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What do you HATE about the EU? — Page 44


Tobar said:

To clarify, movie novelizations are canon where they align with what is seen on screen in the 6 films and the Clone Wars animated movie.

— StarWarsBooks (@DelReyStarWars) April 30, 2014

Somehow I doubt the size of the GFFA was ever clarified in either the films or TCW.

But let’s be honest. Lucasfilm gives the novelizations lip service and lip service only, ignoring them in favour of EU schlock whenever they can. That’s what they did before they gave the EU its new paint job; that’s what they’re still doing.


DuracellEnergizer said:

Tobar said:

To clarify, movie novelizations are canon where they align with what is seen on screen in the 6 films and the Clone Wars animated movie.

— StarWarsBooks (@DelReyStarWars) April 30, 2014

Somehow I doubt the size of the GFFA was ever clarified in either the films or TCW.

But let’s be honest. Lucasfilm gives the novelizations lip service and lip service only, ignoring them in favour of EU schlock whenever they can. That’s what they did before they gave the EU its new paint job; that’s what they’re still doing.

The movies clarify that the size of the galaxy was measured in the thousands of civilizations

Let’s use math

According to canon

“Palpatine needs the senate to govern the THOUSANDS of systems”

I have a theory that is a perfect compromise between legends and canon(canon states that it’s thousands while legends states that it’s millions)

First let’s stop using the word “systems” when what we really need is “civilizations”

And what results is a whole lot of sense

Each civilization is in a solar system sorrounded by other solar systems…free or conquered real estate

civilizations want to colonize and there are no shortage of worlds to do so

Let’s go a step further and make our estimates as 25-50,000 civilizations

25,000 × 50 colonized or conquered worlds = 1,250,000 inhabited worlds for the republic

The original draft of star wars mentioned that the republic consisted of “million worlds”

Making the republic about the same size as the imperium from Warhammer

The empire in another draft consisted of “millions of worlds”

The empire grew to immense size so

50,000 civilizations times 100 conquered worlds each (colonized or force)

5 million worlds for the empire…5 million forms of communication

5 times larger than the republic and the Warhammer empire

since the empire loves conquering let’s double that number

50,000 core civilizations times 250 conquered or colonized worlds

12,500,000 worlds

Dark empire did say that the empire ruled 12 million worlds at its height




Tobar said:

The novelizations of the seven films–including The Clone Wars–are canon.

— StarWarsBooks (@DelReyStarWars) April 30, 2014

To clarify, movie novelizations are canon where they align with what is seen on screen in the 6 films and the Clone Wars animated movie.

— StarWarsBooks (@DelReyStarWars) April 30, 2014

At a Celebration, the people in charge of EU continuity said that those tweets were from people who didn’t know what they were talking about.


DuracellEnergizer said:

Another thing I hate about the nuEU: the en masse recanonization of so much of the old EU’s minutiae.

For example, take Evazan and Ponda Baba’s backstories. In the old EU, they were effectively the SW Universe’s Dr. Frankenstein and Igor. Now here comes the nuEU, wiping the slate clean, giving the writers a fresh, blank canvas on which to reinterpret these characters in whole new different, interesting ways. So what do the writers do? Make the characters Dr. Frankenstein and Igor again.

Agreed so much. I want new stories, new possibilities, etc.


The further the EU got into the future from ROTJ, they less I liked it. I never objected to the past stories, but they were either just before ANH or thousands of years back. I think that is a time period Disney should push Star Wars to. More Jedi vs. Sith and more lightsaber battles, but do it right, unlike the PT.


yotsuya said:

The further the EU got into the future from ROTJ, they less I liked it. I never objected to the past stories, but they were either just before ANH or thousands of years back. I think that is a time period Disney should push Star Wars to. More Jedi vs. Sith and more lightsaber battles, but do it right, unlike the PT.

Jedi and sith are boring as hell…more of them won’t solve anything


We need new conflicts with new factions that have different ideologies. I want any the nature of these conflicts to go beyond the whole “good and evil” thing so that warring philosophies (both being valid in their own ways) are the reason for all the death in the Galaxy.


All they have to do is go back to the Samurai origins of the Jedi. Set it a couple of thousand years ago and you can have different schools of thought, different schools of style, groups working for smaller governments, and you can have plenty of conflict and great stories without resorting to Galaxy wide war. Or smaller scale baddies like Xim and his robot army.


The only thing I can’t see LF doing is a small scale conflict as there’s just too much coin to be made to just abandon the idea of going back a thousand years or so.


Korriban is a planet steeped in the dark side of the Force, is home to the ghosts of many powerful Dark Lords of the Sith, and has been used as the seat of power by various Sith empires and organizations, yet at no point in the thousands of years of struggle with the Sith did the Republic or Jedi ever consider nuking the planet to oblivion.

It’s almost like Korriban was originally conceived as just a mausoleum world without any strategic significance to the Sith – a world neither the Jedi nor the Republic ever had any great knowledge of.


Something like the Valley of the Jedi, perhaps? I’ve long been of the view that that particular plot point was inspired by an idea Lucas had for Episodes VII-IX in the days before ROTJ.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


I’ve always loved the idea behind the Valley of the Jedi. It has a blatant fantasy element to it which new SW always seem to avoid. I especially felt it was a good inclusion to the lore when Jedi Outcast came out, considering how it was the same time that Lucas was adding stuff like Midichlorians to the canon with the PT.

Also, was Korriban supposed to be a well-known planet? I always got the impression that it’s location was kind of a secret. I also think the Jedi/Sith part of the EU would have been kind of boring if there weren’t any “evil” places to go to. SW is essentially just LOTR in space, with planets instead of countries/lands’. And I’m sure they could have made up some decent lore excuse for why you wouldn’t want to “nuke” a dark side planet like Korriban or Dromund Kass. Besides, didn’t the Jedi think they killed all the Sith? So why even bother?

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


ZkinandBonez said:

Also, was Korriban supposed to be a well-known planet? I always got the impression that it’s location was kind of a secret.

I believe that was the original intention. But once later writers retconned the planet into the original Sith homeworld and capital, that went straight out the window. Skimming through the Wookieepedia article, it even mentions that the Republic invaded and held the planet for brief periods of time.

And I’m sure they could have made up some decent lore excuse for why you wouldn’t want to “nuke” a dark side planet like Korriban or Dromund Kass.

And they should have, 'cause otherwise, it makes the Republic/Jedi look foolhardy.

Besides, didn’t the Jedi think they killed all the Sith? So why even bother?

To remove the possibility of some ambitious Force-wielder stumbling on the site and making use of the knowledge waiting there? Dark Jedi and other non-Sith darksiders still existed in the period the Sith were believed to be extinct.


DuracellEnergizer said:

ZkinandBonez said:

Also, was Korriban supposed to be a well-known planet? I always got the impression that it’s location was kind of a secret.

I believe that was the original intention. But once the EU decided to make the planet the original Sith homeworld and capital, that went straight out the window. Skimming through the Wookieepedia article, it even mentions that the Republic invaded and held the planet for brief periods of time.

And I’m sure they could have made up some decent lore excuse for why you wouldn’t want to “nuke” a dark side planet like Korriban or Dromund Kass.

And they should have, 'cause otherwise, it makes the Republic/Jedi look foolhardy.

Besides, didn’t the Jedi think they killed all the Sith? So why even bother?

To remove the possibility of some ambitious Force-wielder stumbling on the site and making use of the knowledge waiting there? Dark Jedi and other non-Sith darksiders still existed in the period the Sith were believed to be extinct.

Yes, they at the very least should have put some Jedi or soldiers on Korriban to protect.

Also, as a fan of Dark Empire I like to imagine that “nuking” Korriban would unleash all the Dark Side energy into the galaxy, kinda like a Force Storm or something dramatic like that.

(Pluss, I pretty much ignore all post-PT EU except for Jedi Outcast so I really have no idea what happened to Korriban in the stories made them.)

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


DuracellEnergizer said:

Korriban is a planet steeped in the dark side of the Force, is home to the ghosts of many powerful Dark Lords of the Sith, and has been used as the seat of power by various Sith empires and organizations, yet at no point in the thousands of years of struggle with the Sith did the Republic or Jedi ever consider nuking the planet to oblivion.

It’s almost like Korriban was originally conceived as just a mausoleum world without any strategic significance to the Sith – a world neither the Jedi nor the Republic ever had any great knowledge of.

I’ve always wondered this too. You’d think nuking the planet that keeps causing Sith Wars would be priority #1 for the Jedi and Republic. Equally absurd is the Jedi and Republic always thinking that the Sith are extinct. The repetition and stupidity approached Legend of Zelda levels.