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THE STAR WARS SAGA - 1080P AVCHD DVD-9 for PS3 & Blu-Ray players - Episodes 1, 4 & 5 available now

I have already downloaded Adywan's ESB theatrical reconstruction. Your edit has the HD footage with the upscaled theatrical footage, I want a whole HD experience. With the minor tweaks to the '97 SE HD version will allow me to watch the whole movie in HD with less of the annoying Special Edition moments. 

Corrected in bold.

THE STAR WARS SAGA - 1080P AVCHD DVD-9 for PS3 & Blu-Ray players - Episodes 1, 4 & 5 available now

I'm a big fan of Adywan's color corrected The Empire Strikes Back. Since Adywan removed Greedo shooting first in the A New Hope HD version, maybe he could remove the Vader going back to his shuttle sequence. Also restore the line of dialogue "Bring my shuttle." Or maybe remove Luke's yell while he's plummeting down the big shaft in Cloud City. Or maybe remove the sound of Luke's saber turning off while he's running out of the Wampa cave. I have nothing but the greatest respect for Adywan and what he's done. I mention these things because  they take me away from enjoying the film. These changes sound simple to me at least. :), If I'm asking for something that I have no bother asking then you all have every right to flame me to death, especially you Adywan. 



THE STAR WARS SAGA - 1080P AVCHD DVD-9 for PS3 & Blu-Ray players - Episodes 1, 4 & 5 available now

Darth Mallwalker said:


1anakin said:

(8,448,704,512 bytes)

That's exactly same size as 2008 usenet file, believed to be straight from the horse's mouth.
Its CRC is F1D6220C.
Match that and you can be quite confident there's not "less quality."
If your CRC is different then all bets are off.


Where would I find the CRC in the file?

THE STAR WARS SAGA - 1080P AVCHD DVD-9 for PS3 & Blu-Ray players - Episodes 1, 4 & 5 available now

Oh my God, the quality on the Episode IV download is amazing, thank you!

I also downloaded Episode V ISO 1080p file off a torrent a month ago. My question is, is there less quality in a file downloaded from bittorrent than from compiled from rapidshare files? Here's the size of the Episode V bittorent file I downloaded.

8.45 GB on disk (8,448,704,512 bytes)


STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Obi-Wan said:

My deepest condolences Adywan, to you and your family.

Best wishes for regaining your spirit!

My aunt passed away 5 months ago and it was a relief for her and us that she walked the path in another dimension in a calm and peaceful way relatively quick without suffering at age 79. A stairway (to heaven) she would have chosen to walk that way.

* * *

It crossed my mind that in a way the Empire takes it tall as Leigh Brackett passed away when she had worked on the screenplay for the movie. Anyway, just a thought.

The german site Schnittberichte.com has published an article about TESB these days: http://www.schnittberichte.com/schnittbericht.php?ID=2005824

After looking at that, I really wish I could read German.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Jaitea said:

Vaderios said:

Im not so sure about the new sky it have to be more bright but at least the background buildings are gone for sure!


I've updated the sky, think it looks a bit more like the previous shot anyway have a look.





God I love this!

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

I always felt that the close up shot was a perfect moment for Yoda and for Frank Oz's work as well, that it never needed tweaking. This is not a criticism of what Adywan has changed, but a plea for what always seemed a perfect moment in film history. I have nothing but complete respect for Adywan, and his work.