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Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion NON SPOILER THREAD — Page 2


TFA is basically the outline of ANH with the expected story beats.

TLJ is basically the outline of ESB/ROTJ with unexpected story beats.

The Rise of Failures


MalàStrana said:

It’s true it’s very close to TESB with an entire ROTJ sequence. But during the screening I was more thinking about The Two Towers for some reasons.

Also heavy Battlestar Galactica vibes, though that might be due to the fact that I’ve been rewatching BSG lately.


Oh I thought the same regarding BSG for the “fuel and GPS” subplot 😃 (though I finished watching it around 2009 so not that fresh in my mind)
I was even expecting Leia or Laura to set a clock down 😄


Things to do in Ep9:

  • Rey studies the Jedi books and develops her abilities more
  • Kylo & Hux continue working out the difficulties of managing an Empire
  • The Rebellion grows
  • Leia dies, almost certainly off-screen, probably early on
  • Kylo either turns or dies


  • The film opens a few years after TLJ
  • The gang are all split up, leading different Rebellion cells
  • At least one cell, in an anti-Empire operation, runs into a cell that spontaneously formed, unconnected to the Rebellion structure, demonstrating the success of the theory explained at the end of TLJ
  • Whichever cell Leia is leading is killed by a big explosion
  • Kylo turns, at the end, to help found the New Jedi Order with Rey. They’re a lot more casual about the whole thing and don’t wear silly robes
  • Some stupid mystery is introduced, because it’s JJ Abrams
  • Nothing more is revealed about Rey’s parentage or Snoke’s origins
  • JEDIT: Phasma returns

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


The name of this thread should probably reflect that there are TLJ spoilers within.


timdiggerm said:

  • Kylo & Hux continue working out the difficulties of managing an Empire

And here comes the first Star Wars gay couple 😄


I don’t envy Abrams because he has to make a sequel to a movie that intentionally made fun of things from his previous movie. What’s inside the mystery box? Nothing!

(note: I think this was a great decision on Johnson’s part)

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


The hard part will surely to make a sequel to conclude a trilogy whereas TLJ already has the feeling of an ending. But he managed to reboot ROTJ with TFA; he’ll probably reboot TLJ with IX-Children of the Force.


ZkinandBonez said:

Well, I don’t envy Abrams writing ep. IX, that’s for sure.

Thought this was kind of funny:


It is his job! I envy him. And I wish he comes up with something truly fresh and interesting. But I’m not sure if his contract even allows that.


I feel like they need more villains for the third film. Possibly introduce the Knights of Ren? Unless they were Snoke’s guards. I feel the ending will be the rebellion and the First Order merging, instead of being destroyed, as a force for peace in the universe. I feel like it’s pretty much the only way it can be ended without feeling too derivative.


Okay these are a few things that would lead on from what we saw but also give us some entertainment value

  • fractures in the First Order with the military vs the weird cult leaders
  • fighters joining the resistance as a result, or from distant systems that heard what happened at Crait
  • Rey using whatever is in those books
  • Expansion and conclusion of the balance plot as a result
  • Poe and Finn becoming competent at their jobs and leading a final assault
  • Luke Ghost stuff
  • Kylo mommy issues stuff that is now very tricky to achieve

The problem now is you have this terrible Rose love plot that does nothing, when she should have rescued Finn after his ship got hit by the laser machine to finish the ‘never meet your heroes’ plot thread. A week after seeing it this is the part that feels the worst in both terms of inclusion and execution.

Mystery Box Bonus round:

  • Rey probably forgiving her parents or something
  • Snoke ghost or resurrection / Vader mask stuff conclusion

I hope we get a healthy dose of Threepio’s and Artoo’s trademark banter, which we haven’t had much opportunity for thus far in this trilogy.

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.

  • Luke comes back as a Force ghost to annoy Kylo Ren and give snarky advice to Rey.
  • Leia dies off-screen after time passage. Her death is mentioned in the opening crawl and she is mentioned fondly in dialogue.
  • Rey loses a fight…actually, no. Rey wins. It would be out of character for her to lose a fight at this point in the sequel trilogy. She could lose a limb.
  • Hux betrays Kylo Ren by making a deal with the rebels. He wants more power but gets killed before he can use it.
  • Fake out with Snoke’s death. It looks like he’s alive for a minute but not really.
  • Rose wakes up and stays as technical support on the new Rebel cruiser.
  • Finn and Poe develop their bromance on a mission on a forest-type planet. BB-8 tags along.
  • Force ghosts of Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Anakin face Kylo before the final fight (sounds like fan fiction, but it could happen).
  • The Millennium Falcon gets destroyed in the final space battle, Chewie goes down with the ship (and a few porgs).
  • Kylo Ren loses an arm or leg in the climactic lightsaber duel.
  • Kylo turns to the light side but dies anyway.
  • Rey decides to teach the ways of the Force as a neutral path instead of light or dark.
  • C-3PO has a black arm now.
  • R2 beeps.

EvenSteven said:

  • Force ghosts of Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Anakin face Kylo before the final fight (sounds like fan fiction, but it could happen).

Funny you say that sounds like fan fiction, as that basic idea was actually in an early draft of ROTJ.


EvenSteven said:

  • Force ghosts of Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Anakin face Kylo before the final fight (sounds like fan fiction, but it could happen).

Even if Abrams would want to bring back Qui-Gon, would they let him? I thought it was established that he couldn’t manifest fully as a ghost, but only as a voice.

Of course I guess they could always come up with some elaborate EU explanation later.

EvenSteven said:

  • Rey decides to teach the ways of the Force as a neutral path instead of light or dark.

Personally, I really hope they don’t do this. I’m not a fan of this “balance” thing, to me it really contradicts the whole “message” of the SW saga.

I get stuff like the Bendu in the EU, but to actually make Rey a Grey Jedi in a saga film would be really weird. I might work, but they’d have to come up with a really good reason/explanation for it. (Maybe a set-up for ep. 10-12?)

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


Yeah, I always thought that the dark side unbalanced the harmony of the light side, and therefore it should be destroyed.


[ZkinandBonez said:]
Of course I guess they could always come up with some elaborate EU explanation later.

Or just ignore the EU.

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

[ZkinandBonez said:]
Of course I guess they could always come up with some elaborate EU explanation later.

Or just ignore the EU.

I’m just saying that if they did, they could just leave it to the EU to explain how it works. This way they can get away with quite a lot of weird ideas.

Plus, it’s not like they can do anything. I’m assuming that they have to adhere to the EU to a certain degree. Lucas may not have cared, but I think Disney SW is a bit more concerned with continuity.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


DominicCobb said:
Funny you say that sounds like fan fiction, as that basic idea was actually in an early draft of ROTJ.

I was reading that draft a couple days ago on Reddit. It still seems like a neat idea but I can understand why Abrams wouldn’t use it (prequel reminder, getting Neeson back, etc.)