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Looking for a 2008 "Dark Knight" movie ticket


A few years back, I lost a movie ticket stub I had saved from when I went to see “The Dark Knight” in theaters. I’d like to replace it. However, that has proved a difficult task, since people who hang on to movie tickets don’t want to part with them, and everyone else just pitches them.

But I’m gonna try an appeal to the OT community. If anyone here has a movie ticket stub from a 2008 showing of “The Dark Knight”, preferably non-IMAX, I’d be interested in purchasing it via PayPal. You can PM me and we can work out the details.

Or, if you have a good idea of somewhere else to look (besides www.nolanfans.com, as I haven’t had any luck there) let me know.


The NJVC Custom Bluray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions is available on Mega.

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So you collect movie tickets for movies you’ve seen, but you don’t care if its actually for the date, time, or country you were in at the time? Very interesting.

Sorry I can’t help you.

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doubleofive said:

So you collect movie tickets for movies you’ve seen, but you don’t care if its actually for the date, time, or country you were in at the time? Very interesting.

I don’t collect movie tickets per se, but TDK Trilogy holds a special place for me. I have tickets from the other two films, as I saw them in standard theaters, as keep sakes. Even if the one I actually used in 2008 is gone, I’d like one that represents the same type of showing, hence the “preferably non-IMAX” bit.

To NeverarGreat, yeah I understand completely. Thanks for chiming in all the same!

The NJVC Custom Bluray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions is available on Mega.

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