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ZigFried's Archival Saga (* unfinished project *) — Page 2

Too bad you couldn't finish your SWF version so that "some people here could make it anamorphic..."

That might look even better than AVI > DVD

However, in practice you must take into account the “fuckwit factor”. Just talk to Darth Mallwalker…

Originally posted by: C3PX
Of course that wasn't a joke! Are you kidding? This project sound awesome! I have never been so excited about a preservation attempt than this one. I must admit I was a little disappointed when he decided to use DVD quality rather than divx, because divx is so much more detailed. You honestly can never match divx quality. It blows old DVD out of the water any day of the week, or the month for that matter. You don't have to explain to me what he is doing. He explains it himself quite clearly. I really hope he goes ahead with his menus. But it sounds like he might have to do away with them inorder that he is able to finish this project. I for one cannot wait. With or without the menus, this is perhaps the finest and most ambishous attempt at film preservation I have ever witnessed!

You do know that the AVI versions are just the DVDs recompressed, right? In that case, they aren't going to look any better (and probably worse) than the original DVDs. That is unless he's going to spend thousands of dollars and go through the AVIs frame by frame like the XO project is doing. Since he stopped the "Paint Wars" project, I doubt very much that he plans to do that.

As far as he's said, he's not taking any hi-def captures and putting them on a DVD. And I wouldn't call this a preservation attempt. Converting retail DVDs to AVI and then back to DVD is hardly preservation. It's more like an exercise in how not to do something.

Remember you cannot add quality. Unless he has a source with more detail, converting the DVDs to AVI will do nothing. I very much doubt he has a source with higher detail, especially considering that he's telling us he's converting the RETAIL DVDs.
F Scale score - 3.3333333333333335

You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

Pissing off Rob since August 2007.

hhhhmmmmm...... intresting!

Join the dark side… and get a free cookie!

This thread...

holy shit.

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This thread.....is just sad.

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.

Whew---I did'nt want to say it for myself--- and I used to think I was a sort of novice at this stuff---
Well all 6 DVDs are complete. And I'm VERY happy with them. Now I can finally get back into the SE and Prequels again...
Originally posted by: ZigFried
Well all 6 DVDs are complete. And I'm VERY happy with them. Now I can finally get back into the SE and Prequels again...

Bwahahaha. Un...be...leivable.
F Scale score - 3.3333333333333335

You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

Pissing off Rob since August 2007.
Hey, ZigFried:

You say you want to contribute to the forum, which is cool. Lots of people lurk forever, and the most they offer up is their two cents now and again. Like me, for example. So to be inspired to create something novel is highly admirable. You've got a lot of potential here on this forum. I think I'm among many people here who figure your best work to date has been the absolutely killer Paint Wars, and that your obvious talent is wasted taking on the pretty... uh... "mundane" task of doing DVD -> AVI -> DVD conversions. So I would respectfully submit you've already begun a highly-worthy contribution, and I would urge you to continue your excellent and unique Paint Wars series.

I was totally shocked by how quickly you were pumping out pictures, but it seems as though it came at a price: you've decided from your brief spurt of work that it's going to be too difficult to finish the whole film. I say, "Well, duh!" If you work at that pace, it's got to be draining. I couldn't believe you got as far as you did in such a short time. Crazy!

But how about setting a much more modest target, over a longer period of time? Aim for 10 pictures a week (say...), and don't let it take up more time than that. Or at least average 10 pictures a week -- if you feel inspired to crank out 20 one week and none the next, so be it. If you average 10 pictures for each 2 minutes of film time, then ANH will take about 500 more pictures. 10 a week, and you'd be finished up by next Christmas, easy.

You've got a lot of support here on the forum. It'd be cool if you could channel that goodwill and positive vibe into a nice, stable, completable project!
Originally posted by: ZigFried
Well all 6 DVDs are complete. And I'm VERY happy with them. Now I can finally get back into the SE and Prequels again...

Ah, would that be the famous 6 DVD set of the original trilogy? You're confusing me....which DVD's did you make copies of?

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.

Agreed. I just cannot get my head around why you are bothering with such a pointless task like this. All you are doing is making pirate copies.

Paint wars on the other hand was something that everyone seemed to be enjoying, it was novel, it was original. And i'm sure that if the images came out less often the anticipation would be greater still. I'd really like to see you go back to 'paint wars' rather than [in my opinion] wasting time and effort on something like dvd copies.

I've got a handful of star wars projects myself but i've barely made a start yet, Just sit back take your time and enjoy the atmosphere.
Well, what Zig's doing isn't technically wrong or illegal or anything, it's not even stupid. Watching backup copies of things that you watch quite frequently is a good idea. The originals will always be there if you put too much wear on the dupes. This applied more for VHS copies than for DVDs, but the same principal applies.

Polluting the message board telling us about it is what's stupid.

I used to be very active on this forum. I’m not really anymore. Sometimes, people still want to get in touch with me about something, and that is great! If that describes you, please email me at [my username]ATgmailDOTcom.

Hi everybody. You’re all awesome. Keep up the good work.

So I take it that this thread's madness is over now? Maybe the mods could lock this thread so it can slowly go away into oblivion where it belongs.

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.

Noooo! This is a great thread! I have been following it from the beginning, it is such an ambishous project I find myself checking on the hour in hopes of more posts from zig.

Most of you don't seem to appreciate the course this project has taken during its short existence. Its evolution is unbelievable. I can honestly say I have only once seen its equal, and that was zigs other project, the swf editions (which unfortunately turned out to be far to overwhelming for zigfried and was canned). For those of you who seem to only be complaining about this and not realizing it for what it really is, I shall explain.

This project started out with little ZigFried wanting to contribute something to the community. What better way to do this than to make backup copies of DVDs we already own and can easily back up on our own a million times easier than teaching zig how to do it. What easier way to backup the DVDs than download them in xvid format then convert them to DVD. This sounds stupid to you all because you have forgetten to take into account that THEY ARE COPY PROTECTED!! Duh! You can't copy them straight from the disc! So you download them from somebody else who already have the free 3mb software to remove the copy protection and compressed them to avi. (he he, this whole thing reminds me a ratdvd ). However before he could finish downloading them somebody informed him of this free software for copying DVDs called DVD shrink, so he downloaded the trial version of DVD X Copy. Do not ask why. Zig is very wise, he knows what he is doing. Finally, zigfried decided that doing whole new menus would be tricky, so he kept the old ones. He also decided that mailing these out to people would be tricky, so he decided not to give them to anybody else but to make a set for himself. Oh, and he is VERY happy about his work.

^That is why this is the greatest and most ambishous project this board has ever seen! ^

Now excuse me as I go explain to lordjedi the use of exaggeration and over statment as sarcasm. He seems to have taken all my comments far too seriously.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

I bet Zigfried's version of the trilogy just completely pwns the GOUT and PT that LFL put out...
Originally posted by: C3PX
Noooo! This is a great thread! I have been following it from the beginning, it is such an ambishous project I find myself checking on the hour in hopes of more posts from zig.

Most of you don't seem to appreciate the course this project has taken during its short existence. Its evolution is unbelievable. I can honestly say I have only once seen its equal, and that was zigs other project, the swf editions (which unfortunately turned out to be far to overwhelming for zigfried and was canned). For those of you who seem to only be complaining about this and not realizing it for what it really is, I shall explain.

This project started out with little ZigFried wanting to contribute something to the community. What better way to do this than to make backup copies of DVDs we already own and can easily back up on our own a million times easier than teaching zig how to do it. What easier way to backup the DVDs than download them in xvid format then convert them to DVD. This sounds stupid to you all because you have forgetten to take into account that THEY ARE COPY PROTECTED!! Duh! You can't copy them straight from the disc! So you download them from somebody else who already have the free 3mb software to remove the copy protection and compressed them to avi. (he he, this whole thing reminds me a ratdvd ). However before he could finish downloading them somebody informed him of this free software for copying DVDs called DVD shrink, so he downloaded the trial version of DVD X Copy. Do not ask why. Zig is very wise, he knows what he is doing. Finally, zigfried decided that doing whole new menus would be tricky, so he kept the old ones. He also decided that mailing these out to people would be tricky, so he decided not to give them to anybody else but to make a set for himself. Oh, and he is VERY happy about his work.

^That is why this is the greatest and most ambishous project this board has ever seen! ^

Now excuse me as I go explain to lordjedi the use of exaggeration and over statment as sarcasm. He seems to have taken all my comments far too seriously.

I just read this twice over, and have crashed onto the floor in my chair from laughter.
My emotions were once again toyed with by ZigFried.....got my hopes up and now he is nowhere to be found....WHERE are the ZIGFRIED MENUS?

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.

Originally posted by: starwarsfan8376
I bet Zigfried's version of the trilogy just completely pwns the GOUT and PT that LFL put out...

Practically everything pwns the GOUT at this point.
Originally posted by: C3PX
Now excuse me as I go explain to lordjedi the use of exaggeration and over statment as sarcasm. He seems to have taken all my comments far too seriously.

No explanation needed. Inflection and tone are difficult to get through text though without the use of smilies (which you finally used in that post).

I'm really happy for zig though. I'm glad he was able to contribute something so awesome to himself and make himself so happy. Great going Zig!
F Scale score - 3.3333333333333335

You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

Pissing off Rob since August 2007.
LOL. This is better than The Simpsons. Keep it up.
I could walk into a dvd/cd store tomorrow and buy any SW dvd for around 10USD (equiv). Why would I need backups