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Snooker's Assorted Star Wars edit ideas

Note: unfinished audio


A take on the Love Pledge scene. I’ve had this idea in my head for the longest time that it could be interesting to portray Anakin as a character who doesn’t speak very much/isn’t incredibly sure of himself. Going along with this idea I have removed all of Anakin’s lines from this scene, which makes it much more watchable imo. I don’t think this particular edit of the clip is perfect but it’s a nice proof of concept.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

Ed Slushie said:

Since a lot of edits are repurposing the chess scene to put it at the end, has anyone thought about repurposing the shot of Rey, Finn, Poe, Threepio, and Chewie in the cockpit of the falcon from earlier in the movie as well? It’s got that “family portrait in space” vibe that the original trilogy’s ending shots all had.

Holy shit that’s such a good idea !!!

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

Idea: place Poe’s “can we kiss?” line during the final celebration when he’s embracing with Finn.

If the shot’s not long enough I remember a much longer alternate take/different angle existing in the documentary.

For the record I am desparate for these two characters to be in love because I desperately want to see people like me on the big screen for longer than one second.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I found time to watch the workprint and dang!! It’s infinitely more watchable than the theatrical release! While I would have personally made much more radical changes, all of these existing changes compound into a very wonderful edit! I agree with most criticisms I’ve seen so I won’t repeat any! I can’t wait to see the edit become even greater!

Lovely work! Immensely proud of everyone! 💕

Info: TROS Edit Opinions Poll - RESULTS &amp; ANALYSIS

Reading the Empire as an allegory for the United States during the Vietnam War, having women as Stormtroopers in the First Order makes total sense.

The allegories for fascism are very very clear, but most modern iterations are more subtle about disregarding women and other minorities. “Women are in our movement therefore the our fascist group cannot be inherently bigoted!”

Even though I don’t think there’s much genuine intentional political commentary in the Disney-era films, I do think it improves them to read them allegoricaly.

TLDR: I wouldn’t agree with the choice to remove women-voiced stormtroopers