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Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

TK428 said:

joefavs said:

Packaging for a new Rey action figure that seems to confirm that Finn carrying the Skywalker saber is misdirection:

Alt text

I don’t think this rules out Finn being Force-sensitve or becoming a Jedi; I’d guess he’d probably need to have some aptitude to be able to make any use at all of a lightsaber. On the flip side of that, though, I’ve seen a lot of people elsewhere on the internet (who presumably haven’t been following this as closely as us) despairing about Finn wielding the saber because they’re convinced it means Rey won’t be a Jedi. It sounds like a ridiculous idea because everything that’s been revealed points to her being the main focus of the film, but it’s a thing people actually seem to be worried about.

Also, some of Ralph McQuarrie’s original concept art for Star Wars had stormtroopers wielding lightsabers. So, perhaps, in the world of TFA stormtroopers have been trained in the ways of that ancient weapon.

Judging by the above TV spot, this is a reality, can’t say I’m a fan of storm troopers or anyone else other than ‘force sensitive’ characters having these as their actual weapons. It seems TFA is following prequel iconography by introducing as many stupid lightsaber scenarios/constructions as possible! This film is looking more and more collage and pastiche, a mixture of Mocking Jay (female protagonist with rebels), Star Wars OT (referencing old iconography) throw a bit of Game of Thrones/Gladiator mis en scene in for good measure.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

towne32 said:

joefavs said:

Evidently some of the staff involved in the Time cover story were shown the first 20 minutes of the film. I don’t have the whole article, but Star Wars News Net posted a few excerpts and it confirms a few things that we pretty much already knew (Finn and Poe stealing the TIE, Rey hanging out with BB-8, etc.) No word on the lightsaber in space thing, which is really the only thing I’m still dying to know about for sure before I see it for myself next week.

Also, Vulture asked George what he thought of the film face to face (Kathleen Kennedy said he “really liked it”, but I didn’t put a ton of stock in that). His response was so passive aggressive I can really only grin and shake my head.

“I think the fans are going to love it,” he said. “It’s very much the kind of movie I should have made.”

FTFY George

Where/How will you see TFA?

talentedmrripley said:

Is anybody here lucky enough to watch it in 70mm iMax print?


The guy in the comments said there is supposedly 20 prints being released but only 15 listed so far. I hope it comes here to Denver since it’s 12 hour drive in any direction for me 😦.

It would be neat be able to compare digital versus the 70mm version.

They’re showing it here but it’s Imax3D, I hate anything 3D so will stick to the 2D poverty spec version. update I’ve booked my seats and I’ve managed to get the only seat without anyone directly in front of me 😃

THE WASHINGTON POST – George Lucas: To feel the true force of ‘Star Wars,’ he had to learn to let it go

Bingowings said:

This site exists to campaign for the opportunity to see his films so we appreciate his contribution to our lives, we just resent that fact he is not letting us see the films outside the mess which is the special editions of the hour.

I have the original trilogy on VHS, Disney will release it I think, judging by recent rumours, the guy that directed American Werewolf said it as well, doubt he’d say it if it wasn’t so https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWeDd7lfNsM

THE WASHINGTON POST – George Lucas: To feel the true force of ‘Star Wars,’ he had to learn to let it go

I don’t get all the Lucas bashing, the man is a legend. When I read Skywalking I was in awe of the man. Granted SW should have been left well alone, there was a reason Fox only wanted the middle part of his saga, even then they realised the rest of it was weak. People forget he was directly involved in some awesome films like Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal and Willow, not because they have strong scripts or are master pieces but because they have the Myth and magic that the OT had. It’s such a shame it went pears.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

joefavs said:

LA Times article about the role of the new female characters with an interesting hint from Kathleen Kennedy: http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/herocomplex/la-ca-hc-the-women-of-star-wars-the-force-awakens-20151206-htmlstory.html

But you won’t see Phasma tapping out after being carelessly knocked into a sarlacc pit like a wobbly toddler. Kennedy has big plans for Phasma and confirmed that the captain will carry on into the next movie. “She’s an important character, a baddie in the best sense of the word.”

Looks like Phasma will definitely survive TFA, unless KK is talking about spinoffs.

Phasma aka Game of Thrones Gwendoline Christie is well cast IMO In fact the casting on TFA is decent in comparison to that other trio of star wars related films.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

towne32 said:

Bosk said:

Good evening,

Just read an article and Rey is the new Millennium Falcon pilot. Discuss.

I think we have known that she flies it since the behind-the-scenes vid in June or July. There’s probably some discussion from then. Some people surely made the excellent point that they thought it was neat, while others undoubtedly raised the important counterpoint that it in fact sucks.

It does indeed suck balls , surely Captain Solo or Chewwie should be flying it. Oh Yeah! watch this!