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The Matrix 35mm (Released)

Just a heads up. It appears that on Amazon Instant Video UK that The Matrix is now using a different transfer from the original DVD and Blu-ray. There is much less green tint now, and it seems they have gone for a more slightly cooler/bluer look. Big changes I have seen so far are in the first interrogation scene with Neo which is less green than before, as well as the rooftop scene where the sky is more visible than before and less green. There is probably more but I have only had a quick check through.

What led me to finding this was I had recently noticed that Amazon was changing the cover art on their instant video library of Warner Bros movies. I had already purchased The Matrix previously, and saw they had changed the cover art on the icon, so curiously checked to see what else had changed, and low and behold the transfer appears to have as well. I noticed they also changed the cover art for Se7en so I’d be curious to know if the transfer has changed for that as well (Unfortunately I don’t own that one on Amazon).

It is also worth considering whether these changes may tie in to the rumoured upcoming Warner Bros. 4K UHD releases.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

adywan said:

Not much of an update. Still busy working on the Wampa. One shot is virtually in the bag, the other is being a pain. Going to keep trying until the weekend. If i can’t get the second shot to work as well as i want it, then i will give up and switch to plan B.

Keep up the good work Ady!

What we’ve so far has been phenomenal.

Ghostbusters - Criterion PCM Track (see Jonno's post; plus lots more info) (Released)

The 1999 version is the closest in my mind, to how I think the film should look. I think it is nostalgia reasons more than anything. A close second is the 4K remastered blu-ray, but the vibrancy of some of the greens and reds stands out too much over the other colours, which feels a bit out of place to me.

The 1080i 1999 version would be a great addition to have combined with the Criterion track.

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

I’m so hyped for this now more than ever. Whatever Harmy ultimately does will be fantastic no doubt. Every despecialized edition has been fantastic, with each version improving things over the last. I’m especially more hyped than ever from playing Star Wars Battlefront and Endor looking absolutely gorgeous - which is an excellent reminder of how great ROTJ is - even more so when we hopefully get to see the original colours back with Harmy’s cc!

Raiders of the Lost Ark - 35 mm regrade (a WIP)

Dr Dre, have you tried adjusting the colours on the WOWOW HDTV version? That in my opinion looks a bit closer as a starting point than the blu-ray in terms of the look you might be after.

The trouble with the blu-ray is the shadow detail seems a bit orange and red at times, which looks difficult to change without causing it to change into a different colour such as purple or blue.