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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - Fan Edit Ideas thread... — Page 10


Very well done except for the fact that they teleport from Scarif to Tatooine.


Kexikus said:

Very well done except for the fact that they teleport from Scarif to Tatooine.

good point! Ideally, Tatooine should be painted out of the shot of the escape pod. I think that would help maintain continuity.


ForceGhostRecon said:

Kexikus said:

Very well done except for the fact that they teleport from Scarif to Tatooine.

good point! Ideally, Tatooine should be painted out of the shot of the escape pod. I think that would help maintain continuity.

I don’t see how that would help…they still land on Tatooine, don’t they?


Octorox said:

ForceGhostRecon said:

Kexikus said:

Very well done except for the fact that they teleport from Scarif to Tatooine.

good point! Ideally, Tatooine should be painted out of the shot of the escape pod. I think that would help maintain continuity.

I don’t see how that would help…they still land on Tatooine, don’t they?

Maybe they meant replace Scarif in the Rogue One shot using the matte painting of the escape pod shot? I think that would be better than making Tatooine disapear

“Always in motion is the future” 🌌


Octorox said:

ForceGhostRecon said:

Kexikus said:

Very well done except for the fact that they teleport from Scarif to Tatooine.

good point! Ideally, Tatooine should be painted out of the shot of the escape pod. I think that would help maintain continuity.

I don’t see how that would help…they still land on Tatooine, don’t they?

Well Scarif is near Tatooine, so without actually showing any planet at the time they escape, it’s plausible they landed on Tatooine…

Screen Shot 2017-03-23 at 1.42.21 PM.png


I’ve taken out Tatooine… works much better now. Vader also now says “Send a detachment to retrieve them.” instead of “Send a detachment DOWN to retrieve them.”


(still needs to be fine-tuned, but gets the idea across)


ForceGhostRecon said:

I’ve taken out Tatooine… works much better now. Vader also now says “Send a detachment to retrieve them.” instead of “Send a detachment DOWN to retrieve them.”


(still needs to be fine-tuned, but gets the idea across)

I like a lot of what you’ve done. I think you could remove the droids crossing the hall and have Vader entering sooner.

I also think you can still show Tantive escaping and being chased by the Star Destroyer. Vader is just already on board.

The Jedi are all but extinct.......

Hardcore Legend said:

ForceGhostRecon said:

I’ve taken out Tatooine… works much better now. Vader also now says “Send a detachment to retrieve them.” instead of “Send a detachment DOWN to retrieve them.”


(still needs to be fine-tuned, but gets the idea across)

I like a lot of what you’ve done. I think you could remove the droids crossing the hall and have Vader entering sooner.

I also think you can still show Tantive escaping and being chased by the Star Destroyer. Vader is just already on board.

I agree, the droids crossing the hallway had to go. I’ve updated the edit in the link. 😃


I get the idea here, but there are a couple of issues that need to be resolved for this to work. First, Scariff and Tatooine require some travel time. We need to perhaps see the Tantive IV in hyperspace. If someone could superimpose the tantive IV and a star destroyer over the Enterprise being shot at in warp by the Vengeance (ST:ID) that would help with the transition between the two planets. Second, the visuals are just too crisp in Rogue One. If this is an intended edit, the RO footage needs A LOT of grading to simulate a 70’s era film.

Request edits at https://digmodification.wordpress.com/contact


ForceGhostRecon said:

I’ve taken out Tatooine… works much better now. Vader also now says “Send a detachment to retrieve them.” instead of “Send a detachment DOWN to retrieve them.”


(still needs to be fine-tuned, but gets the idea across)

Very nicely done.

What version of the Imperial March did you use when for when Vader boards the Tantive and assesses the aftermath?


Jeebus said:

ForceGhostRecon said:

I’ve taken out Tatooine… works much better now. Vader also now says “Send a detachment to retrieve them.” instead of “Send a detachment DOWN to retrieve them.”


(still needs to be fine-tuned, but gets the idea across)

Very nicely done.

What version of the Imperial March did you use when for when Vader boards the Tantive and assesses the aftermath?

Sounds like the one from RO when Krennic meets Vader.


Jeebus said:

ForceGhostRecon said:

I’ve taken out Tatooine… works much better now. Vader also now says “Send a detachment to retrieve them.” instead of “Send a detachment DOWN to retrieve them.”


(still needs to be fine-tuned, but gets the idea across)

Very nicely done.

What version of the Imperial March did you use when for when Vader boards the Tantive and assesses the aftermath?

It’s an excerpt from “Krennic’s Aspirations” from the RO Soundtrack (from 2:05-2:15)


Hi. First comment here. I’m new to OT.com and joined as I’ve been looking for a good way to exhibit the SW films to my family; thus I’ve become quite interested in the SW fan edit community.

Regarding an edit for Rogue One, I think the film doesn’t need too much fixing other than smoothing out the pacing of the first act (perhaps we’ll get some deleted scenes on the home video release that can help with this), and removing some of the close-ups of CG Tarkin.

As for the opening, I might be in the minority, but I like the fact that there was no crawl. I don’t think these anthology films should have them, since they are tangential to the main Skywalker saga.

I do agree that the title card could have been improved, however. Has anyone thought of doing one with the classic Star Wars font used in the saga films? Like with the yellow outine? http://www.fontspace.com/category/star wars


There are several pretty good examples of opening crawls that people have made on YouTube. All of them were made before the film came out though, so the content in the crawl isn’t accurate. Still, it gives a good idea as to what it could visually look like.

Here’s a pretty good one:

I don’t like the idea of changing the color of the text or sticking “A Star Wars Story” anywhere in there. All Star Wars crawls should look the same, regardless if it’s a video game or a movie — yellow text on a starry background, with the same, classic Star Wars theme playing. No exceptions.

“The Ziggy Edit” — A Conceptual Fanedit of Return of the Jedi



Watched the film again and I don’t really think a fan edit could significantly improve it any way. You could certainly streamline things - I think cutting out Cassian and Bodhi’s intros and rearranging the first scenes after the title card would probably be for the best, also definitely cut Krennic meeting Vader - but the real issue with the movie are too baked into the story to change without any deleted scenes (which probably wouldn’t be of any help anyway).

Crawl is a bad idea.


DigMod said:

I get the idea here, but there are a couple of issues that need to be resolved for this to work. First, Scariff and Tatooine require some travel time. We need to perhaps see the Tantive IV in hyperspace. If someone could superimpose the tantive IV and a star destroyer over the Enterprise being shot at in warp by the Vengeance (ST:ID) that would help with the transition between the two planets. Second, the visuals are just too crisp in Rogue One. If this is an intended edit, the RO footage needs A LOT of grading to simulate a 70’s era film.

I don’t really know anything about color grading, but I made an attempt;



DominicCobb said:

the real issue with the movie are too baked into the story to change without any deleted scenes

That’s because it’s stylistically designed to be that way. Hopefully we can diminish the effects of it.

“Always in motion is the future” 🌌


i’m sure most of this has been discussed . I think a great rogue one fan edit ideas would be screen wipes, no title cards, and lastly a Wilhelm scream. There’s no wilhelm scream. I’ve talk to some people and some claim they do but I dont hear one. I think a good place for it would be where Jyn pulls the stormtrooper off the cliff. I’m okay with no title crawl. This is what I feel was missing and would be a great idea to tackle in a fan edit.

All my life as I looked away to the future, to the horizon. Never in my mind did I know where I was, what I was doing.


marduk666 said:

ZaneFlare92 said:

screen wipes, no title cards, and lastly a Wilhelm scream. There’s no wilhelm scream. I think a good place for it would be where Jyn pulls the stormtrooper off the cliff.

This +3

“I’m OK with no title crawl”


It must have a title crawl (.).

It didn’t really bother me not having one but I wouldn’t be against the idea of one. If I have the money I would make the fan edit .

All my life as I looked away to the future, to the horizon. Never in my mind did I know where I was, what I was doing.


After having watched the Blu-Ray a few times this week, I think a solid edit of the first act should be re-ordered and cut down to:
-LFL/Long Time Ago…

Terror! The Galactic Empire’s grip on the galaxy has never been tighter. Those who stand opposed to their tyranny, the Rebel Alliance, have learned the Empire has developed a new SUPER WEAPON under the guidance of scientist Galen Erso.

In a race against time, the Rebellion has sent their best spy to find the scientist’s lost daughter, Jyn Erso, in hopes she can provide them with information on his work.

Following the murder of her mother by DIRECTOR KRENNIC, the young Erso was raised by the the extremist Saw Guerrera. The Rebellion must convince Guerrera to help reunite Jyn with her father as the information he has may be their LAST HOPE…

-Starfield faded to Tie-Fighter streaking across screen with Tarkin/Krennic/Death Star cone scene
-Wipe into shot of Saw’s robotic foot and the scene of Bodhi being brought before Saw
-Wipe into Wobani prison camp and Erso being rescued
-Wipe Jyn on Yavin
-Wipe into Bodhi having his mind probed
-Replace Coruscant dream sequence with one that features Jyn running while Krennic’s shuttle flies overhead, her hugging her father, her mother giving her the crystal, her mother being murdered with Jyn waking up on her way to Jedha as Galen says '…I do it for you, Stardust…"

I struggle with removing Cassian’s scene in which he learns about the Death Star and then murders one of Saw’s men but I think that all the information we gain from that scene (aside from his willingness to murder anyone) is learned in the briefing room on Yavin. It also cuts down on the planet hopping. If you were going to re-insert it, I would make it the second scene between Tarkin and Bodhi being brought before Saw.


The Jedi are all but extinct.......

Good idea overall!

Things I like about your idea:

-first scene is reveal of Death Star. THAT is quite the way to start the movie and I dig it.
-Making the first act shorter and more straightforward is easily the main positive of this editing strategy.

Possible problems with the idea:

-It would be pretty hard to effectively transition from the crawl and the starry background to the Death Star reveal without it feeling jarring. I suspect that some vfx work would need to be done.
-The feeling of hopping planets might still remain and it could be even more confusing since there would be no location subtitles (or would there?)

Overall, Id love to discuss and figure out a way to make this idea happen 😃

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