guy from the suit, because if you watch 6 films then both actors are recognisable, and if you only watch the OT then only Shaw is recognisable.  However, if Anakin was meant to be shown as a young version of himself why did Lucas not cast a young actor at the time.  He had already cast Shaw specifically for the force ghost.  This isn't something where the excuse 'the technology wasn't available' works so it seems that instead it was done purely as an afterthought to try to drag aspects of the PT into the OT.  If he had included Hayden but aged him to look as old as Shaw did then fine, at least that still follows the original plan, but to make him young just because that how he looked last time he was good and we have to be able to make that link ourselves, well that seems to underestimate the audience a little bit in my opinion. 

Just to play devil's advocate, I'll answer your question. =P

Lucas did not cast a young actor at the time because that young actor would not necessarily have been recognizable to audiences members. As I said earlier, Sebastian Shaw is the only actor we see play Anakin in ROTJ prior to his appearance as a force ghost. If another actor had played the ghost, some audience members might not have made the connection and realized that he was meant to be Anakin. With the prequels, however, the connection is easily made (again, assuming a "whole saga" approach with a 1-6 viewing order).

Plus, at the time, it probably made more sense to just cast one actor than to cast two! =)

Collaborative Fanediting: An ROTJ Proposition (BACK ON TRACK WITH EMANSWFAN AT THE HELM--SEE POST 1488 OR OP FOR A LINK!)

TMBTM said:

Hayden's ghost makes no sens if you did not see the PT.

We just saw Sebastian Shaw without the mask few scenes before. Even when I was 8 years old I recognized him at the end when he comes back as a ghost. In fact it was kind of gratifying for the kid I was to understand by himself that "oh, that's Vader the way he looks when he is good!" without explanations or dialogue.  Now if a young man's ghost would have appeared next to OB1 and Yoda I don't know what could have been my reaction, but I guess a big WTF?

This is probably the most intolerable change for me along with CG Jabba. Much more than who shot first anyway. Well, it is understandable if you watch the whole Saga from Episode 1 to 6, I can give you that. So this raise the question of: does this fanedit acknowledge the prequels? If yes, then I guess Hayden could stay, even if I'm against this. If not, then it NEEDS to go.

I suppose you COULD say that leaving Hayden in the shot makes sense if you're thinking of this as a six-film saga and allowing the OT to acknowledge the prequels, but silverwheel's take on this (quoted by daneditor above) is actually quite smart. As he says, Old Anakin fits with what we've just seen in the movie--it fits our ROTJ context. If Anakin is allowed to regress in years, then why not Yoda or Obi-Wan? We don't see a younger version of Yoda, nor do we see Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan. Rather, the force ghosts of these characters reflect their appearances at the time of their respective deaths. Why should Anakin be any different?

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

I hadn't considered its length, although I'm pretty sure that this new logo was also used before TPM:3D itself (yes, yes... I did go and see it...). Although it's possible that this was either a different, slower version of the new Lucasfilm splash or that the length of the Fox bumper was adjusted to compensate.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

And actually, I have another question for Adywan (or anyone else who might be able to answer). A few months back, Ady posted a video of his "revisited" opening featuring the Avatar-onwards 20th Century Fox logo. I was wondering if he also plans to include the new Lucasfilm logo recently introduced with the TPM:3D trailers.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Kurgan said:

So people without a blu-ray *burner* or an Xbox 360 will still be able to watch this?

Don't mind them, Kurgan. They're not ignoring your question, they're just excited about ESB:R (as they should be). Anyway, yes, people without access to a blu-ray burner or an Xbox 360 will still be able to watch this. Adywan gave a statement (see below) regarding release formats a few months back.

Adywan said:


After a lot of consideration i think it will be best for me to release ESB:R as just 4 releases:

720p high bitrate mkv
Special featured DVD-5 NTSC only

Now this way i won’t be wasting a lot of time having to do multiple versions and then have the hassle of uploading such a high volume. The mkv can be played either on a computer or through a media player (which are now a lot more common and aren’t expensive). Also if anyone wanted to burn it to a blu-ray then they can just use TSMuxer to convert it to a blu-ray format and this takes no time at all and loses no quality.

The DVD’s will only be DVD-9 because they can easily be shrunk to fit on a DVD-5 using something like DVDShrink if someone wanted that, but with dual layer burners being commonplace now and discs being really cheap then i can’t see why someone would want a DVD-5 nowadays anyway.

Then the special features disc will be NTSC only as it doesn’t really matter about the smaller than PAL resolution and people can download it if they want to watch the features without having to download a 25gb blu-ray disc.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

trimboNZ said:

Recently I sat down with my seven year old son and introduced him to Star Wars.  ANH seemed the right place to start and as for which version, well there was no contest.

My next dilemma is whether to wait for this edit to be completed before showing him ESB.

I faced a similar dilemma a few months back. My advice is this: since Ady is still geared toward releasing ESB:R this May, which is only a couple of months away, I'd just wait until May. The Star Wars films have always been May movies, anyway =P

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

ray_afraid said:

I know it's only a model either way, but the grey ties just look more realistic to my eyes. The blue ties look like toys- looks like they were made of plastic. And the idea that the Empire would paint their fighters blue just seems goofy and out of place.

But I do understand the want/need to have them stand out against the Stardestroyers/DS... Didn't Ady say that they would be less blue than the DVD/BD but more so than the ANH:R ties? ...They still look awfully blue in the latest clip.

Everything you just said.

Collaborative Fanediting: An ROTJ Proposition (BACK ON TRACK WITH EMANSWFAN AT THE HELM--SEE POST 1488 OR OP FOR A LINK!)


While I am very interested in this project and would love to voice my opinion by voting, I'm afraid some personal commitments will be keeping me away from the forums for a bit (I'm sort of pushing it just by visiting right now, in fact). I'd be more than happy to participate in the future, but I don't have much time to type up my thoughts at the moment. Anyway, good luck! Can't wait to see how things have progressed once I return.