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Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 4


Oh God no, Burn After Reading is great.

Anyway, if I was going to put money on it, I’d guess they’ll give it to Jon Favreau, purely based on the amount of work he’s done for Disney over the past decade. Before the Han Solo shakeup I’d have said Spielberg was impossible, but with Ron Howard on board who knows. I’d like to see Guillermo del Toro take a crack at it, but that feels like wishful thinking. Maybe Peter Jackson? The Hobbit trilogy was a mess, but at least he’s proven he’s got more vision than Trevorrow.


A few years ago, Spielberg would have been my first choice. Now, I’m not so sure. I don’t think it’d be right to go from two films directed by fans of Star Wars since childhood, to literally George Lucas’s best friend. Also he’d never do it.

The obvious choices would be JJ Abrams, Gareth Edwards, or (especially) Rian Johnson. However, I don’t know about any of them. Abrams most likely wants to move on to something different, and I don’t think Edwards would be that much a step up from Trevorrow directing wise. Johnson honestly seems like the safest bet, but I do think there is real value to having a different director for each film. Maybe he could write it though…

My first suggestion would be Brad Bird, though he’s busy with the Incredibles. I could potentially seeing them wanting Favreau but he’s got the Lion King. Del Toro or Jackson would be interesting choices, but I don’t know, they don’t feel right for Star Wars to me, for some reason.

If I had to make a wild guess I’d say Ava Duvernay. Would be a good choice at least.


Having only seen one Ava DuVernay movie, I, for one would be interested in a movie deconstructing the Imperial prison system.



I think Lucasfilm already has such a movie (or several), but they’re not releasing it because it wouldn’t be anything except an R rating at best.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


If we’re throwing pie-in-the-sky names out there, Duncan Jones would be my pick. Someone on Reddit also suggested Joseph Kosinski, which I’d be down with, having thoroughly enjoyed both Tron Legacy and Oblivion.


Your only as good as your last movie

Colins book of henry bombed at the box office…barely even making 4 million domestically does not reflect well on him.

It is not a question that book of henry was the one that did him in


If they canned him because Book of Henry was bad, they would have done it when they saw the finished film last year. If they did it because Book of Henry had a poor reception, they would have canned him when the movie came out in June.

Book of Henry didn’t help, but odds are that his script just wasn’t up to snuff, and it wasn’t likely that he’d be able to sufficiently improve it.


Lord Tobias said:

Your only as good as your last movie

Colins book of henry bombed at the box office…barely even making 4 million domestically does not reflect well on him.

It is not a question that book of henry was the one that did him in


The movie didn’t exactly have a wide release in a crowded summer market to begin with. According to Box Office Mojo, it played in exactly 579 theaters opening weekend. That’s not a lot compared to most movies. Not sure it even played in my area. Never saw any tv ads for it either. Kind of doubt it was even marketed at the demographic for JW or Star Wars.

Whatever the production budget, (BOM doesn’t say) it wasn’t Disney’s money at stake.

JEDIT:IMDB says ten million budget.

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Where were you in '77?


Bomb or not, it was pretty bad. And quality is a lot more important in regard to a director’s ability than financial success.


I didn’t exactly hear glowing reviews for Jurassic World either. Universal was crying all the way to the bank. 😉

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

I didn’t exactly hear glowing reviews for Jurassic World either. Universal was crying all the way to the bank. 😉

Rotten Tomatoes has an almost 50% difference in rating between those two films, so I don’t think there’s really much comparison.

JW was crowd pleasing, which helped it make money (Book of Henry wasn’t pleasing in any way, which helped it make almost no money). That plus I bet Frank Marshall gave Trevorrow glowing reviews (sounds like he’s a pretty nice guy) was probably what got him the job in the first place.


Does anyone besides internet geeks put that much stock in Rotten Tomatoes though? Comcast owns RT as well as Universal, so I’d take reviews there with a grain of salt. That is, if I gave a crap about RT. 😉

BOH will probably break even once it hits home video, streaming and cable. I’m sure Rifftrax is going to take a crack at it.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Does anyone besides internet geeks put that much stock in Rotten Tomatoes though? Comcast owns RT as well as Universal, so I’d take reviews there with a grain of salt. That is, if I gave a crap about RT. 😉

I put more stock in it than I do IMDb’s ratings, at any rate.


Rotten tomatoes scores do not influence my opinion. I like what I like despite what the majority thinks, but I still find the scores interesting and most of the time I agree with them.


Scores are nice, but if you can’t adequately defend why you like/dislike something in an argument citing scores is just flexing.


The same for box office totals. A movie that has both highly favorable reviews and performs well at the box office is pretty indicative that is good, but there are a few box office bombs that I love. This year I really liked Ghost in the Shell, Atomic Blonde, and Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets. All three failed at the box office and got mildly favorable reviews. I still love them.


I’m glad that Colin Trevorrow is no longer the director for Episode IX. That Lucasfilm chose him for the third film in the Sequel Trilogy always bugged me. “Jurassic World” was mediocre at best.

Rogue One is redundant. Just play the first mission of DARK FORCES.
The hallmark of a corrupt leader: Being surrounded by yes men.
‘The best visual effects in the world will not compensate for a story told badly.’ - V.E.S.
‘Star Wars is a buffet, enjoy the stuff you want, and leave the rest.’ - SilverWook


Good news Colin is no longer on the project. Better news would be to get a very talented director (Ed Wright ? Brad Bird ?).


Andrew Stanton ? Peter Jackson ? Wolfgang Peterson ? (OK Ok ok 😃)


My prediction:

Rian Johnson 50%
Other 30%
JJ Abrams 20%

If it were up to me, I’d ask Dave Filoni to write/direct.


rodneyfaile said:

My prediction:

Rian Johnson 50%
Other 30%
JJ Abrams 20%

If it were up to me, I’d ask Dave Filoni to write/direct.

I’ve been wondering about that. In a way, Rian Johnson is probably much closer to IX than just about any other pick could be (save people like Kasdan etc), and he’d be capable of picking up the pieces much faster than anyone else. He clearly has considered a follow-up as well, seeing as he wrote a treatment for IX at some point. Question is, how developed those ideas are, and whether he’d be interested in what effectively is a rush job. He doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy who’d shoot without a script, heavy preparation, or without consideration in regard to his storytelling. Which is the reason his films are as good as theya are, and one of the primary reasons why you’d want him to helm this project: he’s got the best kind of filmmaking clout possible right now. It just might not be feasible on this timeframe.

JJ wouldn’t mind as much for sure as he’s not a storyteller - he makes things go ‘boom’ in-between some talky bits.

Whatever the ultimate choice ends up being Rian Johnson’s probably having some REALLY interesting conversations with LucasFilm right now.


Johnson could write it and Abrams could direct. I remember Abrams saying he was envious about not getting to direct TLJ after reading Rian’s script.