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Video Games - a general discussion thread — Page 369


chyron8472 said:

ray_afraid said:

There’s reason to believe That we might be getting an HD remake of Skyward Sword for the Switch.
I’ll happily cash in if this is true.


Skyward Sword has more flaws than just motion controls.

The controls are no problem for me. They work fantastically and I love em.

An HD remake wouldn’t fix Link’s sidequests in Skyloft so that he isn’t a jerk

I got no problem with any of that either.

nor populate the Sky with actually interesting places to visit besides the bar. As it stands, the Sky area is nothing more than a near-barren hub world with 4 exits.

A remake could absolutely do that.
In fact, it could do any of these things.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


ray_afraid said:

chyron8472 said:

ray_afraid said:

There’s reason to believe That we might be getting an HD remake of Skyward Sword for the Switch.
I’ll happily cash in if this is true.

A remake could absolutely do that.
In fact, it could do any of these things.

It could, but it wouldn’t, if Twilight Princess HD and Wind Waker HD are indicators for how Skyward Sword HD would have changes made to it.

Those two games had tweaks and changes to improve them slightly, but I feel Wind Waker and Twilight Princess were already inherently better than Skyward Sword to begin with. I do not believe Nintendo would fix Skyward Sword to the point that it could compete with the other two games.

Sure, it’s a good game; but it’s only a decent Zelda game gameplay-wise (albeit the story is really good).

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


For myself, I didn’t like that Ghirahim was a recurring boss fight; The Imprisoned looked like a Pokemon and with poppable toes; Tentalus looked like a Pokemon; Fi was flat and annoying as a character; and the Sky was a barren hubworld.

Outside of that, I liked the game quite a bit. Especially the story.

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


chyron8472 said:
I have not. I’m still in Fall Year 1, and I’ve heard from various people online not to necessarily bother with it in Year 1 because I’d have a hard time making/acquiring things they “love” and/or giving it to them by their birthday. I think I’m gonna court Abigail. She has a Super NES in her room.

But for right now I’ve been focusing on making berry jelly. I read online that a good source of income in Year 1 is Blueberry Jelly in the Summer, and Cranberry Jelly in the Fall (and to buy seeds in Year 1 for Strawberry Jelly in Spring starting in Year 2).

All of my tools are upgraded to gold; and just last night I got to the bottom of the mine.

JEDIT: Apparently that was a joke? But I don’t seem to get it.

I courted Abigail as well. She’s not super difficult to court. Get a bunch of quartz (technically amethyst will be better received, but quartz has the funny dialogue) which isn’t difficult to extract from the mines. Pumpkin in the fall (as well as when her birthday is) and just talk to her regularly. I managed to wed her by the beginning of Winter year 1.


For me, the Ghirahim fights are some of the series absolute best! He’s one of my favorite characters in the series as well.
The look of Imprisoned and Tentalus is ok. Tentalus looks too cute, but it’s certainly nothing that costs the game marks.
Yeah, Fi needs a filter, but I still found her endearing. Reminds me of C3PO.
The Sky needs much more going on, I totally agree. This is a gripe I have with the main hub of most 3D zelda games.
My biggest gripe with SS is the constant [“YOU GOT A ___!!” BAA-NA-NA-NA-NAA!] when ever you pick up something for the 689th time.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


flametitan said:

chyron8472 said:
I have not. I’m still in Fall Year 1, and I’ve heard from various people online not to necessarily bother with it in Year 1 because I’d have a hard time making/acquiring things they “love” and/or giving it to them by their birthday. I think I’m gonna court Abigail. She has a Super NES in her room.

But for right now I’ve been focusing on making berry jelly. I read online that a good source of income in Year 1 is Blueberry Jelly in the Summer, and Cranberry Jelly in the Fall (and to buy seeds in Year 1 for Strawberry Jelly in Spring starting in Year 2).

All of my tools are upgraded to gold; and just last night I got to the bottom of the mine.

JEDIT: Apparently that was a joke? But I don’t seem to get it.

I courted Abigail as well. She’s not super difficult to court. Get a bunch of quartz (technically amethyst will be better received, but quartz has the funny dialogue) which isn’t difficult to extract from the mines. Pumpkin in the fall (as well as when her birthday is) and just talk to her regularly. I managed to wed her by the beginning of Winter year 1.

I’m on the last day of Spring, Year 2. Just had Abigail’s 4-heart Event, and had asked her to dance with me at the Flower Dance. I got a Crystalarium from the Community Center, and used it to generate plenty of amethysts (for her) before switching to Quartz (for myself).

I have 2 hearts with several villagers, but I find that I spend more time farming and mining than mucking about in town. Especially farming, until I finally upgraded my watering can to gold (and installed quality sprinklers during the Winter.) I’m getting closer to completing the Greenhouse, but my next hurdle is building a coop and a barn to get the artisan bundle finished.

At this point I’ve spent most of my time farming berries and using my seed maker to get Ancient Seeds (of which I have planted 5 or 6). Going into Summer Year 2, I wasn’t sure about starfruit vs. blueberries, since I most definitely don’t have the preserve jars or kegs necessary to support the 700+ blueberry plants I intend to grow, but while starfruit means a much quicker return on investment, blueberries means more Ancient Fruit seeds from the seed maker.

I have a 6x12 field of 9-square farming plots (with spaces for a sprinkler in the center). I have another smaller field next to it, which together would make for exactly 999 plots, but I think I need to give up some of that space to the barn, given that to the west of my greenhouse is where my oak tree field is (for resin for making kegs).

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


At work (Wal-Mart) today they are playing Nintendo music over the intercom. And it’s connected at all Wal-Mart’s (it’s called Wal-Mart radio they actually have a dj you’ll hear if you come at just the right time. Just something to keep the workers sane) so if you come in you might hear some. It’s mixed in with regular songs.

So far I’ve heard the title theme from donkey Kong country twice ripped straight from the snes game. I’ve also heard nice orchestrated versions of the Zelda theme and the super Mario world theme. I assume it’s to promote the new snes mini


chyron8472 said:

An HD remake [of SS] wouldn’t fix Link’s sidequests in Skyloft so that he isn’t a jerk (eg. either choosing to set up a kid to get dumped publicly or else have him stalked by a ghost)

I just finished a sidequest in BOTW that put’s Link in the role of the jerk and it reminded me of your comment here.
That poor brokenhearted boy at Gerudo town… 😉
“Look at my sexy outfit! Gimme them boots. Gimme them boots too. Now stay here and cry.”

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


ray_afraid said:

I love the game A Link to the Past. It’s just about my favorite in the series.
But I really hate the title. It has nothing to do with the game. The original Japanese title Triforce of the Gods is more fitting, but not much better.

It sort of works as a title if you look at it from the larger timeline but I know you don’t care for that.


And even then it only kinda works and is still a lame pun. If the game worked as a set up story for the original two, it might work better. But, like most Zelda games, the connection is only there if you follow that silly and complicated timeline thing where the same thing happens like every 100 years and involves people with the same names, clothes, goals and, even though it’s supposedly been however long since last time, the world hasn’t evolved at all.
And, like you said, I don’t care for that. 😉

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


Do you have the DLC? I highly recommend Master Mode.

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


A Link to the Past music on multi-tracked cellos by youtuber CelloBassett
Anybody with even a passing interest in Zelda and music should check these out!

Dark World
Hyrule Castle
Ancient Ruins
Seal of the Seven Maidens
Prince of Darkness
Zelda’s Lullaby (cello & guitar)

I’d love to be able to play the game with this guy doing the entire soundtrack.
It’s just perfect.

JEDIT- here’s some more Zelda music from him!
Song of Healing (Majora’s Mask)
Kass’ Theme (Breath of the Wild)
Zelda’s Lullaby (cello & guitar)

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


Gonna grab MORTAL KOMBAT XL and WOLFENSTEIN II sometime. Have LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2.

Yes, for PC you see.


ray_afraid said:

A Link to the Past music on multi-tracked cellos.
Anybody with even a passing interest in Zelda and music should check these out!

Dark World
Hyrule Castle
Ancient Ruins
Seal of the Seven Maidens
Prince of Darkness

I’d love to be able to play the game with this guy doing the entire soundtrack.
It’s just perfect.

JEDIT- here’s some more Zelda music from him!
Song of Healing (Majora’s Mask)
Kass’ Theme (Breath of the Wild)

There is a way to hack the rom where you can play the game with Team ZREO’s soundtrack in it.


I wouldn’t just listen to it to listen to it but as far as just faithfully replacing the in game soundtrack with basically the same thing but with higher quality instrument samples it’s quite interesting.


They could be using the same method zreo is. I once had ambitions of covering the entire Mega Man X soundtrack and putting it in. I literally did all but like 3 songs then quit. I should really finish that.


I used to have a demo video, but I lost it.

Here’s a track from it though. The only thing is if I finished it I would have to cripple the sound quality by recording it the way I used to record because that’s how I did the rest of the soundtrack and I want it to be consistent.


I could always do the sequels later though.