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Rogue One * Spoilers * Thread — Page 3


Ronster said:
But I do believe we will be in no doubt about when the Tantive is attacked as like I said I think we will see that from the Empires Perspective rather than the Rebels perspective.

So we will see how the stormtroopers have cut their way through the Tantive’s main door ?

  • I’m waiting…
  • Working on it Lord Vader. I’m almost… there…

According to the R1 trailer, the Empire seems to have gone in the reverse order when building the first Death Star (as compared to the second one in ROTJ):

  • DS1: the entire battle station is actually built first, and then the Superlaser focusing dish is placed at the completion stage.
  • DS2: the Superlaser dish and the surrounding area are built first, the rest remains +/- unfinished.

Interestingly, the finale of ROTS (though I personally prefer not regard the PT as canon) shows a DS1 superstructure with the superlaser dish skeleton already in place.


TheHutt said:
Interestingly, the finale of ROTS (though I personally prefer not regard the PT as canon) shows a DS1 superstructure with the superlaser dish skeleton already in place.

Yep, at least there will be no continuity issues between ROTS and R1. Disney uses the PT as canon (just watch Rebels… even TFA uses PT references), so it’s a nice move.


It can be argued what was seen at the end of ROTS was some sort of test structure. It’s a bit of a stretch that it actually took twenty years to build a station the size of a small moon, and keep it a secret that long.

The unfinished appearance of the DS II was a deception of course.

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SilverWook said:

It can be argued what was seen at the end of ROTS was some sort of test structure. It’s a bit of a stretch that it actually took twenty years to build a station the size of a small moon, and keep it a secret that long.

There is a hint about it in Rebels, when we learn that a super weapon might have been assembled in Geonosis orbit, with all of its population deported… elsewhere (planet Poland of the Outer Rim I guess). I think there will be a dialogue about that in some kind of Imperial situation room (“this project is taking too long Tarkin, I want results !”).


I’d predict the film ends with the lead character(s) sacrificing their life/lives to beam the plans to Leia.
I can imagine seeing ANH directly after this, and screaming at Luke as he casually takes his time with R2, and the mission is delayed as it rests just with them.

My stance on revising fan edits.


MalàStrana said:

Bingowings said:

Snoke is Leia

In the Radio version we “see” Leia receive the plans from Rebels under attack from Imperials.
We may see that conflict and hear Leia receive the transmissions. Starting the first film off and gaining a mention in the crawl.

“Thanks for your hard work. You’ll get full credit in the opening crawl… Now they are all dead, what the hell am I going to do with the two gold medals they were supposed to receive ?”

It doesn’t mention their deaths in the crawl only their victory 😛


This may not be news for some of you, but for someone like me who hasn’t bothered to pay attention to the new EU, this did at least clarify some of the possibilities as to what rank/position Mendelsohns character might hae in RO;


Also, some rumors as to who might be playing Vader;


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TheHutt said:

According to the R1 trailer, the Empire seems to have gone in the reverse order when building the first Death Star (as compared to the second one in ROTJ):

  • DS1: the entire battle station is actually built first, and then the Superlaser focusing dish is placed at the completion stage.
  • DS2: the Superlaser dish and the surrounding area are built first, the rest remains +/- unfinished.

Interestingly, the finale of ROTS (though I personally prefer not regard the PT as canon) shows a DS1 superstructure with the superlaser dish skeleton already in place.

In the old EU, that was a test platform, not the first Death Star. Even down to the same skeletal design. I’d say it is more likely to be that and they spent quite a few years perfecting its systems before they started building Death Star I. It is also possible that Death Star II was being designed already (this has happened many many times in real military development).


So is Rogue One really a loose adaptation of LucasArts’ 1990s SW Dark Forces computer game series starring Kyle Katarn? Well… maybe.

We have Felicity Jones as Rebel spy, Jan Ors “Jyn Erso”:

And Diego Luna as a scruffy, unsmiling Rebel in a brown jacket:

Not to mention some seriously Dark Trooper armor for Imperial soldiers.

And then there’s Donnie Yen as a blind swordsman, who clearly seems inspired by Jerec from Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II.

So who is Ben Mendelsohn playing, then? It’s likely he’s not Grand Moff Tarkin, given his white uniform. But who else could he be… except maybe General Grand Admiral Rohm Mohc, architect of the Dark Trooper program?

Imagine a scenario where an offscreen Tarkin and Admiral Mohc are each backing rival projects to project Imperial power across the galaxy: Tarkin proposes bulding the Death Star, while Mohc favors an army of Dark Trooper power-suits with robotic brains. Interservice rivalry has never looked so deadly.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


Shortly after the trailer dropped, someone tweeted to Pablo Hidalgo about whether or not we’re to believe that the Death Star has been under construction for almost 20 years. His response was just a link to the Wikipedia page for the Big Dig (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Dig for those of you outside of New England who don’t know what the hell that is). I think it’s likely we’ll see a lot of frustration on the Imperial side of things with how long over schedule the construction has taken in the film.


MalàStrana said:

Ronster said:
But I do believe we will be in no doubt about when the Tantive is attacked as like I said I think we will see that from the Empires Perspective rather than the Rebels perspective.

So we will see how the stormtroopers have cut their way through the Tantive’s main door ?

  • I’m waiting…
  • Working on it Lord Vader. I’m almost… there…

No I was referring to the Star Destroyer intercepting the Tantive and perhaps seeing this from the bridge of the Star destroyer with Vader. But only to serve as a this is when this happens in the timeline and we would be aware of what is going on but following a new group of characters.

It is speculation I am not saying this will be the case 100% but I have a feeling that we will be made aware of when the Tantive is being attacked somehow.


I do hope we’ll see Vader, but only a caméo at the very end, à la Rebels season 1 finale.


ATMachine said:

So is Rogue One really a loose adaptation of LucasArts’ 1990s SW Dark Forces computer game series starring Kyle Katarn? Well… maybe.

We have Felicity Jones as Rebel spy, Jan Ors “Jyn Erso”:

And Diego Luna as a scruffy, unsmiling Rebel in a brown jacket:

Not to mention some seriously Dark Trooper armor for Imperial soldiers.

And then there’s Donnie Yen as a blind swordsman, who clearly seems inspired by Jerec from Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II.

So who is Ben Mendelsohn playing, then? It’s likely he’s not Grand Moff Tarkin, given his white uniform. But who else could he be… except maybe General Grand Admiral Rohm Mohc, architect of the Dark Trooper program?

Imagine a scenario where an offscreen Tarkin and Admiral Mohc are each backing rival projects to project Imperial power across the galaxy: Tarkin proposes bulding the Death Star, while Mohc favors an army of Dark Trooper power-suits with robotic brains. Interservice rivalry has never looked so deadly.

Nice post.



Though Diego Luna rather looks like Kyle Katarn in “Jedi Knight”, not “Dark Forces”. 😃


I wonder if any of the Imperial officers from the Tantive scenes will appear. I’d love to see the officer who says “Hold your fire” and the officer who says, “Holding her is dangerous.”


MalàStrana said:

joefavs said:

I’m seeing some buzz that Ben Mendelssohn’s officer character may in fact be the old EU’s Armand Isard, who was re-canonized by the Tarkin novel. Someone connected to Lucasfilm (I forget exactly who) hinted that we may have seen him before on Twitter yesterday.

His outfit sure looks cool (we have never seen Grand Admiral before in live action). The actor has an interesting “Cushing-like” face. Could be a good vilain for once.

I don’t necessarily think that he is a grand admiral. Maybe a fleet or a vice admiral. That would make more sense to me.


Topo said:
I don’t necessarily think that he is a grand admiral. Maybe a fleet or a vice admiral. That would make more sense to me.

Why would it make more sense ? Real question, not nagging. The insigna he’s wearing (http://www.starwarsnewsnet.com/2016/04/speculation-ben-mendelsohns-character-in-rogueone.html) ?

If they begin to make a “Rogue” franchise, I would love to see Benedict Cumberbatch as an Imperial officer. Good actor with an interesting face, could be great.


SilverWook said:

It could also be considered a sidequel?

These terms all sound like brands of alcohol heavy cold medicine! 😉

For those whom PreQuel did not work well, ask your doctor about SideQuel. In clinical trials, SideQuel has been proven to be more effective than PreQuel, and with fewer negative side effects.



MalàStrana said:

Topo said:
I don’t necessarily think that he is a grand admiral. Maybe a fleet or a vice admiral. That would make more sense to me.

Why would it make more sense ? Real question, not nagging. The insigna he’s wearing (http://www.starwarsnewsnet.com/2016/04/speculation-ben-mendelsohns-character-in-rogueone.html) ?

If they begin to make a “Rogue” franchise, I would love to see Benedict Cumberbatch as an Imperial officer. Good actor with an interesting face, could be great.

Benedict Cumberbatch’s neck was born to fill a mandarin collar tunic.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


MalàStrana said:

Topo said:
I don’t necessarily think that he is a grand admiral. Maybe a fleet or a vice admiral. That would make more sense to me.

Why would it make more sense ? Real question, not nagging. The insigna he’s wearing (http://www.starwarsnewsnet.com/2016/04/speculation-ben-mendelsohns-character-in-rogueone.html) ?

If they begin to make a “Rogue” franchise, I would love to see Benedict Cumberbatch as an Imperial officer. Good actor with an interesting face, could be great.

I don’t think that the insigna is canon. A fleet or vice admiral would probably be in charge of the construction. A grand admiral would probably we more concerned about the war at hand, and leading the empire’s naval ships. If that makes sense.


Topo said:
I don’t think that the insigna is canon. A fleet or vice admiral would probably be in charge of the construction. A grand admiral would probably we more concerned about the war at hand, and leading the empire’s naval ships. If that makes sense.

For now we don’t know what the guy is doing in the movie. All we can say is that he’s got a gun, a nice outfit, and he’s walking on a battlefield. He could be the Captain Phasma of R1…


Every time I see R1 I think we’re talking about DVD regions.


It’s interesting that black and white tones are largely in reverse of the first film.
The main antagonist is dressed in white and Jyn’s highest authority (someone she will have friction with presumably) also wears white, The opposite of Vader and the Emperor.
The bulk of the rebels and some troopers are dressed in black (the Han, Luke, Leia and most of the troopers were dressed in white).
Part of me wishes we saw this struggle from an Imperial perspective (like the Tie-Fighter games) where the Rebels are the dangerous terrorists and the Empire is merely the successor to the heroism that won the Clone Wars.