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Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 2


towne32 said:

"OMG Luke is alive but his beard didn't survive VII."


Luke's beard

?-c. 34 ABY

If was coarse and rough and irritating and it got everywhere. 


DuracellEnergizer said:




Captain Sulu says :

Oh my! For a minute I thought the hair in my tea was even more exotic.


I’m going to go ahead and bump this to the front page now that TFA is out of the bag. That film left me confident enough in the series’s trajectory that I’m going to try to avoid devouring leaked info for this one like I did for the last, but since there isn’t really any of that to speak of yet and since TFA ended on such a tease for the next film, I’m getting to be ready for some Episode VIII speculation.


Well, I’m looking forward to watching this evolve into another 200+ pages thread filled with wild speculations, nitpicking, and theories.
Now that we have an actual film as a reference point I’m sure the theories will be even more nitpicky and crazy than before.
Is it weird that I’m genuinely looking forward to going through this two more times?

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.



Kathleen Kennedy confirmed at the European TFA premiere that “all the cast members you see here tonight” will be back for Episode VIII. Present at the event? Harrison Ford. Now, KK could very well have been bending the truth to avoid spoiling TFA, but if she wasn’t, what do we think this means? Personally, my money is on Kylo having an hallucination of the old man.


joefavs said:


Kathleen Kennedy confirmed at the European TFA premiere that “all the cast members you see here tonight” will be back for Episode VIII. Present at the event? Harrison Ford. Now, KK could very well have been bending the truth to avoid spoiling TFA, but if she wasn’t, what do we think this means? Personally, my money is on Kylo having an hallucination of the old man.

Max von Sydow is also in that shot too and he was killed within the first scene! I’m thinking they’ll show some flashbacks then as well in VIII…?

I really don’t want to see Han again. Even cameo appearances will make his death feel cheapened.

Edit: Actually, it could work to help flesh out Kylo Ren if need be. Han for flashback (although, that’s a weird territory for a SW film to go into), I’ll tolerate. Han SURVIVING, that’s a huge no-no.

The Rise of Failures


Oh jeez, didn’t even notice Max. Now I’m pretty sure Kennedy was just fudging the details.


Maybe Han’s death was an illusion? He could have landed on something soft. 😉

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I would be mortified if they brought Han back. He got (earned) an incredibly poignant death scene. But, I’m convinced we’re going to see more of him either in flashback or one of the anthology movies.

I’m still not sure how I feel about flashbacks in SW. It’s really ‘un-SW’; these are simple movies and they’ve largely eschewed narrative devices like that. And we know he’s not coming back as a Force Ghost, so that only leaves so many avenues…

What doesn’t kill you only makes you…stranger.


It could always be a hologram recording. Especially if he thought he might not come back from confronting Kylo.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

It could always be a hologram recording. Especially if he thought he might not come back from confronting Kylo.

This is actually the most interesting suggestion. Some heart felt holo recording could really offer a balance of sadness and nostalgia that doesn’t take away from his death AND it negates the need for any flashbacks. Brilliant!

The Rise of Failures


TavorX said:

SilverWook said:

It could always be a hologram recording. Especially if he thought he might not come back from confronting Kylo.

This is actually the most interesting suggestion. Some heart felt holo recording could really offer a balance of sadness and nostalgia that doesn’t take away from his death AND it negates the need for any flashbacks. Brilliant!

“If you’re watching this, then chances are, I’m probably dead. Chewie, don’t let that crazy kid crash the Falcon too bad.”

In all seriousness, I’m not sure how I’d feel about that. It’s tidy, but Han doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy to leave a sappy note behind. He was always one to put all his cards on the table. It would work as a narrative device if done right, but at the same time would (at least to me) feel genuinely OOC.

What doesn’t kill you only makes you…stranger.


StardustCamellia said:
“If you’re watching this, then chances are, I’m probably dead. Chewie, don’t let that crazy kid crash the Falcon too bad.”

In all seriousness, I’m not sure how I’d feel about that. It’s tidy, but Han doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy to leave a sappy note behind. He was always one to put all his cards on the table. It would work as a narrative device if done right, but at the same time would (at least to me) feel genuinely OOC.

I wasn’t thinking along the lines of Han giving a “In case I’m dead” message, but something else entirely. It could be a happy moment of him with Leia, Han, and Ben. It could be him reaching out to Ben after the incident. Who knows. Spit-balling here mostly, but I think it could work. They say becoming a father is life changing, and during that 30 year gap, he could had gone a little soft and taking a liking to record some good moments in the presence of his kid. Of course, he goes back to regular Han after he cut ties from Leia and Ben heartbreakingly so.

Of course, none of this is really needed. This is only an interesting idea to me IF Kennedy was really serious about what she said.

The Rise of Failures


I’m not taking what she said literally, but if I had to guess, maybe Han will have some voice used in mysterious visiony-flashback things etc. Since this one did that kind of thing instead of a full on flashback scene.

Very excited for the future of a long time ago in a galaxy far far away! I forsee some fun training scenes with Luke and Rey, and I really look forward to what hijinks Fin and the resistance will be up to as well. Plus of course, going deeper and darker places with Kylo.


(continued from the epVII thread in order to comply with the rules) I would have to guess that Rey is either Leia’s daughter(and therefor Kylo Ren’s sister) or Luke’s daughter. I don’t think Poe really survived the crash. I think the Poe we after the crash is some sort of clone or something like that, sent by the First Order to spy on the resistance.



My need of Finn-Poe shenanigans is kingly. Not only is their on screen dynamic really fun and engaging, but Oscar Isaac has openly said he’s totally playing a bit of a shiptease with how he did his scenes with Finn, which is pretty amazing.

I think one of the more interesting things about all this is how TFA is the first film in the franchise since the OT to not revisit an iconic planet. So far we’ve had Jakku, Takodana, D’Qar, and SKB. No Tattooine, Coruscant, etc. I like how they’re opening up the galaxy a little more.

What doesn’t kill you only makes you…stranger.


KK must have been fudging details not to spoil Ford or Sydow’s departure. But I must say I’m a little surprised Nyong’o’s Maz will be back. She felt like the sort of interesting character you only ever see once. But, then again, she seems to know quite a lot about a lot so I can imagine she has the potential to add to future stories.


So I just found out that Rian Johnson is writing the scripts for Episodes 8 and 9.

Apparently, JJ and Larry Kasdan said they have washed their hands of the story after TFA, because it’s the Star Wars tradition for new people to come along and do their own thing with the series.


This is exactly what I was afraid of when Disney took over and said they would be releasing X amount of movies in the upcoming years. Star Wars is turning into the mindless serial that George Lucas always wanted; wandering episodic plot, villain of the week, etc.

I don’t even know why I bother paying attention to anything anymore except getting the OOT.


Where was it ever said JJ was going to do anything past TFA?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


TavorX said:

StardustCamellia said:
“If you’re watching this, then chances are, I’m probably dead. Chewie, don’t let that crazy kid crash the Falcon too bad.”

In all seriousness, I’m not sure how I’d feel about that. It’s tidy, but Han doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy to leave a sappy note behind. He was always one to put all his cards on the table. It would work as a narrative device if done right, but at the same time would (at least to me) feel genuinely OOC.

I wasn’t thinking along the lines of Han giving a “In case I’m dead” message, but something else entirely. It could be a happy moment of him with Leia, Han, and Ben. It could be him reaching out to Ben after the incident. Who knows. Spit-balling here mostly, but I think it could work. They say becoming a father is life changing, and during that 30 year gap, he could had gone a little soft and taking a liking to record some good moments in the presence of his kid. Of course, he goes back to regular Han after he cut ties from Leia and Ben heartbreakingly so.

Of course, none of this is really needed. This is only an interesting idea to me IF Kennedy was really serious about what she said.

It has been done in another space franchise of course. 😉

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Where was it ever said JJ was going to do anything past TFA?

That’s not what I was getting at. The important bit from the article is that the story was not set in stone from the beginning. JJ and Kasdan write a chapter, and then Rian Johnson writes whatever he wants to write. And then the next person after him will make up whatever they want to make up. Where does Rey come from? A lot of the unanswered questions that people have from TFA aren’t even known by the people making the movies when they make them. They are just going to retcon over and over again later.


George worked much the same way. He didn’t have the sister thing worked out yet when Yoda spoke of another in Empire. Did Irvin Kershner have to know if Vader really was Luke’s father or not to make that scene work?

I think someone at Lucasfilm will be guiding things. People are not just going to make up whatever they want.

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Where were you in '77?