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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS ** — Page 2


Not sure how to feel. The highs are high and the lows are low. I really like where the story seems to be headed (except for a few severed plot-lines that could’ve been wrapped up a bit more); but there are a lot of elements that seem very ‘focus-grouped’ and Lucas-ian (the slave children, CGI animal comedy). Leia’s non-death was executed pretty cheesily, IMO; and Finn and Rose going to Canto Bight was pointless. The Luke/Leia/Kylo plotline was very interesting, and the throneroom scene is easily a 10/10 by itself. This might be the one I have to rewatch.


LuckyGungan2001 said:

I went in expecting to like it the same as I like The Force Awakens but I was blown away. I honestly don’t have any problems with the film. I’m glad I feel that way and I can’t wait to see it again.

I am RIGHT with you and Cobb! This film blew me away. It had my legs shaking. Of course I have some issues. Too much comedy and Canto Bight could be cut down. You could also get rid of Leia’s superman moment. But besides that? Well what you have is a Star Wars masterpiece. Now begins my full review. Feel free to poke any holes through it if you disagree:

This film is so incredible in so many ways and I don’t know where to start so I will just start moving through some of the great things.

Firstly, Luke’s fate was one of the most beautiful and inspiring scenes in Star Wars history. This film instantly feels so much richer and more satisfying than both Force Awakens and Rogue One.

Rey and Kylo’s relationship was absolutely perfect. An amazing moral drama between the two that had my eyes glued to the screen. Luke and Yoda’s scene might be the most heartwarming scene in the whole film. Luke’s training is full of interesting moments (sometimes too much humor), and an amazing depiction of how the Force connects everything. When Rey feels things around her and we get her describing the beauty and chaos with the accompanied visuals, it was just visceral.

The multiple perspectives and descriptions of the Kylo/Luke flashback work perfectly. I felt so sorry for Luke and the guilt he felt. His dialogue about it being a “fleeting moment” and only then realizing his great mistake was just wonderful. I also actually started to see why Kylo would have that as the moment that sets him crazy and loose.

The relationship between Rey and Ben Solo was beautiful. Very saddening towards the end yet still emotionally rewarding. Their force bond was a genius and inventive idea from Rian Johnson. Their complex moral dilemma of Rey seeing the desire for good in Kylo makes sense and I totally felt it to be true. And Kylo’s use of Rey’s parentage against her and his persuasion was just great.

Luke at the end was a true Jedi. Using the force for the ultimate defense, using Ben Solo’s hate against him, saving his friends, and lighting hope for the galaxy. Then he finally finds his peace with a binary sunset. The same sunset he gazed upon when he once desired to be apart of something greater than himself.

“The Rebellion is reborn today…The War is not over…And I will NOT be the Last Jedi…”

Come at me folks. I LOVED this film.

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


I personally think the movie needs a second viewing, and that’s what it’s getting from me Sunday. First impressions was that it had so much potential, but the amount of awful jokes actually took me out of the movie, and some of the twists were very predictable. Leia’s non death was pretty bad. Finn should have woken up later into the film in my opinion, so that we had enough time with Leia & Poe and Luke & Rey.
Overall, first act was bad, the rest was medium with some very high highs. And the first act had highs as well, of course.

By the way, does anyone know if they used the same “Main Title” version for the opening crawl as they used in TFA?


I guess somehow I’m an odd man out even though beyond this site I feel like the response has been overwhelmingly positive.

To address a couple complaints… One of the bigger surprises was that I had no idea this would be the funniest Star Wars film. All of the comedy was pitch perfect, I thought. And am I the only one who LOVED that Leia moment? The only scene that brought tears to my eyes.

I’m very neutral on Luke’s death, I can see both sides of that. Need to watch again.

The biggest disappointment is that they so clearly set up a story that can’t be told anymore.


DominicCobb said:

I guess somehow I’m an odd man out even though beyond this site I feel like the response has been overwhelmingly positive.

To address a couple complaints… One of the bigger surprises was that I had no idea this would be the funniest Star Wars film. All of the comedy was pitch perfect, I thought. And am I the only one who LOVED that Leia moment? The only scene that brought tears to my eyes.

I’m very neutral on Luke’s death, I can see both sides of that. Need to watch again.

The biggest disappointment is that they so clearly set up a story that can’t be told anymore.

Which story thread specifically? I do agree that this feels like the end of a saga/trilogy and I’m honestly fine with that. Depending on how episode 9 turns out, I am fine with this as the last film of the saga. Not a cut and dry fairy tale ending but you still feel that Kylo lost and the heroes won. I know it sounds crazy but the emotion feels that way. Not the actual galactic situation.

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


darthrush said:

DominicCobb said:

I guess somehow I’m an odd man out even though beyond this site I feel like the response has been overwhelmingly positive.

To address a couple complaints… One of the bigger surprises was that I had no idea this would be the funniest Star Wars film. All of the comedy was pitch perfect, I thought. And am I the only one who LOVED that Leia moment? The only scene that brought tears to my eyes.

I’m very neutral on Luke’s death, I can see both sides of that. Need to watch again.

The biggest disappointment is that they so clearly set up a story that can’t be told anymore.

Which story thread specifically? I do agree that this feels like the end of a saga/trilogy and I’m honestly fine with that. Depending on how episode 9 turns out, I am fine with this as the last film of the saga. Not a cut and dry fairy tale ending but you still feel that Kylo lost and the heroes won. I know it sounds crazy but the emotion feels that way. Not the actual galactic situation.

It seems pretty clear that Leia was going to have a big part in IX, obviously in leading the Resistance but also in mentoring Rey and most likely saving Ben.


DominicCobb said:

darthrush said:

DominicCobb said:

I guess somehow I’m an odd man out even though beyond this site I feel like the response has been overwhelmingly positive.

To address a couple complaints… One of the bigger surprises was that I had no idea this would be the funniest Star Wars film. All of the comedy was pitch perfect, I thought. And am I the only one who LOVED that Leia moment? The only scene that brought tears to my eyes.

I’m very neutral on Luke’s death, I can see both sides of that. Need to watch again.

The biggest disappointment is that they so clearly set up a story that can’t be told anymore.

Which story thread specifically? I do agree that this feels like the end of a saga/trilogy and I’m honestly fine with that. Depending on how episode 9 turns out, I am fine with this as the last film of the saga. Not a cut and dry fairy tale ending but you still feel that Kylo lost and the heroes won. I know it sounds crazy but the emotion feels that way. Not the actual galactic situation.

It seems pretty clear that Leia was going to have a big part in IX, obviously in leading the Resistance but also in mentoring Rey and most likely saving Ben.

I completely agree. Apart of me is sad that we won’t see that story thread continue since it so well set up. But she was wonderful in this and her last scene with Luke is simply beautiful. The line of “No one is ever truly gone” served both the themes of the movie and spoke measures about Carrie and her positive influence on everyone’s lives and how our princess will truly always be with us.

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


Whew. That movie was really, really not good. I didn’t hate it, and I don’t think it’s truly terrible, but yeah, it’s not great.

I will completely admit that the throne room scene was cool. That was pretty awesome. But beyond that? Ouch. Damn.

The Thrawn Trilogy >>>> whatever the hell I just watched

May the Force be with you.


darthrush said:

LuckyGungan2001 said:

I went in expecting to like it the same as I like The Force Awakens but I was blown away. I honestly don’t have any problems with the film. I’m glad I feel that way and I can’t wait to see it again.

I am RIGHT with you and Cobb! This film blew me away. It had my legs shaking. Of course I have some issues. Too much comedy and Canto Bight could be cut down. You could also get rid of Leia’s superman moment. But besides that? Well what you have is a Star Wars masterpiece. Now begins my full review. Feel free to poke any holes through it if you disagree:

This film is so incredible in so many ways and I don’t know where to start so I will just start moving through some of the great things.

Firstly, Luke’s fate was one of the most beautiful and inspiring scenes in Star Wars history. This film instantly feels so much richer and more satisfying than both Force Awakens and Rogue One.

Rey and Kylo’s relationship was absolutely perfect. An amazing moral drama between the two that had my eyes glued to the screen. Luke and Yoda’s scene might be the most heartwarming scene in the whole film. Luke’s training is full of interesting moments (sometimes too much humor), and an amazing depiction of how the Force connects everything. When Rey feels things around her and we get her describing the beauty and chaos with the accompanied visuals, it was just visceral.

The multiple perspectives and descriptions of the Kylo/Luke flashback work perfectly. I felt so sorry for Luke and the guilt he felt. His dialogue about it being a “fleeting moment” and only then realizing his great mistake was just wonderful. I also actually started to see why Kylo would have that as the moment that sets him crazy and loose.

The relationship between Rey and Ben Solo was beautiful. Very saddening towards the end yet still emotionally rewarding. Their force bond was a genius and inventive idea from Rian Johnson. Their complex moral dilemma of Rey seeing the desire for good in Kylo makes sense and I totally felt it to be true. And Kylo’s use of Rey’s parentage against her and his persuasion was just great.

Luke at the end was a true Jedi. Using the force for the ultimate defense, using Ben Solo’s hate against him, saving his friends, and lighting hope for the galaxy. Then he finally finds his peace with a binary sunset. The same sunset he gazed upon when he once desired to be apart of something greater than himself.

“The Rebellion is reborn today…The War is not over…And I will NOT be the Last Jedi…”

Come at me folks. I LOVED this film.

That was actually a very nice and accurate description of the very high highs of the movie to me. Having in mind Luke’s character in TFA, what they did was masterful and very well executed. He walking all alone to face the huge and powerful First Order and WIN is quite possibly my favorite scene in movie history.
And I loved Luke+Kylo Ren’s story and their relationship, and deep down part of me wishes that THAT was Episode 7.

But the way the movie flows for a while didn’t really feel that much like Star Wars to me, and that alongside the cheesy jokes and other cheesy moments in general took me out of the movie several times.


Collipso said:

darthrush said:

LuckyGungan2001 said:

I went in expecting to like it the same as I like The Force Awakens but I was blown away. I honestly don’t have any problems with the film. I’m glad I feel that way and I can’t wait to see it again.

I am RIGHT with you and Cobb! This film blew me away. It had my legs shaking. Of course I have some issues. Too much comedy and Canto Bight could be cut down. You could also get rid of Leia’s superman moment. But besides that? Well what you have is a Star Wars masterpiece. Now begins my full review. Feel free to poke any holes through it if you disagree:

This film is so incredible in so many ways and I don’t know where to start so I will just start moving through some of the great things.

Firstly, Luke’s fate was one of the most beautiful and inspiring scenes in Star Wars history. This film instantly feels so much richer and more satisfying than both Force Awakens and Rogue One.

Rey and Kylo’s relationship was absolutely perfect. An amazing moral drama between the two that had my eyes glued to the screen. Luke and Yoda’s scene might be the most heartwarming scene in the whole film. Luke’s training is full of interesting moments (sometimes too much humor), and an amazing depiction of how the Force connects everything. When Rey feels things around her and we get her describing the beauty and chaos with the accompanied visuals, it was just visceral.

The multiple perspectives and descriptions of the Kylo/Luke flashback work perfectly. I felt so sorry for Luke and the guilt he felt. His dialogue about it being a “fleeting moment” and only then realizing his great mistake was just wonderful. I also actually started to see why Kylo would have that as the moment that sets him crazy and loose.

The relationship between Rey and Ben Solo was beautiful. Very saddening towards the end yet still emotionally rewarding. Their force bond was a genius and inventive idea from Rian Johnson. Their complex moral dilemma of Rey seeing the desire for good in Kylo makes sense and I totally felt it to be true. And Kylo’s use of Rey’s parentage against her and his persuasion was just great.

Luke at the end was a true Jedi. Using the force for the ultimate defense, using Ben Solo’s hate against him, saving his friends, and lighting hope for the galaxy. Then he finally finds his peace with a binary sunset. The same sunset he gazed upon when he once desired to be apart of something greater than himself.

“The Rebellion is reborn today…The War is not over…And I will NOT be the Last Jedi…”

Come at me folks. I LOVED this film.

That was actually a very nice and accurate description of the very high highs of the movie to me. Having in mind Luke’s character in TFA, what they did was masterful and very well executed. He walking all alone to face the huge and powerful First Order and WIN is quite possibly my favorite scene in movie history.
And I loved Luke+Kylo Ren’s story and their relationship, and deep down part of me wishes that THAT was Episode 7.

But the way the movie flows for a while didn’t really feel that much like Star Wars to me, and that alongside the cheesy jokes and other cheesy moments in general took me out of the movie several times.

You also described my issues. I’m of the opinion that all pacing issues stem from Canto Bight and with the correct restructuring and cutting down of that sequence, the pacing will feel seamless.

I also plan to cut out MANY comedic moments as well as Leia’s superman moment.

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


What’s funny to me is people complained that TFA played it too safe, now this did the opposite of that and people are still complaining.


DominicCobb said:

What’s funny to me is people complained that TFA played it too safe, now this did the opposite of that and people are still complaining.

That’s the thing. At least fans should be a bit consistent. I personally really, really enjoyed The Force Awakens but my main gripe was that it played it too safe. So no wonder the Last Jedi felt so refreshing and amazing to me.

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


darthrush said:

DominicCobb said:

What’s funny to me is people complained that TFA played it too safe, now this did the opposite of that and people are still complaining.

That’s the thing. At least fans should be a bit consistent. I personally really, really enjoyed The Force Awakens but my main gripe was that it played it too safe. So no wonder the Last Jedi felt so refreshing and amazing to me.

I personally felt that both served the purposes they needed to. As happy as I am that JJ will be back, I do still wish they brought in someone else to bring it somewhere else (though here’s hoping JJ can deliver).

Also, since I guess my review will just come out in random fragments, here’s something I just realized: my least favorite scenes in TFA were Snoke scenes, my most favorite scenes in TLJ were Snoke scenes.


DominicCobb said:

darthrush said:

DominicCobb said:

What’s funny to me is people complained that TFA played it too safe, now this did the opposite of that and people are still complaining.

That’s the thing. At least fans should be a bit consistent. I personally really, really enjoyed The Force Awakens but my main gripe was that it played it too safe. So no wonder the Last Jedi felt so refreshing and amazing to me.

I personally felt that both did served the purposes they needed to. As happy as I am that JJ will be back, I do still wish they brought in someone else to bring it somewhere else (though here’s hoping JJ can deliver).

Also, since I guess my review will just come out in random fragments, here’s something I just realized: my least favorite scenes in TFA were Snoke scenes, my most favorite scenes in TLJ were Snoke scenes.

I don’t see how anyone can complain about Snoke in this film as well. He served his purpose as a great foil to our main protagonists. He was also animated well, acted well, and written brilliantly, especially in hindsight of how things turn out. I could care less about some elaborate backstory. It’s not like in Return of the Jedi we knew anything more about the Emperor than the fact that he was the evil master of Darth Vader.

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


The casino planet actually added quite a bit to the story and for what is to come. Little threads in the film that lead up to the ending and also showed that not everything is black and white (the resistance is dealing with the same people who deal with the first order). The resistance has now become the rebellion and is all but gone at the end of the film. Something that was said earlier on (and again later). “We are the spark that will light the fire that will burn the first order down”.

Canto Bight is a planet where the rich and elite congregate in luxurious overindulgence while the rest of the inhabitants live in extreme poverty and slavery, including the children. Finn and Roses interactions with those inhabitants is a major factor here. they show the willingness to fight for freedom. At the end we see the children telling their story and then a single child use the force to grab the broom, he has the rebellion ring. The seeds of rebellion are planted. So Finn and Rose are that spark that will light the fire that will burn the first order down.

There are so many little details that are easily missed on a single viewing. I’ll write a proper review once i have seen it again. So far i liked it.




adywan said:

The casino planet actually added quite a bit to the story and for what is to come. Little threads in the film that lead up to the ending and also showed that not everything is black and white (the resistance is dealing with the same people who deal with the first order). The resistance has now become the rebellion and is all but gone at the end of the film. Something that was said earlier on (and again later). “We are the spark that will light the fire that will burn the first order down”.

Canto Bight is a planet where the rich and elite congregate in luxurious overindulgence while the rest of the inhabitants live in extreme poverty and slavery, including the children. Finn and Roses interactions with those inhabitants is a major factor here. they show the willingness to fight for freedom. At the end we see the children telling their story and then a single child use the force to grab the broom, he has the rebellion ring. The seeds of rebellion are planted. So Finn and Rose are that spark that will light the fire that will burn the first order down.

There are so many little details that are easily missed on a single viewing. I’ll write a proper review once i have seen it again. So far i liked it.



darthrush said:

The animal cruelty message just felt kind of forced in for me. I feel like despite there being some cool stuff on Canto Bight, I feel that cutting it down significantly would benefit the pace of the movie as a whole experience. Each man to their own. Glad to hear about some more people who enjoyed the film.

It wasn’t really an animal cruelty message, that was just used more as a specific example of the pervasive inhumanity of the casino/galaxy at large.


DominicCobb said:

darthrush said:

The animal cruelty message just felt kind of forced in for me. I feel like despite there being some cool stuff on Canto Bight, I feel that cutting it down significantly would benefit the pace of the movie as a whole experience. Each man to their own. Glad to hear about some more people who enjoyed the film.

It wasn’t really an animal cruelty message, that was just used more as a specific example of the pervasive inhumanity of the casino/galaxy at large.

Hmm. I see where your coming from. Maybe it just stuck out to me more. I’m heading to bed but will be back in full force tomorrow to discuss with the people who weren’t very happy with the film.

P.S. Yoda looked great up close. Far away was a bit hokey but the scene was written, scored, and shot almost perfectly.

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


DominicCobb said:

darthrush said:

The animal cruelty message just felt kind of forced in for me. I feel like despite there being some cool stuff on Canto Bight, I feel that cutting it down significantly would benefit the pace of the movie as a whole experience. Each man to their own. Glad to hear about some more people who enjoyed the film.

It wasn’t really an animal cruelty message, that was just used more as a specific example of the pervasive inhumanity of the casino/galaxy at large.

Exactly. they couldn’t really show the kids with all the scars on them, not in a film like star wars. So they used the animals to show that.

I’ve seen people complaining about the agendas and messages. Some have even said that the porg at the beginning when Chewie was about to eat the roasted porg was " a forced vegan message". I guess they didn’t get the joke 😉




I don’t know how to feel about this movie. I liked how it subverts my expectations yet at the same time it makes VII feel pointless.

  • It disregards what VII set up like killing off Snoke, Rey’s parents being nobodies, etc.

  • Yoda looked ugly, Uncanny Valley in full effect.

  • The forced humor. It clashes with tone with no sense of timing.

  • Canto Bight subplot dragged the film down.

  • Luke’s “death” made no sense and we got cheated out of a real fight between Kylo and Luke.

  • Missed oppertnites abound like Luke’s X-Wing being underwater, Rey joining Kylo in hopes of redeeming him, etc.

  • Rose was stupid to not let Finn sacrifice himself dooming the Resistance until Luke showed up. Good job dumbass.

  • It brings the Empire vs Rebels 2.0 fear I had to terrifying reality.

I think I hate this movie. It added nothing to the story while subtracting elements that made Star Wars special. This film has destroyed my passion to the point I no longer care about what happens in IX.


Although I did think the film was fine, and the Luke-Rey-Kylo plot-line was great, I feel like TLJ’s biggest problem is a lack of consistency in tone. It really feels like Johnson tried to make three different movies and crammed them all into one. It felt like ESB, TFA and RO all crammed into one long and weird film with mixed themes and styles. TFA played it too safe, sure, but it felt like SW. It felt maybe a bit too much like SW. RO however managed to find that nice mix of OT-atmosphere mixed in with WWII and Vietnam war film concepts (both of which were OT inspirations), so it too worked fine. I can’t really tell what TLJ is trying to be. I got really excited some months back when Johnson talked about the non-SW films he’d used as inspiration, but I can’t really tell how any of those actually influenced the final film.

I’m not hyperbolic enough to call it a bad film, but I doubt I’ll be able to overlook its mistakes even upon my second viewing (though I do think I’ll like it a tad more than the first time.) So far RO is my favourite new SW film because it managed to stay committed to one tone throughout the entire movie, and it was a tone that actually fit with the franchise will still being somewhat new.

As for my more specific thoughts from the other spoiler thread:

ZkinandBonez said:

I’m kind of conflicted about the film. For now at least. Maybe I’ll change my opinion after a second viewing (I usually do).

Many parts of the film was amazing, others just felt weird. The Luke stuff I absolutely loved, but a lot of the Finn scenes felt really weird, and so did a lot of the First Order and Resistance stuff.

The humour was a mixed bag for me. Some was great, some if it felt a bit too cartoonish.

I also feel that it overdid the CGI a lot. RO has so far been the most balanced film VFX-vise. For such a character-based film, TLJ went a bit too big with the effects.

Canto Bight was a bit disappointing. Cool idea with much potential, but it didn’t really work that well within this plot. It really should have been reserved for a RO- or SOLO-type film

Admiral Holdo was pretty interesting, but the whole thing about the cruiser being out of firing range was pretty weird. I didn’t think much about while watching the film, but on the way home my brother pointed out how much of a plot hole it really was. Why didn’t Hux just send out TIE fighters? They’re much faster and would have decimated the ship in short time.

Yoda scene was great. I loved it. It was funny and emotional. And I was so glad they did him as a puppet again. Probably my favourite scene.

Rey’s parents are nobody important. Maybe it’s petty of me to enjoy the thought that all those stupid fan theories will fall apart, but I did. It also works better in terms if Rey’s character growth. I’m very pleased with this development.

Snoke’s death came as a huge surprise. I enjoyed the scene overall, but it still bugs me. Who is he? Where did he come from? This isn’t that important, but the OT never did anything like this. Yes, there’s the EU to explain these things, but it seems kinda weird to me.

Also surprised that there were no Knights of Ren what so ever.

Leia’s force self-rescue scene. I honestly can’t tell if it was brilliant or just silly.

Luke’s force projection was, to me, a wish come true. I’ve wanted to see this in a SW film for soon long. I wonder if Rian Johnson has read Dark Empire, as a lot of TLJ reminded me of it.

Not too sure what to think about Luke becoming one with the Force. It was unexpected, but I think it worked.

Speaking of Dark Empire, I’m glad they borrowed from DE 1. Not too sure about the DE 2-style ending though. The entire Resistance was literally reduced to like 20 people.

I definitely liked it more than TFA, but until I’ve seen it again I can’t call it a “masterpiece” like so many others has online. For now RO is still my favourite new SW film.

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On first impression, I rather enjoyed it. One of the things I hated about TFA was Disney’s overkill in appealing to our nostalgia for ANH. (The PT has plenty of issues, but at least had more originality.)

This time around, with TLJ, there are some parallels to TESB, but they are a lot less overt than the parallels TFA had with ANH, so it worked more in the tradition of Lucas’ whole thing about the movies “rhyming” with each other.

I liked the interplay between Kylo Ren and Rey, and Johnson did a good job keeping us guessing if Ren will come back to the Light.

I have criticisms of a few things, however. I’m rather disappointed that Lando Calrissian hasn’t appeared yet in the ST, and I can’t understand why this has been the case, especially since Williams is definitely willing to reprise the role. Lando’s appearance could have helped mend another problem with the film: Johnson’s difficulty in knowing what exactly to do with Finn. I don’t see why Lando couldn’t have been the man Finn and Rose were seeking in place of Del Toro’s character. It would have served the dual purpose of bringing back a beloved character from the originals, and perhaps given the mission of Finn and Rose more significance to the overall plot.

Some other things didn’t jive so well with me. Some of the humor, like the exchange between Poe and Hux over the commlink, didn’t fit in a Star Wars movie, and the ending with the boy looking up at the stars was unnecessary and a really bad choice for the final shot.

I also don’t know how I feel about the way Luke’s death occurred. In comparison, I thought that Han’s death in TFA was quite fitting for both the character audiences have adored from the OT, and for the story of Episode VII. But I don’t think Luke’s death was earned as much as Han’s was. Since he is the protagonist of the OT, his death should have been reserved for the final episode of the ST. I’m sure a good writer who cares about the character could have found a fitting role for him in IX.

Other than those , I found TLJ to be a rather enjoyable and worthy entry in the saga. As of now, I’d say it ranks after TESB and ANH, but I’d have to see it again to know how it grows on me. (I was euphoric about TPM and TFA right after seeing each for the first time, but I later sobered up.)


I enjoyed this film a lot, apart from a few (well, more than a few) missteps.

The Yoda force ghost looked bad - especially the very first shot of him. I didn’t think the blue aura surrounding him was pronounced enough. Maybe force ghosts begin to fade with time?

It was nice that he still had a sense of humour - something not seen in a long while.


I have a much more positive opinion of this film now that I’ve had a few days to reflect.

In essence, this film tells a very dour story: the First Order have caught up with the Rebellion that is on the run and alone after the destruction of the Republic, and they are slowly picked off one by one. What started with a whole base at the beginning, is just a handful of people that can fit in the Millennium Falcon by the end.

Another downer: people are making decisions that they think are the right ones, but they turn out to be completely wrong:

  • Poe and attacking the ship then sending Rose and Finn to find a hacker. His actions have immense negative consequences that end up killing a lot of people.
  • Luke cutting himself from the Force and wishing for the end of the Jedi.
  • Rose and Finn finding A hacker (not THE hacker) and hoping for the best, which it doesn’t.

However, despite all of these terrible decisions comes a spark of hope:

  • Poe sending Rose and Finn has inadvertently allowed the cause of the rebellion to spread.
  • Luke has now become one with the Force and fully allows himself to be part of it instead of rejecting it, thus allowing him to save his friends and save his soul.
  • Rey will carry on the Jedi, but perhaps is all the wiser thanks to Luke teaching her that the Force is not something that only people with a specific bloodline have, but that everyone has. This is reinforced with the boy and the broomstick and Rey’s lineage. This is in contrast with Luke who was told that, as a Skywalker, he was special, and that the force was strong with him and his family, and that only he could destroy Vader.

TL;DR: it’s good.

What’s the internal temperature of a TaunTaun? Luke warm.