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TPM Should release a Lucky 13th Anniversary set! (See first post. Please bump every time you come into the General Star Wars section!)


It should include a BD with the theatrical and DVD versions, all the deleted scenes including the BD scenes with completed footage, a bonus The Ridiculous Menace, and a guide on how to properly calibrate your TV for maximum enjoyment.

Keep this thread bumped as often as possible.

Added suggestion from SilverWook:

It ought to come in a life size Jar Jar head with voice chip. You must pull his tongue to release the discs within...

Also added this idea:

All the incomplete deleted footage should be "photoshopped."  That's the best way to complete the effects because Photoshop can do anything.

Okay, another addition:

Should include Super 8, 16 mm, 35 mm, Imax, 3D, and 4D versions of the film (you know, the versions that include other senses, like Boss Nass's saliva getting on your face when he shakes his lips)


It ought to come in a life size Jar Jar head with voice chip. You must pull his tongue to release the discs within...

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


ray_afraid said:

I agree with the ninth.

Eh, the ninth post was pretty awful.


Not enough bumping.  We'd hate it if people forgot about this.


Please provide more info on how to bump.  Thanks.


darth_ender said:

Not enough bumping.  We'd hate it if people forgot about this.

Ok then:

"bump-ski-deedee, bump-ski-deedee, bump-ski-deedee, BUMP!!!!"


I know this is The Phantom Menace but Solo's fantastic dance number needs to be included in this set somewhere somehow.


And a proud note/foreword from Lucas were he describes the process in detail in how he didn't provide The National Film Registry with original SW/ESB prints for future preservation. Those films are crap.

And finally, he needs to reinsert the Emperors scream from Jedi when Luke sacrifices himself in ESB for future releases, why was this crucial detail taken out of the film? It doesn't make any sense.

We want you to be aware that we have no plans—now or in the future—to restore the earlier versions. 

Sincerely, Lynne Hale publicity@lucasfilm.com


Bumping the bump that bumped the previous bump.....