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General Star Wars Random Thoughts Thread — Page 360


Just awhile ago my lady n’ me watched Frink’s Yaketty Sax Gungan battle. We laughed ourselves silly of course, but then she asked “Did he add silly moments in, or is it the real movie with the music playing over it?” I told her it’s just sped-up footage and added music. Then that caused us to laugh ourselves silly all over again!

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


I feel like I should mention that I took that idea from a YouTube video. I’m reasonably sure I gave credit to the original creator in my credits.

Although the Inception build up was all me. 😃


Frink’s edits are close to overwriting the originals in my mind if they haven’t already. When I see snippets of the prequels on tv it’s almost jarring now.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Mocata said:

Rey should get an orange or yellow one, that would be good. Like Yun in Dark Forces II. The whole toy line thing is weird and amusing though, like they kept getting it wrong in new ways. I think RetroBlasting did a bit on them.

Or maybe even a rainbow-colored one. Seriously though the colors of the lightsabers should be limited.


All the sabers should be green because green is the best color (especially when in lightsabers).



They all are supposed to be Air Superiority Blue.


You should make Air Superiority Blue your avatar since you love it so much.



So yesterday I began my pre-TLJ saga watch-through with Hal’s TPM edit, and something jumped out at me that I’d never noticed before. This group of presumably wealthy politicians, aristocrats and clerics pluck Anakin from obscurity and bring him to the galactic equivalent of New York City, and no one deems it worthwhile to buy the kid some new clothes. He seriously spends the rest of the movie in his greasy slave burlap while the Queen has three or four complete costume changes. What the hell, space adults?


Interesting observation! And had Ani even had a bath since the Pod Race?

The Jedi are probably really horrible with child care. If Palpatine had tipped off the authorities he could have taken over much more easily!

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


How do we call us, fans of the theatrical OT ? GOUTers ?


TV’s Frink said:

At some point (especially in the hanger right before they escaped), sure. But I seriously doubt it [troops missing on purpose as to track them to the rebel base] was happening from the second they landed on the Death Star. That strains credibility by quite a bit.

No, not right away. But as soon as they bust the Princess out, I’d say the plan was made and orders given. The only scuffle before that is when Luke n’ Han are dressed as troops and take em by surprise.
Maybe I’m wrong and they are supposed to be terrible with aim and the whole thing is supposed to be silly, that’s just not how I see it.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


ray_afraid said:

TV’s Frink said:

At some point (especially in the hanger right before they escaped), sure. But I seriously doubt it [troops missing on purpose as to track them to the rebel base] was happening from the second they landed on the Death Star. That strains credibility by quite a bit.

No, not right away. But as soon as they bust the Princess out, I’d say the plan was made and orders given. The only scuffle before that is when Luke n’ Han are dressed as troops and take em by surprise.

Surprise that somehow lasted 10 minutes while a bunch of em apparently ran around the room doing nothing but looking for their guns or something, but ok.

This also ignores ESB where they can’t hit anything because of “tight corners” as you put it, never mind that the heroes had no problem with that.

The answer, as in most movies, is that the faceless enemy can be shot while the heroes can’t otherwise the movie would just come to a screeching halt. It’s nothing more than the mechanics of making a movie like this.


TV’s Frink said:

ray_afraid said:

TV’s Frink said:

At some point (especially in the hanger right before they escaped), sure. But I seriously doubt it [troops missing on purpose as to track them to the rebel base] was happening from the second they landed on the Death Star. That strains credibility by quite a bit.

No, not right away. But as soon as they bust the Princess out, I’d say the plan was made and orders given. The only scuffle before that is when Luke n’ Han are dressed as troops and take em by surprise.

Surprise that somehow lasted 10 minutes

That scene last 15 seconds.

The answer, as in most movies, is that the faceless enemy can be shot while the heroes can’t otherwise the movie would just come to a screeching halt. It’s nothing more than the mechanics of making a movie like this.

Sure, but, like in most good movies, there are reasons given even if they are a bit of a stretch.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


ray_afraid said:

TV’s Frink said:

ray_afraid said:

TV’s Frink said:

At some point (especially in the hanger right before they escaped), sure. But I seriously doubt it [troops missing on purpose as to track them to the rebel base] was happening from the second they landed on the Death Star. That strains credibility by quite a bit.

No, not right away. But as soon as they bust the Princess out, I’d say the plan was made and orders given. The only scuffle before that is when Luke n’ Han are dressed as troops and take em by surprise.

Surprise that somehow lasted 10 minutes

That scene last 15 seconds.

Obvious exaggeration, was obvious. Regardless, it’s an awfully long sequence for no one to get any good shots off.


ray_afraid said:

TV’s Frink said:

At some point (especially in the hanger right before they escaped), sure. But I seriously doubt it [troops missing on purpose as to track them to the rebel base] was happening from the second they landed on the Death Star. That strains credibility by quite a bit.

No, not right away. But as soon as they bust the Princess out, I’d say the plan was made and orders given. The only scuffle before that is when Luke n’ Han are dressed as troops and take em by surprise.
Maybe I’m wrong and they are supposed to be terrible with aim and the whole thing is supposed to be silly, that’s just not how I see it.

First thing Vader says after they board the Death Star is “They must be trying to return the stolen plans to the princess. She may yet be of some use to us.” After they’ve freed her, I agree that they are letting them go. It is maybe not supposed to make you think about it when watching it as a movie, but if the main two guys in charge on the station have made a plan and installed a tracking device to lead them to rebel base to destroy the whole rebellion, it would be the most stupid thing to have some bumbling troops to ruin the whole plan.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.