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Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 59


You know what would be really cool? If the ‘gorilla walkers’ were actually manufactured during the height of the Empire for a specialized combat situation and have been heavily used by the First Order since. I could see them in formation with the more ubiquitous AT-ATs and AT-STs, and this would answer the question of where the First Order gets all this new tech. It could be the case that since the Empire and the Rebellion fought on many battlefields beyond those seen in the films, the Empire could well have a vast array of unique ships and vehicles as-yet unseen, just as Rogue One has shown.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


I feel like I need to see the gorilla walker in motion before I can pass judgement either way. I’m having a hard time figuring out how it’ll move based on the still. Do the front legs bend backward?


These gorilla walkers remind me that when it comes to designs, the sequel trilogy REALLY has lacked in creativity. Max Landis made a great point about how even in the OT, we had Y-Wings, TIE Bombers, TIE Interceptors, etc. In the prequels we got a load of new ships. Far different than the OT but I really appreciated them from a purely visual perceptive. Even Rogue One introduced a new ship and made sure to include Y-Wings. And they made a new type of TIE Fighter.

The Force Awakens literally had TIE fighters and X-Wings. That is literally it. Very lame in my opinion. The resistance ships on Crait seem really new and unique though so that excites me! 😃

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


And if I’m not mistaken these are new too:

As it pertains to the Gorilla Walkers I have to see them in action because they could be menacing in the way that the AT-AT’s aren’t. Still would be somewhat of a rehash though.


darthrush said:

These gorilla walkers remind me that when it comes to designs, the sequel trilogy REALLY has lacked in creativity. Max Landis made a great point about how even in the OT, we had Y-Wings, TIE Bombers, TIE Interceptors, etc. In the prequels we got a load of new ships. Far different than the OT but I really appreciated them from a purely visual perceptive. Even Rogue One introduced a new ship and made sure to include Y-Wings. And they made a new type of TIE Fighter.

The Force Awakens literally had TIE fighters and X-Wings. That is literally it. Very lame in my opinion. The resistance ships on Crait seem really new and unique though so that excites me! 😃

Max Landis has written one watchable movie that is a tad above twilight in my opinion…honestly do not see the appeal of his opinions


BigMcLargeHuge said:

Lord Tobias said:

Last jedi can’t be any worse than return of the jedi

A film liked because of the 80s and not so much quality

Last Jedi can’t be any worse than ROTJ? Really?

I’ve got three other movies to show you. The first one stars the kid from “Jingle All the Way.”

Wow…another set of shitty movies somehow makes return of the jedi less of a shit stain on the star wars mythos

Prequels may of introduced midi - chlorines

But return of the jedi started several trends that ruined star wars

It was the movie that firmly established that jedi were the only characters who make any real difference…han and leia had zero stake or importance in the story and you can cut then out if you want…this trend of “jedi first, everyone last” infected star wars media to a ridiculous degree

Dark side personality syndrome: tell me how forcing luke to kill his father is gonna make him palpatines apprentice…wouldn’t he just kill the emperor and spend his days atoning for that sin? That is a main issue that never got resolved in star wars, every jedi is one temper tantrum away from being a asshole. And return of the jedi was the one that started it.

In empire strikes back Luke’s near turn to the dark side was TEN TIME more effective and convincing than palpatines plan to turn luke to the dark side.

Gary kurz wanted to change the redemption of vader to be more nuanced…as it turns out vader wanted to make amends in his own sick f@ckity way

But Lucas deprived us of that in favor of a quick unearned redemption sequence


Lord Tobias said:

It was the movie that firmly established that jedi were the only characters who make any real difference…han and leia had zero stake or importance in the story and you can cut then out if you want…this trend of “jedi first, everyone last” infected star wars media to a ridiculous degree

Han and Leia (et al) took down the Death Star’s shields so that Lando and Wedge (also, non-Jedi…) could then blow up said Death Star which (even if Luke had totally failed) would have killed the Emperor…But, no, you’re right.


They were of no emotional significance though.


Lord Tobias said:

Dark side personality syndrome: tell me how forcing luke to kill his father is gonna make him palpatines apprentice…

Luke used the dark side of the force to overcome Vader during their last fight. The Emperor’s plan was for Luke to become enamored with the dark side, once he felt its power, as his father had. Luke regained his composure, and stayed good in the end.


Lord Haseo said:

And if I’m not mistaken these are new too:

As it pertains to the Gorilla Walkers I have to see them in action because they could be menacing in the way that the AT-AT’s aren’t. Still would be somewhat of a rehash though.

I should have made it clear that I was speaking about the Force Awakens and not the sequel trilogy as a whole (my bad). But yah, episode 8 seems to be really upping the game on the designs! I’m pretty thrilled to see what Rian has in store for us 😃

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


Lord Haseo said:

They were of no emotional significance though.


just because a character is doing something does not mean that they are significant to the emotional story of the film


Alderaan said:

Lord Tobias said:

Dark side personality syndrome: tell me how forcing luke to kill his father is gonna make him palpatines apprentice…

Luke used the dark side of the force to overcome Vader during their last fight. The Emperor’s plan was for Luke to become enamored with the dark side, once he felt its power, as his father had. Luke regained his composure, and stayed good in the end.

still does not answer my question

vaders attempt to turn luke to the dark side in empire strikes back made more sense…using the one thing luke dreamed of his entire life(being with his father) as a means to get him to go with him. I miss the era where the dark side was more of a ideology than a drug that makes characters one temper tantrum away from being a asshole…something disney seems to be fixing(notice how the word dark side is only referenced once in the sequel trilogy)

it about time the dark side-hyde thing goes away and dies where all the bad EU tropes are


Lord Tobias said:
still does not answer my question

How does it not answer your question? In Empire Strikes Back, Vader reveals to Luke that he is his father. He asks Luke to join him so they can overthrow the emperor and rule the galaxy as father and son. It is a temptation.

In Return of the Jedi, the Emperor and Vader goad Luke into using the dark side of the force. They are both dark side guys. They like the dark side. It is another temptation.

Just as Vader thought surely my son is going to join me and sign up to rule the entire galaxy when he tempted Luke in the previous movie, these two dark side guys who love the dark side, would have believed that Luke would fall in love with the dark side once he used it, just like they did, and he would become one of them.


Lord Tobias said:

Lord Haseo said:

They were of no emotional significance though.


just because a character is doing something does not mean that they are significant to the emotional story of the film

You didn’t mention “the emotional story of the film”, you mentioned “making a difference” and plot-wise - they did.

Look, iS ROTJ a Eugene O’Neill play? No, it is not. Is it a fun space fantasy adventure with some silly and stupid bits? Yes.

Also, I’d say that Han and Leia DID have an emotional arc (their relationship) and Leia had a minor one with Luke too (them being sibs). Was any of this as big an emotional arc as Luke’s? No. But, then, Luke is the PROTAGONIST.


darthrush said:

Lord Haseo said:

And if I’m not mistaken these are new too:

As it pertains to the Gorilla Walkers I have to see them in action because they could be menacing in the way that the AT-AT’s aren’t. Still would be somewhat of a rehash though.

I should have made it clear that I was speaking about the Force Awakens and not the sequel trilogy as a whole (my bad). But yah, episode 8 seems to be really upping the game on the designs! I’m pretty thrilled to see what Rian has in store for us 😃

TLJ seems to be doing this in many regards from what I’ve been reading and Rian’s influence has even touched TFA as he is the reason R2 went to Ahch-To with Rey intead of BB-8 like JJ origianlly wanted. That right there speaks volumes in my opinion.

BigMcLargeHuge said:
Also, I’d say that Han and Leia DID have an emotional arc (their relationship) and Leia had a minor one with Luke too (them being sibs).

I wasn’t very invested in Han’s jealousy even for the simple fact that it doesn’t really go anywhere. Also it just seems weird that the guy who could keep his composure while watching the woman he loved kiss another man is now throwing accusations at her for no reason when she confessed her love (again) for him earlier in the film. It didn’t work for me.

Even though having Luke and Leia be related is a cheap way to end the love triangle, it does raise the emotional stakes a little for the Vader v Luke conflict.

Was any of this as big an emotional arc as Luke’s? No. But, then, Luke is the PROTAGONIST.

Luke being the main protagonist didn’t stop Leia and Han from having a significant emotional impact in Empire…


Lord Haseo said:

Luke being the main protagonist didn’t stop Leia and Han from having a significant emotional impact in Empire…

Well, right, because Empire is a significantly better movie than Return of the Jedi. ROTJ is the weak link, sure, but it isn’t the dumpster fire this guy wants to make it out to be. We have three dumpster fires in the Star Wars canon and none of them involve Ewoks.


Well said BMH. You keep making good posts.


Watching Alderaan defend ROTJ is making me feel like Hammond in the dinner scene.

I don’t believe it! You’re meant to come down here and defend me against these characters, and the only one I’ve got on my side is the blood-sucking lawyer!


I defend good and great movies. Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back are great movies. Return of the Jedi is a good movie. BMH got it right.