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Sony Vegas; some questions


I'm working on a Harry Potter project with 5.1 surround sound. I've extracted 6 WAV files from the original DTS file.

How do I map these to the right channels (FL, C, FR, RL, RR) in Sony Vegas? Is it the little orange box in Surround Pan? If I have the right back channel do I have to set it to "Right: 100%, Rear: 100%"?

Thanks for the help!

Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

EyeShotFirst said:

I just hope the scenes are actually in 1080p.

I don't want to say something completely stupid, but I think if somebody wanted to work their fingers to the bone, they could paint out dust and scratches. It would most definitely take forever. I don't know if all I said is possible, but we're forward enough in technology and know-how to pull some crazy shit off.

That's also what I was thinking! I thought it was possible to fill content aware in Photoshop and After Effects CS5. Also to overlay another frame to fill in the errors.

Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)

dark_jedi said:

vbangle said:

dark_jedi said:

amb said:

Hi d_j could I request an invite as well please? Many thanks!

Invite sent.

Ah... every time I get a email about this thread and its DJ, I can't get to the thread fast enough. LOL Just another PM invite sent. Dam. :)

I am getting there LOL, but every DAMN time I burn what I hope is the final BD, I find more SHIT frames(and then another fucking disc into the trash!) I have done well over 125 frames so far and I just found 15 more that I want to try and fix, but I already told my Wife, this IS the last batch of frames I am going to mess with, I just want to finish and get these out, either way, just what I have done so far is way better than it was, some are not fixed 100% perfectly, but at least it is way better than what it was.

Star Wars is done, and I have not seen any real bad ones in Jedi yet, I still have to watch that all the way through though, and then obviously I will have to watch Empire all the way through again to.

My goal is to have ALL 3 BD's done by the end of this weekend so I can start shipping these out.

Why don't you use a mediaplayer to watch them? Then you won't have to spill discs.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Bingowings said:

One idea that just popped in my brain for people who want the prune faced look of the Emperor to be his true face (rather than resulting from Mace's reflection of Force Lightning which makes very little sense taking into account the lack of warping on Luke after getting the full blast of the Emperor's lightning in ROTJ).

As an alternative to blacking out the Sidious' face (as Magnoliafan and JasonN have done) it may be possible to add the prune face look onto those scene's (using similar techniques to those used by Ady for his redux of the ESB hologram).

In AOTC Palpatine begins to look gray faced and older but he looks younger in ROTS before his final transformation (presumably because Lucas had changed his mind about having a more gradual transformation).

If the full on pruny look was applied to Sidious it would be as effective a mask as blacking him out and having Palpatine lose the mask could be more instant (as attempted in a number of recent ROTS edit projects) and the audience would instantly link that face with those earlier scenes in the saga.

I was thinking the same thing!

Max_Rebo's '97 SE superset' preservation (* unfinished project *)

dark_jedi said:

I have been googling, reading OT threads, and browsing the web and I think I have this right now, is this correct?

We have these versions for each film,

97 SE ANH - GKar,TB, REIVAX, Flunk.

97 SE ESB - GKar, TB.

97 SE ROTJ - GKar, TB.

(to my knowledge all the HD rips are 2004, not 97)

well I have FINALLY got my DVDr's to rip, some of them I actually grabbed with my Blu-ray burner, but all that matters is I have the GKar, TB, and REIVAX ANH all on my hard drive now, before deleting I will definitely burn to Tayo Yudens!

I have PM'd several members here in hopes to get a hold of the ANH Flunk version, someone here HAS to still have it(I hope).

Now I have to figure out where the hell I put the LD DD 5.1 rips.

Could you please upload them? I know a lot of people want them!