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Info Wanted: The Thin Red Line by Hans Zimmer - Expanded Score?


So I’ve recently listened to Hans Zimmer’s score for “The Thin Red Line” and I thought it was great, just the same as the film.  Well, now I’m wondering if there is an expanded release floating around the internet somewhere.  I’ve read on forums and reviews that there are have been releases expanded by dvd rips, but they apparently suffer greatly from lots of dialogue and sound effects.  On a related note, I am also wondering if anyone knows the proper order that the music should be arranged in (has anyone ever seen a cue sheet or something?) considering that the film itself is no guideline; much of the material that Zimmer composed was left unused, heavily edited or re-mixed in the film, and much of the music’s placement in the film is not representative of where it was originally intended to be.

Zimmer composed several hours of music for the film (even before Terrence Malick began shooting) and Im looking for as much of that musical experience as possible.

So does anyone have an expanded release they would be happy to share? Or would someone be interested in taking on a project to make an expanded version of the score.  Is there even enough material available to make such a project worthwhile?

If anyone knows anything about the music at all, wants to take on a project, or just wants to comment… its what I’m looking for lol.


wow, im sorry, i meant to place this thread in the other not star wars fan edits ect. section. if this thread could be moved to that section by somone with the power (when its convenient) it would be much apreciated.



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I found the albums that were made from DVD rips and they weren't spectacular, as expected. The main problem is that they use the film as a guide (as I mentioned earlier, because its probably impossible to know the music's original order due to how edited it was for the theatrical release). The albums also don't seem to have any of the material from the actual OST album mixed in, most likely because the rips from the DVD are so edited that only bits here and there seem familiar from the official soundtrack.  The only project regarding this score that I see possible at this time is as follows:

Step 1. Someone musically experienced should do a new rip of the music in the film and learn the material backwards and forwards.

Step 2. They could then combine the bits of the album present in the film with the rips to form tracks as devoid of sound effects and dialogue as  possible.

3. Then, the parts of the album not used in the film could be labeled as unused, and placed as well in the album's timeline as possible using their knowledge of the material, the script and the track titles as a starting point.

I'd love to give this a go, but have absolutely no time for such a project. Perhaps I'll have time in the future, or maybe somone wants to take this monster on.

Who knows, maybe GoodMusician is a fan of the score (although he seems very busy as of late)...