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The ‘Custom Special Edition’ That Almost Wasn’t, But Then Was (Released)

Just want to say that as someone who grew up primarily with the SE, I chose to show this version of A New Hope to my roommate for his first time viewing. He really enjoyed it and wasn’t taken out of the movie by any of the updated effects. Afterward I showed him a video comparing the theatrical and the special editions and he was baffled by the changes to the Greedo scene, the Jabba scene, and the extended Mos Eisley entrance. I think this is a good sign you chose the right balance of SE and theatrical elements.

Minor quibble, I saw this text appear in the subtitles, which I’m pretty sure is a mistake, I can easily edit the srt file myself but wanted to let you know: https://imgur.com/ss3LUI2

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, Extended Edition

So this is something I’m toying with creating as a companion to my Revenge of the Sith extended edition. Like with that edit, I’d like to only add scenes that I feel help the movie rather than adding in every bit of usable footage. I’ve added my preliminary thoughts on each scene but I’d appreciate input on what people would most like to see.

DVD Deleted Scenes:

Padme addresses the Senate: Yes
I feel like this scene adds helpful context to the political plot. I might use Hal9000’s slightly edited version since it removes close-up shots of JarJar that have dodgy vfx.

Analysis Droids: Maybe
I don’t feel like this scene really adds much to the narrative, but it does look to have finished vfx. I would appreciate input on how people feel about it.

Extended Stroll on Naboo: Yes
Discussion of Padme’s family complements the dinner scene nicely.

Conversation with Mace on the landing platform: No
This is basically an alternate take of a scene that’s in the movie. Works well for fanedits that exclude that scene but I think it’s redundant to include in an extended edition

Dinner with Padme’s family: Yes
This scene is pretty much my reason for making this edit. It’s definitely going in.

Padme’s bedroom: Maybe
Idk about this scene. It’s a bit cheesy but so is a lot of this movie.

Meeting with Dooku: Yes
Nice to see Padme actually attempting a diplomatic solution

Geonosian Trial: Maybe
The vfx on Poggle looks dodgy to me in this scene and I’m not sure it adds much.

Blu-Ray deleted scenes:

The Lost Twenty: I really wish I could include this scene but the vfx are just too dodgy. This is the best restoration effort I’ve seen but I don’t think the flashback style really fits in a Star Wars saga film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2ENkNIOOZ4

All others: Imo, none of the others really add much to the movie and their quality is all pretty rough.

Other scenes:

The lightsaber fight from Kenobi was really well-integrated into Spence’s edit but since it’s not truly a “deleted scene” I’m not sure whether it should be included. Thoughts?

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

EddieDean said:

That’s a good question! As a rule I like edits which preserve all the canon, so Hal’s are always a safe bet. I really enjoyed Spence’s too, though they cut a bit too much canon for my preferences. They’re tight and enjoyable though.

Gotcha. Hal’s are probably my preference at this point as well. My own edits I mostly keep around for legacy reasons. I know Hal spitballed a few years back some ideas for even more conservative/canon-friendly edits. I’ve considered trying to create cuts based on those notes, but I’m not sure if there’s enough of an audience for it, there are so many prequel edits already out there.

The Starlight Project Addendum: The Rise of Skywalker (Freeform Brainstorming Session)

I liked this line from the Ahsoka show “Talent is a factor. But training and focus are what truly define someone’s success.”. I don’t think it has to be “either-or” with the Force. Rey can be unusually attuned to the Force from birth, but that doesn’t preclude anybody from being able to use the Force. I see it kind of like the Ratatouille quote “Not everyone can become a great artist; but a great artist can come from anywhere.”

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Another Happy Sanding. (Released)

So I’m seriously considering removing the scene where Anakin tells Padme about his dream and reordering things closer to the “alternative ending” version of Labyrinth of Evil, e.g. Anakin wakes up from his nightmare and goes immediately to Palpatine. Then he talks to Yoda after hearing the story about Darth Plagueis. I’m just worried that it might be too big a departure from the original version of this edit. Thoughts?

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

g00b said:


It could be worth contacting this fan animations creator to see if you could incorporate parts of it in your edit!

The opening scene I know you’ve tried to implement a few times in this edit.

And the other footage could be interesting in the finale.

At bare minimum, it’s definitely worth a watch!

I literally came to the thread to post this and you beat me to it. Unfortunately the opening is a heavily cut down version of the scene so I’m not sure how useful it would be. Watching the video makes me wish for an all animated Revenge of the Sith supercut though!

The ‘Custom Special Edition’ That Almost Wasn’t, But Then Was (Released)

Jar Jar Bricks said:

But if you know somebody with a convincing Kiwi accent you might be able to use that new 11 labs feature which basically applies a voice filter.

Funny enough I just tried this with the original Temuera Morrison lines on the Blu-Ray using Battlefront II lines as the voice sample and it worked. It doesn’t sound any better than the original Blu-Ray lines though, just different. We’d need someone with a kiwi accent who can record a better delivery of the lines.

EDIT: Surprisingly, spelling things out phonetically helps a lot. I put some more tests in the folder.

The ‘Custom Special Edition’ That Almost Wasn’t, But Then Was (Released)

So I think the paraphrased lines for Boba Fett work quite well but just as an experiment, I tried generating the original lines via AI. Unfortunately I don’t think it quite captures his accent but here they are in case anyone wants to use them for anything: https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=kZ0lO1ZdP0joAi8btkdTnXI07SQgjebUpMX

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

G&G-Fan said:

Create an edit of the Yoda-Anakin scene in ROTS to make it so Yoda is a hologram, so that those who rearrange the movie so the political subplot comes before the nightmare can still have that scene.

That’s a really good idea if it could be pulled off, although I’m not sure where exactly would be the best place to slot it in.

I’m not sure if this is radical enough for this thread, but I recently made an edit to ROTS where Padme makes it explicit that Obi-Wan is the one Jedi she trusts to bring in to the proto-rebellion in the senate: https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZSmt1Z52NBGTpLywBESvXhPwogHH1kUyc7

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Another Happy Sanding. (Released)

Octorox said:

A Random idea, I wonder if it would be possible to use AI voice cloning to have Padme more explicitly identify Obi-Wan as the jedi she’s talking about in the second seeds of the rebellion scene. I think this might help sell the idea that she has a professional relationship/level of trust with Obi-Wan that Anakin is suspicious of.

I was able to figure out elevenlabs and took a stab at this.

I’ve done a little more tweaking since this, pitched it down a smidge, but this gets the idea across.

EDIT 2: Okay I generated a few more and played around with it, I think this works much better: https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZSmt1Z52NBGTpLywBESvXhPwogHH1kUyc7

Octorox miscellaneous projects/tweaks of other edits

So I wanted to make a thread for projects I’ve completed that are just tweaks/custom versions of other people’s edits and not really significant projects that warrant their own threads.

Please PM me if you are interested in any of these projects.

Star Wars Episode V Revisited “Canon Friendly” audio mix:

What I’ve done here is simply taken the official Star Wars Episode V Revisited audio track from Adywan and spliced in a few bits of audio from Hal9000’s Custom Special Edition using crossfades in Premiere Pro. The changes are as follows:

  • Altered Ben Kenobi’s description of Yoda from “The Jedi Master who instructed me” to “A Jedi Master who instructed me” for better continuity with the prequels.
  • Used the 2011 BluRay audio track to use Temeura Morrison’s voice for Boba Fett’s four lines, and replaced some of his dialogue using close paraphrases from two video game sources in order to get superior line deliveries.

Hopefully the splicing of different sources is seamless. I’ve listened through headphones and tweaked the levels to match but I completely admit to not being a huge audiophile. All credit goes to Adywan and Hal for their wonderful edits. This project is provided as an ac3 file to be muxed into Adywan’s edit.

Bobson Dugnutt’s Revenge of the Sith Expanded Edition - sync fix:

Bobson made a great expanded edition of Revenge of the Sith that was built off my extended edition, but unfortunately I noticed two instances in his edit where the audio seemed to be out of sync with the video. I don’t think that Bobson plans to return to this edit, so I went ahead and fixed these issues to the best of my ability for my own viewing pleasure. I did have to shave off a few frames to make it work but I used losslesscut to avoid having to re-encode the video track. This is a great edit for those who want to see every bit of finished deleted material re-incorporated in the film. I still have my own extended edition available as well, but Bobson’s includes more content.

Star Wars Episode IV Revisited 1080p upscale

This one should be obsolete pretty soon. I took the highest quality available version of Adywan’s Episode IV Revisited (PAL DVD9 video synced to NTSC audio) and made a simple 1080p upscale in Topaz Video Enhance AI. Personally I don’t know that this is particularly useful but people have asked me for it so I’ve made it available all the same.