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Episode IV: A Ridiculous Hope — Page 21


His other two ideas are a continuation of the same one. By RSB, he meant, of course, The Ridiculousness Strikes Back. So, you would replace...

the asteroid sequence in ANH with that of ESB;

the one in ESB with the one from AOTC;

and the TIE fighter attack in ROTJ with the one from ANH.


I understood the RSB but misunderstood the continuation gag.  Thanks.


RicOlie_2 said:

Frank your Majesty said:

Yeah, do you have interviews where Carrie describes Vader? When she confronts him for the first time, she could say something like: "Darth Vader, I have recognized your helmet."

Or she could tell Han: "I have recognized your walking carpet when I was brought on board."

 Language note (if you don't mind):

You wouldn't use "have" in either of those cases; in the second, because there's a specific point in time given (when I was brought on board). I'm not really sure why it isn't right in the first one (perhaps because a specific time of recognition would be implied by the context), but it's awkward there as well.

Be sure to let me know if you'd rather I just keep my mouth shut next time. ;)

 No problem, I'm happy to learn.

Then I propse Frink may make it like this: "Darth Vader, I recognized your helmet." And: "I recognized your walking carpet when I was brought on board."

Ceci n’est pas une signature.


You could even kickstart the whole WRONG MOVIE gag with having Ripley's death from Alien 3, Arnie's Thumb from Terminator 2 and Gollum's death from Return of the King all end up in Anakin's Lava Bath.


You could put this shot (and possibly others) from Gremlins' bar scene into the Cantina somewhere. :)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I used to have it on cassette, but I've no idea what happened to it.


My kids were watching The Flight of Dragons today, a fine old Rankin Bass cartoon.  The villain in the movie is an evil wizard named Ommadon, voiced by none other than James Earl Jones.  While an enjoyable baddy, his character is obviously quite different from Vader.  I imagine a number of lines could be used from the cartoon to voice Vader in your edit to quite comedic effect.  Listen to some of his lines and delivery and I bet you could find places to sneak them into your edit.



To illustrate my above idea, I have a few suggestions:

Tagge: It is possible, however unlikely, that they may find a weakness and exploit it.

Vader: So what are you going to do?  Sit around like a bunch of old nannies and let it happen?


Motti: This station is now the ultimate power in the universe.  I suggest we use it.

Vader: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!  While your powers die, mine will flourish.


[same clip but later]

Tarkin: Vader!  Enough of this!  Release him!

Vader: So beeee it!


[same clip but a bit later]

Standing with Tarkin as the Death Star approaches the Yavin IV rebel base...

Vader: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!  I...am...victorious!


Imperial Officer: But they're so small they're evading our turbolasers.

Vader: Attack!  Demolish!  Devour!  Burn!  Grind them to dust!  Go forth and death be thy destination!

[this would obviously require some delaying tactic, likely reversing a playing the footage back and forth a few times to accommodate the lengthy dialogue]


Vader's TIE fighter spins out of control.

Vader: What's this?  How dare he.  How dare he!

[no clip available]

There're tons of fun lines available.  I do encourage you to check it out.  It's a fun cartoon and worth buying anyway.


When Artoo plays the hologram message for Ben, all sorts of embarrassing things the little droid witnessed in the prequels could flash by. Ben hurriedly fast forwards through them.

Luke could ask who certain people are, only to have Ben shush him?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Luke could ask who certain people are, only to have Ben shush him?

 I can't remember the usable dialogue off the top of my head...


I'm sure Luke utters the words who, is, and that in the OT, if not in the same sentence.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Has anyone suggested Blue Oyster Baring the Cantina sequence before?
Further the scene where threepio and artoo hide from the troopers behind that door. They could end up back in the Cantina again… cue El Bimbo and possibly French television dance routines.
The Joke could return when Threepio finds the troopers in RSB and when he goes into Jabba’s throne room in ROTJ


Ah, it was the “baring” that confused me.


For future reference…

Replace the closeups of Chris Pratt with Obi Wan proper, and he can be yanking Vader’s chain. If someone can gray out Pratt’s hair on some shots, and put the hood up on him?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Luke’s landspeeder could sound like a jalopy, complete with bad muffler. Whenever Luke jumps in to speed off, it takes several sputtering starts to get it going.

The Jawa sandcrawler could sound like a garbage truck.

The SE entrance into Mos Eisely could have real world traffic noises. The infamous Jawa falling off the Ronto scene could have voices of angry drivers cursing.

The lame CGI droid slapping the flying droid could be provoked by a subtitled insult. “Nobody is going to buy an action figure of you!”

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


You could probably cut in Cylons from the New Caprica episodes into Mos Eisley and replace the smackdown robot for one.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the original series had someone say “Cylons” with a older English accent so the place could become “a wretched hive of Cylons and Villainy”.
When the Stormtroopers start firing on the Falcon some old school Cylons could show up and fire on them.