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Star Wars Re-imagined? (an animated fan film)


Ok people. Here it is. I’ve been working on this for about two years now. A new, slightly off-cannon re-imagined, animated, NON-PROFIT, Star Wars trilogy. Classified as a fan film, this would wipe the slate clean of all the crap that has cluttered the SW galaxy over the last 20 years or so. Top notch animation, professional voice actors, and some true artistic input from real SW fans who actually care. Re-written to be more relatable to today’s culture, while still retaining that awe and mystery that got us all into it in the first place.

I know this may come off as a bit long winded, but let me assure you, I have the resources to get the ball rolling. A presentation trailer would be put together, concept art revealed, and then, it’s in the hands of crowd-funding to get it finished.

The stories would be based on the original trilogy, with any historical notes of Anakin and clone wars reduced to flashbacks throughout the stories. The history would be re-written. No more trade federation nonsense. No more midichlorians, no more whiny Anakin bitching and moaning…and while we’re at it, no more Ewoks. That goes double for Jar-Jar.

New designs, new ships - all animated. This would NOT be for children.

So, my question is this…would YOU, the fans support it? Would you want to see this happen?

It was always my intention to get to a certain point in the story writing process, and then put it to the fans to see where they all stood on the issue. When Lucas sold everything to Disney, I thought this idea was done, but I’m a stubborn person, and I see that fan films are still going strong. That’s when I realized that they will never shut down star wars fan films - it’s too damn big. So, back to work I went.

I’m fully prepared to dedicate the next five or more years of my life to see this through, but only if the fans want it.

Who am I? I’m nobody. Just like Adywan in the UK who revisited star wars DVD’s with color corrections and re-edits, or Kevin Rubio who directed TROOPS. I’m a fan who has the time and resources to make something he cares about and set it loose upon the world.

The Star Wars galaxy is hurting. I would very much like to heal that. Who’s with me?

All comments welcome, but please, lets keep it civil, ok?


I am not the biggest Star Wars fan in the world (does this get me banned now), but your idea and concept sounds very interesting to me. I am more so concerned with the actual animation. Would this be actually drawn (say something like Heavy Metal or Wizards) or would this be animation in terms of computer cg style?

I am a faneditor, check out my stuff



It's funny that  you mention Heavy Metal since they used a form of rotoscoping in some scenes to add realism to their characters - an art form replaced with motion tracking which never really did it justice.  Mine would be somewhere in the middle.  The Characters would be cg, but have the look and feel of comic book art while being rendered in a computer.  Keep in mind, this is not "motion-comics", that's just lazy. 

It's difficult to describe since I really haven't seen anyone doing what I have in mind, but the characters in the film "Appleseed Ex Machina" is a step in the right direction.  It will have the look and feel of drawn comic book art, but rendered in a computer without the obvious "video game" look.  The problem with a lot of cg animation today, is that it just looks too fake and that pulls the viewer out of the story.  I want to avoid that.


Count me interested. I'm working on and off on a re-imagining of the prequels, but this sounds like a complete re-imagining of the entirety of Star Wars, is that correct?

What is canon? Is it for example the canon of the original movie, where Darth Vader literally killed Luke's father, or is it Empire canon, where Vader is Luke's father, and Luke's sibling is being raised in secret on the other side of the galaxy, or is it something entirely different?

How developed is the storyline, and are you open to changes in the story?

It sounds like you are passionate about this project. However, if the story loosely follows the original trilogy, wouldn't it be considered a remake of the originals, and a CG/animated one at that? I'm just saying that it may be difficult to gain support for something on an original trilogy fansite that aims to "remake" the original trilogy.

Though I do applaud the decision to dispense with the prequels.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Thanks.  I've no love for the prequels the way they came out.  It just dilutes the original trilogy so much that it makes people wanna cry.  I think flashbacks is the way to go.  Keep it simple, keep a little mystery, let the audience use their imagination.  That's what made the originals so great in the first place.

You do have a point about gaining support here, but in my defense, I would really like to hear from as many fans as possible - die-hards included.  Though if you know of any good forums and would like to share, I'd appreciate it.

As far as canon goes, perhaps it's best to say "somewhat off-canon" since I like the idea of Vader being Luke's father, for example, but none of the characters will look like they did in the originals (except maybe Yoda - love that little guy).

The basic adventures are the same in the beginning; droid crashes on Tatooine, Death Star destroys planets, ice planet Hoth, etc. but it's all from a different point of view, and takes a darker tone as well as presenting new planets and characters along the way.  So far, Leia is still Lukes sister, but that could change in a second draft. It's hard to describe what I have in mind without giving too much away, so forgive me for being vague.

I'm very open to ideas from the fans, as long as they understand that I can't please everyone, and can't use every idea that comes my way.  You have to draw the line somewhere.  With that in mind, if you feel like sharing, by all means.  Anyone who's ideas I use will get credit .

BTW, good luck to you on your prequels work.  I look forward to it. 


Anaokar said:


It's difficult to describe since I really haven't seen anyone doing what I have in mind, but the characters in the film "Appleseed Ex Machina" is a step in the right direction.  It will have the look and feel of drawn comic book art, but rendered in a computer without the obvious "video game" look.  The problem with a lot of cg animation today, is that it just looks too fake and that pulls the viewer out of the story.  I want to avoid that.


my issue with Appleseed is that it still looked like a video game cut scene with sort of bland emotionless faces. However if you have it similar to that but without that dead video game look, I think you might really have something there. Either way I would def watch it if you go through and create it

I am a faneditor, check out my stuff



You know how Vader being Luke's father changed everything in the story of Star Wars? I feel like some gigantic revelation of that sort is required for any prequel rewrite or OT re-imagining to be interesting. Anyone can pick apart what shouldn't be in the movies, whether it be Ewoks or Jar Jar or even "But I was going into Toshe station to pick up some power converters!" But at the end of the day, changing these things doesn't change the heart of the story.

What I'm trying to get at here is that it looks like you're trying to go big with your changes. I think you're on the right track. My feeling is that you really need to go big with the heart of the story, make big changes that are risky, but have great potential payoff. I-am-your-father level changes to the heart of the plot, because the worst thing that this project can be is just the same story with some superficial changes and a new visual aesthetic.

What if Luke actually dies in his confrontation with Vader in Cloud City? Would Leia be forced to step into his shoes, and would she be up to it?

What if the rebellion contains the seeds of corruption that destroyed the Republic? For that matter, what is the rebellion even fighting for, precisely? What is its Declaration of Independence, its values and the type of government that it wishes to create or restore?

What if Luke learns that an intergalactic force is preparing to invade the galaxy? Would Luke risk destabilizing the current power system in the galaxy when it is about to be destroyed by an outside power?

Just some ideas about potential radical directions.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


I can see you've given some thought to the stories as well.  I like the seeds of corruption in the rebellion idea. 


Anaokar said:

I can see you've given some thought to the stories as well.  I like the seeds of corruption in the rebellion idea. 

What have you done? You've gotten me started on rewriting the originals! Is nothing sacred?!

Anyway, here's a more fleshed out permutation of the story:

Luke leaves Dagobah and travels to Cloud City. There he battles Vader, who questions how Obi-wan could have trained Luke so well. Vader then tells him that he is his father. Luke escapes, and then the Imperials impound Luke's abandoned X-wing. From its trajectory, and its condition compared to its trajectory and condition leaving Hoth, they conclude that it must have come from Dagobah, and so Vader travels to Dagobah alone. Meanwhile, Luke and company are rescuing Han from Jabba the Hutt, who is on an Imperial controlled world in the mid-rim, and this is accomplished by activating a pocket of rebel forces on the planet. These pockets of rebel resistance are being organized throughout the galaxy in preparation for open rebellion, and Luke forces the beginning of this open rebellion. Luke then senses an urgent need to return to Yoda. Vader has landed on Dagobah and Yoda, sensing the dark lord's presence, has retreated to the cave of the Dark Side in an attempt to mask his presence in the Force. Vader nevertheless finds Yoda, and Luke arrives just as Vader kills the Jedi Master. Luke enters the cave, and for the second time he sees the figure of Vader approaching him through the mist. He battles the dark lord again, but realizes that he cannot kill a man who may be his own father. He throws his lightsaber to the ground and invites death, believing that his true father would not kill him. He is correct, as Vader deactivates his own saber. Knowing that Vader is his father, Luke knows that he must do whatever he can to save him. Luke allows Vader to lead him to his shuttle, and together they depart to meet the Emperor on Coruscant.

            From Coruscant, the image of Luke in shackles is broadcast throughout the galaxy. The hero of the rebellion, the one who destroyed the Death Star, has been captured. The Rebel leader Mon Mothma decides that the time for open rebellion has finally come for all of the planets of the galaxy, and she initiates the final assault on Coruscant.


From there, the story could continue in a similar vein as Return of the Jedi, but of course it would be cooler to make up something entirely different.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


LOL.  It's addicting, isn't it?  There are so many things that can happen in the SW galaxy, the mind just reels.


While I like your ideas for the showdown between Luke and Vader, I have to admit that this was one of the first things I fleshed out when I began writing.  However, the image of the "Hero of Yavin" in shackles broadcast gives me an idea.  Also like the idea of a rebellion in splinter cells.


I assume you're back to writing fan fiction then?


Anaokar said:

LOL.  It's addicting, isn't it?  There are so many things that can happen in the SW galaxy, the mind just reels.


While I like your ideas for the showdown between Luke and Vader, I have to admit that this was one of the first things I fleshed out when I began writing.  However, the image of the "Hero of Yavin" in shackles broadcast gives me an idea.  Also like the idea of a rebellion in splinter cells.


I assume you're back to writing fan fiction then?

Oh, I am fully addicted to rewriting the prequels, but throughout these several years I have operated under the consideration that the original movies are gospel. It almost feels like cheating to rewrite the originals, as hindsight is 20/20, and people have had thirty years to figure out what works and what doesn't work about the originals.

It's been an interesting challenge, creating backstory to a good, yet flawed trilogy. If I were to discard the originals, I might as well write my own original movies in their own universe. Not to say that your project isn't interesting or worth pursuing. It's just part of the fun for me to try and reconcile why Anakin never goes back to Tatooine, despite apparently being from there, or how Han just happens to run into his old friend Lando while he is stranded without hyperdrive, given the vast scale of the galaxy. If you're just rewriting it, it's the easiest thing in the world to fix.

What I'm trying to say is that for me, limitation breeds creativity.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


I'm not much of a writer, but I want someone to write some of my ideas into fanfic because I think it would be cool.

Amidala's handmaidens were clones, the Nubians were the originators of the technology, thats why the queens decoys fooled everyone.

Palpatine raids the planet to commandeer the cloning facility. Jedi Knights twart his plan.


Annakin is trapped somehow and used for cloning because of how powerful he is as a Jedi.

Other Jedi are cloned and made into an army that Palpatine controls.

Since Annakin was so powerful, so is his clone.  He turns all the Jedi clones against their originals, so there is a true clone war.  The evil Annakin clone is almost killed by Obi Wan and Annakin.  Annakin saves Obi Wan, and parishes inthe process. Evil Annakin, now Darth Vader, uses the memories to claim Luke as his son.

The whole point is to pit Jedis against their clones.  Then Darth Vader hunting down remaining Jedi on his own.  I just felt jipped after all the years imagining a clone war, just to have uglier stormtroopers.  I also felt they messed up with Boba Fett's backstory.  Star him out as a Ranger helping the Jedis and have him go too far as in destroying a village, something todo with wookies.  Then he becomes an outcast and a hatred of wookies.

PS, R2D2 does NOT have jumpjets, those are silly.


JediNyght73 said:

I'm not much of a writer, but I want someone to write some of my ideas into fanfic because I think it would be cool.

Amidala's handmaidens were clones, the Nubians were the originators of the technology, thats why the queens decoys fooled everyone.

Palpatine raids the planet to commandeer the cloning facility. Jedi Knights twart his plan.


Annakin is trapped somehow and used for cloning because of how powerful he is as a Jedi..

I feel that cloning force-sensitives is one of those things that should never have been explored. For all the complaints about the midi-chlorians, it's still pretty clear to me that reducing the force down to such a level is a sign of how flawed the Jedi Order had become in the prequels. Cloning Force-sensitive genuinely reduces the mystery and uniqueness of the Force, and feels cheap. It's a dangerous route to go down for so many reasons (See all instances of cloning Force-sensitives) in EU. It just diminishes the impact. Force Unleashed 2 was awful for this reason, I hate the plot of Dark Empire and any other Palpatine clone books because of it. Ugh.
I'm definitely interested in the concept, sounds kinda like infinities, though I'd rather the prequels be avoided altogether than redone. I think the story might work better that way.  In general, if I'm reading some piece of fan fiction, and it descends too far into trying to change some aspect of something that isn't really necessary, it comes across as arrogant, and pulls me out of the story.


I'd love to see some concept art, or a few seconds of animation to see where you are pitching this.

I was an animator for a few years, and this sounds rather, well, ambitious!


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