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iPhone Compatibility


Any chance of making OT.com mobile browser compatible so I can easily browse, post, and search on my iPhone without having to wait for the whole page to load? Anyone else have any interest in this?


I don't have an iphone myself, but there was another member who emailed me recently because he couldn't post to the forum from his iphone.

I'd say there's interest in this.

Guidelines for post content and general behaviour: read announcement here

Max. allowable image sizes in signatures: reminder here


A mobile-optimized skin is definitely in the works.

Note that the only thing that would prevent an iPhone user from posting is the WYSIWYG editor. If you disable it, you can post without problems. The current skin is entirely iPhone-compatible.

Forum Administrator



I switched to the plain text editor months ago, but a mobile skin would be fantastic. Posts usually show up fine currently, but sometimes PMs will extend beyond the frame of the page. If I can get it to happen again, I'll post it.

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