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Help: looking for... Fraggle Rock - UK version (missing episodes - for a preservation)


Is anyone aware of the survival rate of this?  I’m attempting to preserve the shows, but to date I have only been able to track down about a quarter of the 96 episodes produced.

20 were released on home-video during the late 80s, eight of which plus a further four turned up on DVD a few years ago, and I have off-air recordings of a further two for a grand total of 26.

The official word from Henson is that they are only able to locate the 12 shows which appeared on DVD - the others are missing presumed lost.  Does anyone know any different? 😃


Interesting, I never knew that the US and UK versions were different until now (I looked it up after reading your post).

So the UK's version was the only one set in a lighthouse?

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Yes, that's correct.  Fulton MacKay played the lighthouse keeper, called 'The Captain' for the first 48 shows; following his death John Gordon-Sinclair and finally Simon O'Brien played similar roles.

The French version of the show was set in a bakery, and the German show had a similar character to the US - an inventor.  Neither country completed the 96-episode run, though - only the US and UK versions did that.

The US shows have been released on DVD by HiT Entertainment and later Lionsgate in the US, and they're starting to appear in the UK now.


Why would you want to build a bakery on a rock in the sea? :-)

Anyway, it was a great show, good luck in your search and sorry I can't help...

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Moth3r said:

Why would you want to build a bakery on a rock in the sea? :-)

In case you wanted to make water-biscuits? :-)