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TFA: A Gentle Restructure (Released) — Page 16


Jackpumpkinhead said:

Wow, how this edit has grown! I am loving all of the changes so far for version 2. I think it will probably be the version that I will be working from for my own personal edit that removes all references to Kylo being a skywalker until the end. Keep up the great work everyone!

Glad you find my replacement shots acceptable! It’s been a learning curve for sure, getting them up to the previous standard.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Sir Ridley said:

Hal 9000 said:

Could you post a clip? I’d be interested to see how it does with the music, before I get all my tools laid out again.

Will do.


There’s a small hiccup in the audio 11 seconds in, but that’s a bug of some sort that can happen at an audio transition when exporting 5.1 surround to stereo, I’ll get rid of it later.

And also, Chewies arm can be seen briefly at the edge of the screen and he is seen in the crowd shot as well. Perhaps this could be covered up, to make it seem like he went straight inside.

Crop out Chewie from that one shot and it’s perfect.


I don’t think the Poe shot detracts from the overall tone of the scene. After all, we see the pilots celebrating after returning to the base, presumably still on a high from the immediate victory. It makes sense that in the moment, Poe is playing the optimist as he does throughout the film.

(Perhaps I’m just sad that my favorite musical theme of the film is being sliced and I should just get over it)

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


NeverarGreat said:

I don’t think the Poe shot detracts from the overall tone of the scene.

He seems too happy considering SKB managed to fire before its destruction, so the mission isn’t the success it was supposed to be.
I like the clip, it works better than the current version. I’m still puzzled about Leia hugging Rey but since Chewie is no longer in the shot it’s less shocking, so it will do I guess.


Good idea Sir Ridley. I hadn’t thought of using upscaling on my own cropped scene of this. Is there an avi synth script that could accomplish the same preservation?

Bromeo had asked if you all wanted to implement my rathtar edit. If so, I can upload a lossless avi.

Request edits at https://digmodification.wordpress.com/contact


bromeo said:

Jackpumpkinhead said:

…removes all references to Kylo being a skywalker until the end.

Waaait a minute… you know something we don’t? 😛

you do know that you dont have to have the skywalker name to actually be a skywalker. Just because my last name may be Smith, and my mother was a Jones, doesnt mean I’m not a Jones.

How does everyone keep forgetting that Kylo’s mother is a Skywalker, which means he is also a Skywalker. Sorry for the rant, this just drives me mad.

“You can’t polish a turd. But you can shape it to look like candy.”


Does it mean you’ll leave the fact he’s a Solo ?


It seems unlikely, especially considering the frantic pace of the movie, and the angles of the sun to the castle remain fairly constant throughout the scenes as far as I can tell. But I would accept this explanation were it not for the sunset TIEs shot which was the biggest issue in the first place.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


After watching TFA again, yesterday on Netflix, I’m very intrigued to see a FanEdit as described in the original post.


NeverarGreat said:

You mean Restructured V1? It’s out in the world. . . .

Oh cool. man, so many fan edits, sooooo little time to see them all. Well, I’m new to this site, cut me a little slack.
Oh, is there by any chance, ONE fan edit to RULE them ALL ?


Not in the very near future I guess. After the release of Episode 9 faneditors of Episode 7 (and probably 8-9) are likely to polish their own cuts. The latest PT fanedits are very different than those that came when Episode 2 or 3 were still not released. There are many good ideas to re-edit Episode 7 into something better, but the movie is still fresh and still quite liked so nothing too radical. I personally consider the restructure project to be the base to future fanedits of TFA, especially if nothing contradicts it in the two following episodes.


Makes sense. No need to make any significant Fan Edits for EP7, since who knows what the future holds for EP 7 & 8.
No point in editing everything, if you might have to do even more edits once each subsequent movie is released. I had no idea the Fan Edit community is quite massive. Obviously with technology and PC applications of today, there’s a lot more that can be done by fans, as opposed to 20-30 years ago.

It is most impressive.


Have you watched PT fanedits ? I was quite amazed by how small edits can radically turn a somehow bad scene into something actually very decent. I even believe that by removing a few shots it’s possible to make something good (ie less bad) out of Daisy Ridley’s performance (mostly by removing her “eyes wide open/mouth wide open” moments - aka “Squi…” no, I think I’ve already made my point about that 😃) and to give consistency to Finn’s character (who seems to be merged from 2 or 3 different characters - funny one, drama one, antic one, etc. - from Lucas synopsis*).

Anyway, if you need a link to know where you can get these, do not hesitate (show no mercy) to send a PM.

(*… yeah, Lucas, 'cause I’m more and more sure that LFL was too short on schedule to begin from scratch, they probably have recycled ideas from GL treatments - and obviously from GL’s OT… -, as it has been confirmed on another topic).

(and by the way Hal if you need to make the proper changes to the subs I’d still be glad to help - it’s basically one of the very rare things I can do about fanedits 😄… well, that and audio changes here and there)


I’ve only watched a few fan edits of the PT. Just this week, I watched TV Frink’s fan edit of EP 1 and 2.


Here’s a test clip of the SKB explosion without Poe or any “chipper” X-Wing pilots. I’ve added in a sound effect for the Falcon, since the music had to be faded over prior to that point. Unfortunately, I could not find an identical woosh sound for the X-Wings going by, and so I brought the audio level for the second shot’s wooshes down to approximately match. Altogether, it’s a slightly less punchy Falcon sound and less pronounced foley for the X-Wings compared to the original. At least, at this point.
If anyone is able to play this back and appraise it on a 5.1 surround system, I’d value that. I tried to closely mimic the pan from front to back as heard in each track in the original.
Password: fanedit

And, Mala, thanks for the offer about the subtitles. That will come in very handy when the time comes.
And, Sougouk, WELCOME to our hive of insanity! We’ve got jackets. Or, at least, I remember ordering one 12 years ago and never getting it. Who was that guy, again? I just remembered that… FFS.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Awesome video Hal! Keep it up!

Hehe, thank you Hal, for welcoming me into the fold, and does the jacket have an awesome coat of arms?


Thanks for the punerific nod Hal 😃 Great work! If this somber mood is the route, should the celebratory crowd noise be replaced once they arrive back at the Resistance? Perhaps a more somber queue also?

Request edits at https://digmodification.wordpress.com/contact


I’m wondering how the ending might be viewed once ep VIII is out - like on one hand you could have the euphoria of a small victory, or a sombre nod to the drums of the coming war (such as the ending of the Two Towers).


Eh, I’m okay with what remains. A ‘small victory’ vibe reads well after the newly contrived downer vibe of escaping SKB.
That being said, I’d be foolish not to entertain mock ups!

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Here’s a test clip of the SKB explosion without Poe or any “chipper” X-Wing pilots. I’ve added in a sound effect for the Falcon, since the music had to be faded over prior to that point. Unfortunately, I could not find an identical woosh sound for the X-Wings going by, and so I brought the audio level for the second shot’s wooshes down to approximately match. Altogether, it’s a slightly less punchy Falcon sound and less pronounced foley for the X-Wings compared to the original. At least, at this point.
If anyone is able to play this back and appraise it on a 5.1 surround system, I’d value that. I tried to closely mimic the pan from front to back as heard in each track in the original.
Password: fanedit

And, Mala, thanks for the offer about the subtitles. That will come in very handy when the time comes.
And, Sougouk, WELCOME to our hive of insanity! We’ve got jackets. Or, at least, I remember ordering one 12 years ago and never getting it. Who was that guy, again? I just remembered that… FFS.

This is so good! With all the happy stuff gone, it really feels a lot more tonally consistent. Nice work Hal 😃

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


NeverarGreat said:

Here’s my ideal version of that scene without the pilot celebrations. It’s music only at this point, but I’ve also removed the lightsaber pickup shot because it feels like a prequelism.
password: music

Ooh, nice I appreciate trying to preserve that utterly splendid musical cue (though I can’t abide the removal of that lightsaber pickup, nor the calling it a “prequelism”).