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Cringe Factor — Page 2


Originally posted by: Hal 9000
If they had called it 'The Clone Wars' it would make Luke's line "You fought in the Clone Wars?" in Ep4 sound weird.

Like he was referencing the movie.

Just calling it Clone Wars would have sucked. Attack of the Clones was the perfect title for the movie. Clone Wars is the name used for the cartoon series and video game.
Really Jimbo? "Attack of the Clones" was the PERFECT title? I am interested to hear why you think it was perfect.

Here's my argument as to why I think it is FAR from perfect. I thought it was ok, but definitely not perfect:

Its as simple as this, the Clones, weren't the ones doing the attacking were they? They were coming to the DEFENCE of the Republic because the SEPARATISTS were the ones who were threatening the stability of the Republic. Did you watch the movie mate? Hmmmm.......from what happens in the movie, the film title should have been "Attack of the Separatists".

Just calling it Clone Wars would have sucked. Attack of the Clones was the perfect title for the movie. Clone Wars is the name used for the cartoon series and video game.

i would also like to know what was so perfect about AOTC jimbo...
please enlighten us...

ya i realize Clone Wars is the name for the cartoon series and video game... WHICH BOTH CAME AFTER THE MOVIE!!!!!
so really if they had called it that... Lucas would have to use his brain for once and come up with something different...
but we all know he's incapable of that...

i know The Clone Wars would have sounded weird especially after its mentioned in ANH.... but i still would rather have anything than AOTC...
worst title ever!
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
I actually thought "When Clones Attack" would have been a clever title...or "Cloning Around"....get it "CLONING AROUND" LIKE "CLOWNING AROUND"


  • Todd

STAR WARS: Symphony for a Saga

i could see it happening..
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
how about: 'SEND IN THE CLONES' ?, and Barbra streisand could have done the themesong?
so many great parodies are just waiting to happen...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."

Originally posted by: Figrin_Dan
Really Jimbo? "Attack of the Clones" was the PERFECT title? I am interested to hear why you think it was perfect.

Here's my argument as to why I think it is FAR from perfect. I thought it was ok, but definitely not perfect:

Its as simple as this, the Clones, weren't the ones doing the attacking were they? They were coming to the DEFENCE of the Republic because the SEPARATISTS were the ones who were threatening the stability of the Republic. Did you watch the movie mate? Hmmmm.......from what happens in the movie, the film title should have been "Attack of the Separatists".

First of all the Clone Wars is an event in the Star Wars universe. It would be like calling A New Hope the Battle of Yavin.
that wasnt an answer to his question jimbo...
he asked


Really Jimbo? "Attack of the Clones" was the PERFECT title? I am interested to hear why you think it was perfect.
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."

Originally posted by: jimbo

Phantom Menace implys a menace that its a mystery. Sidious is the Phantom Menace. He is threatening the Republic.

actually the reason I thought the Phantom Menace refered to The Trade Federation and Darth Maul. The word Phantom can mean fake. Darth Maul and the Trade Federation are the fake Menace, while the real menace (Palpatine) plots behind the scenes.

Bossk, that Scooby-Doo thing is killing me. Yeah and the Harlem Globetrotters, Don Knotts and Sonny and Cher back them up on this one. Damn. Phantom Menace, retarded.

And for Episode II, I am leaning towards "Send in the Clones" or "The Tears of a Clone" or "Quit Cloning Around" (ummm if it didn't strike you yet, insert clown for clone)
16 years I wait and this is what I get???
The Phantom Menace doesn't bother me as much as Attack of the Clones...it's such a crummy, obvious title...as soon as you heard that title, you thought, 'Oh, the Clone Wars are going to start in this.' It didn't leave much to the imagination at all.
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Originally posted by: Galahad_Skywalker
The Phantom Menace doesn't bother me as much as Attack of the Clones...it's such a crummy, obvious title...as soon as you heard that title, you thought, 'Oh, the Clone Wars are going to start in this.' It didn't leave much to the imagination at all.

Same can be said for The Empire Strikes Back. You know that the Empire will attack and hurt the rebals.
thx for ignoring my question for the second time jimbo...
i guess that means you dont have an answer to what makes the title so great and therefore are just saying it in your usual fanboy nature...

TESB simply says that after the destruction of the first death star the empire now strikes back...
it doesnt say whether they hurt the rebels or not...
it's simply saying that the empire is now striking back...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."

Originally posted by: jimbo

Originally posted by: Figrin_Dan
Really Jimbo? "Attack of the Clones" was the PERFECT title? I am interested to hear why you think it was perfect.

Here's my argument as to why I think it is FAR from perfect. I thought it was ok, but definitely not perfect:

Its as simple as this, the Clones, weren't the ones doing the attacking were they? They were coming to the DEFENCE of the Republic because the SEPARATISTS were the ones who were threatening the stability of the Republic. Did you watch the movie mate? Hmmmm.......from what happens in the movie, the film title should have been "Attack of the Separatists".

First of all the Clone Wars is an event in the Star Wars universe. It would be like calling A New Hope the Battle of Yavin.

Yes Jimbo, I do realise the Clone Wars is an event in the Star Wars universe, but you haven't answered my question. The Clone Wars didn't even appear in the movie. Sure we got a battle of sorts, but thats not what the Clone Wars are/were. The Clone Wars are MASSIVE and a series of massive battles fought on many different planets, a series of events, not a single fight between the Geonosians and the Republic/Clone Army that was over in like a few hours! So really, the movie title "Attack of the Clones" still isn't the best title for the film because as I said before, the Clones aren't the ones doing the attacking, the Sepratists are!!!!!

Still waiting on your justification as to why it was the "perfect title", I know you like the movie mate, but that doesn't mean you have to put your hand on your heart and pledge your allegiance to every thing in it, including the title.
LMAO! The Tears of a clone! Too much.
Keeping The Star Wars Hoiliday Special alive. Once person at a time. Stir, stir, whip, whip, stir, beat, beat.
he's not gonna answer us Figrin_Dan...
he's already posted on other thread's today and his mysteriously skipped this one...

ill just go with he doesnt have an answer for it...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
I think after the last attack, Jimbo is trying to keep a low profile.
Keeping The Star Wars Hoiliday Special alive. Once person at a time. Stir, stir, whip, whip, stir, beat, beat.
i have a feeling many people are gonna be mailing Jay some complaints with what he is saying...
i think he really offended some people
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
Just a little bit.
Keeping The Star Wars Hoiliday Special alive. Once person at a time. Stir, stir, whip, whip, stir, beat, beat.
I think he's turned to the dark side giving weigh to hate. Its consuming him. He needs to listen to the midicholorians and keep balance.
16 years I wait and this is what I get???
Keeping The Star Wars Hoiliday Special alive. Once person at a time. Stir, stir, whip, whip, stir, beat, beat.

Originally posted by: Luke Skywalker
i have a feeling many people are gonna be mailing Jay some complaints with what he is saying...
i think he really offended some people

I don't try to file a complaint when someone offends me (which happens alot). People should talk freely. The title Attack of the Clones fits so well because it helps set up the Clone Wars and the fact that there will be an Attack or war.
1 - Jimbo you took it too far with all your gay hate talk on the other thread..
im surprised your still posting right now..

2 - so you think the title is good because it explains what is going to happen in the movie right?
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."