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<em><strong>ANDOR</strong></em> - Disney+ Series - A General Discussion Thread

Loved the finale. Personal favorite scene was Dedra being dragged through the street by rebels and her hyperventilating freak-out after she’s rescued. Clearly not a combat experienced field agent.

I watched through to the post-credits. Very cool to see, but very expected. I figured that was the case a few episodes earlier when we saw the insane volume of identical pieces.

Genevieve O’Reilly continues to absolutely bring it as an actress and as a character. Outstanding work.

A much stronger episode than the two or three preceding it.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe

As a huge fan of the MCU, I’ll admit to having MCU Fatigue this year. For me, part of it is the quality drop-off (story, not presentation) as well as the amount of content. As some have pointed out, more is usually better if you’re a fan, but I have little interest in some of the content. Below is Phase 4 for 2021 & 2022. Easy to see where some people with busier schedules might find it daunting. I can always squeeze in an hour somewhere to watch a show I like, but on several of these I either bailed or didn’t bother. Bolded the ones I’ve seen and maybe a thought or two.

WandaVision (2021). Outstanding. I still go back for an episode every now and again.

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021). Didn’t move me one way or the other.

Loki season 1 (2021). Outstanding. I still go back for an episode every now and again.

Black Widow (2021). Liked it, watched it twice.

What If…? season 1 (2021). Bailed after three episodes. Didn’t find it interesting.

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021). One & done. Didn’t find it interesting.

Eternals (2021). Not interested.

Hawkeye (2021). Loved it, watched it four times, only in December so it stays as Christmas

Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021). Two & done. Might watch again one day.

Moon Knight (2022). Zero interest in the character, but the performance of Oscar Isaac is outstanding.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022). One & done. Didn’t find it interesting when Wanda wasn’t on screen.

Ms. Marvel (2022). Not interested.

Thor: Love and Thunder (2022). Italics because I bailed after about 15 minutes. Seemed stupid and uninteresting.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (2022). Bailed after 4 episodes. Terrible CGI and a ridiculous story. Loved the end title artwork.

Werewolf by Night (2022). Watched it four times already, possibly my favorite thing to come out of Marvel Studios.

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022). Will wait for Disney+

The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special (2022). No interest, but will probably give it a look.

<em><strong>ANDOR</strong></em> - Disney+ Series - A General Discussion Thread

timdiggerm said:

But wouldn’t they just be like “…hey I was supposed to be released!” to their new team, and then we end up with the same problem?

Perhaps that level of discovery by the prisoners of what really happens is what led to the floor mutiny (or whatever it was). Sort of a - “Fine, we’ll kill the whole section if you don’t like what we’re doing. Anyone else have something they care to say?”.

<strong>Tales of the Jedi</strong> (animated series) - General Discussion Thread * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

rocknroll41 said:

I really enjoyed this way more than I expected to!

I wasn’t going to even give it a look until I perused this discussion. The animation is fantastic. As Tobar already pointed out, it looks photorealistic in some scenes. I have a bit of Ahsoka fatigue, but it’s a nice extra between Andor episodes.

<em><strong>ANDOR</strong></em> - Disney+ Series - A General Discussion Thread

Top notch as they all have been. Also a nice build up to his getting Serkis on board, at least it seems like it.

Best moment for me was Karn waiting outside the building for Meero. Her reaction was some of the best for her as a character yet. Again, Denise Gough has an incredible ability to portray shock, surprise, fear, nervousness, and anger all in one take, often without saying a word. She is mesmerizing, much more so than just her physical beauty. For me, she is absolutely commanding in every scene.

I feel like Karn is eventually going to let his anger and lack of self discipline get him into trouble. He should be at least thankful that Cassian didn’t kill him when they first came into contact. Typical of his momma’s boy personality, he can only see what he wants, not the good fortune and charity he’s been given.

<em><strong>ANDOR</strong></em> - Disney+ Series - A General Discussion Thread

Another question for the board, if you would indulge me.

In keeping with the above comments, the response does seem to be overwhelmingly positive. For me, it’s the deeper story & characters, the realism, and most importantly the lack of connection to The Saga. However, I do have a close friend who isn’t all-in and in fact has some criticisms. We have a weekly evening nerd call where we discuss all things film & TV pop culture. We tend to stay primarily on Marvel, Star Wars, and DC.

His criticism of Andor is that it’s so grounded in an Earth-like reality that doesn’t offer a real escape from a long work week or our real world stresses and problems. The very thing I like most about it is the part that has disappointed him. His biggest criticism was from an episode or two back where we see Syril at home with his mom. He gets up, goes too he kitchen, eats a bowl of cereal, and then gets ready to go to work - where he sits in a cubicle wearing a suit & tie.

As he says, the world and our culture are a mess and life can be very stressful, is it too much to ask for just one hour a week where he isn’t reminded of it. I absolutely get that and I agree. It’s nice to step away even for an hour or so.

He says for him it was just too much like Earth to offer any escapism. I found the Earthiness to be a bit interesting (the cubicle part, going on a job interview, etc), because a great many of us may exist in that very world. I’m very happy with the show, where he wants more droids and aliens. Note: he was very happy that the vacation planet offered up what he’d been missing.

What say the board: Too Earth-like or no?

<em><strong>ANDOR</strong></em> - Disney+ Series - A General Discussion Thread

Question for the group. Contains a spoiler

Do you think Kleya is acting on her own by arranging a meeting with Vel and telling her to kill Cassian? I get the feeling from the secretive nature of the meeting and Vel wondering why Luthen isn’t there with her that Kleya may not have told Luthen about her plan. I also get the impression that Vel isn’t going to do it since Cassian protected her by doing away with Skeen and leaving her all the money. He did the right thing for her, I think she’ll return the favor.

<em><strong>ANDOR</strong></em> - Disney+ Series - A General Discussion Thread


Let me clear up something before we waste any more time on this tangent. I’m not knocking Han in-universe or as written. It’s very likely that Han was my hero before most of you were born. I don’t need him explained to me. My point, and I stand by it, is that he’s nowhere near as dangerous a person as Cassian, nor is he ever in as much danger. When we meet him, he’s in trouble with one gangster because a single deal went sideways. If he were in any real trouble, he wouldn’t be hanging out in a bar down the road from the guy to whom he owes money.

As someone said earlier, he’s more of a happy-go-lucky type of guy. He’s selfish (as Leia points out), and has no apparent passion or higher cause. As presented, he comes across as a legitimate charter who sometimes takes side gigs smuggling. He’s shown to be that in EU novels also. Everyone we see him kill is in self defense. Cassian practically lives a witness protection lifestyle no matter which planet he’s on. We see him kill people in cold blood, not necessarily in self defense because he never waits that long.

They both make money illegally, they’re both interesting to watch, and both are sort of anti-heroes, but they are not the same types of people.

McDonald's or Burger king?

Had it for breakfast just this morning. My usual 6:30 AM egg biscuit with a cup of coffee. I have that same meal every Monday on my way to work.
Full disclosure; I’m a vegetarian, so I don’t take advantage of either the way most people might.
That said, the Impossible Whopper from Burger King is very good. I have one maybe once a month or so.

<em><strong>ANDOR</strong></em> - Disney+ Series - A General Discussion Thread

Vladius said:

I think what you’re getting at is that Han’s story is more of a classic romantic adventure, whereas Cassian’s story is deliberately less glamorous. Though when he becomes a spy and goes on spy adventures that will change.

It is more classic romanticism. As to all the things you pointed out about Han, none of that happened until Ben and Luke came into the picture. Prior to that, I don’t see anything in 1977 that suggests he lives anywhere near as dangerously as Cassian or with anywhere near the constant fear and desperation.

A reminder that once upon a time Star Wars was just a movie.

A nerd friend of mine sent me this a few days ago. These preview shows were a big deal when I was a kid because it was your only idea of what was coming the next season after the summer reruns. They did these for prime time lineups as well.

This TV Guide ad jumped out because it’s a reminder of how Star Wars was just a very popular movie in the theaters that summer. It wasn’t yet a franchise. Not even close. Just a movie.

Aside from Vader having actual eyes, which are wonky, he’s introduced in such a way as to inform the general populace of what movie the character is from.

Darth (“Star Wars”) Vader.

<em><strong>ANDOR</strong></em> - Disney+ Series - A General Discussion Thread

Vladius said:

Anchorhead said:

Vladius said:

I like what they’re doing but I wouldn’t compare him with Han. Two different things that are not supposed to be the same.

No they aren’t and that wasn’t really what I meant. To clarify, I mean they’re similar in how they make money and that they exist in a moral grey area.

Han isn’t an unrealistic character either though.

No, he isn’t. Just less dangerous and with a lot less at stake. Though we never see his house, Han appears to live comfortably. He has his own ship and runs a sometimes questionable side hustle. Cassian on the other hand, has to borrow a ship if he wants to go off-planet, lives in near squalor, and makes a living stealing. Sometimes from a burgeoning Empire, and with the hopes of bringing them down. When he’s not sneaking into their facilities and spitting in their food.

<em><strong>ANDOR</strong></em> - Disney+ Series - A General Discussion Thread

After watching just the first episode, This was feeling to me like the Star Wars sequel the way I’ve always hoped it would be. Hell, after the first fifteen minutes I was there. It’s Star Wars meets Blade Runner, meets 1970s dystopian sci-fi. Perfect. Now, after watching all three episodes, I’m feeling like this will be my go-to from now on.

This is so far beyond what they’ve done in the franchise in decades past. This is an adult show with real-world issues and some very interesting and very realistic characters. Very mild spoiler below;

In my life, I can think of a real world version of every one of these characters; The hard working blue collar, the jealous boyfriend, the aloof beautiful woman, the brown-noser, the tough talker in a bar - We’ve all known these types of people.

Diego Luna is amazing. He’s what a real-world Han Solo would have to be to survive in that lifestyle. Cassian isn’t a western movie caricature like Han. He’s much deeper. The whole show is much deeper.

To paraphrase a car commercial from 40 years ago; “This Is Not Your Father’s Star Wars.” 😉

You're Disney, what do you do with Star Wars?

2012: I’d do the same that the OP is suggesting. There is a galaxy of EU out there and some very beloved characters. I’d start with Mara Jade and Thrawn stories. Those novels kept Star Wars alive during the dark years. Those were very popular characters and well written stories. I’ve read them a few times each.

We don’t ever need to visit the Skywalkers, Han, or Tatooine ever again. Enough with The Solar System Far Far Away. Also, I’d release the originals in their theatrical versions. Those are the films that made ALL of this possible. They deserve top notch treatment. As far as there being some sort of agreement that Disney honors Lucas’s thoughts; If I give someone 4 billion dollars - they no longer dictate terms. Take your money and go away.

2022: I’d drop all the films and focus on TV series, also drawn from the EU. Same novels, same reasons. For sure I’d keep the Visions series. That’s one of the jewels of Disney/Star Wars.


All that said; I just started a full second viewing of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Shut up. 😉

The Kenobi <s>Movie</s> Show (Spoilers)

Fan_edit_fan said:

Anchorhead said:

I’ve seen the 1979 original - several times in 79 in the theater and countless times in the decades since. I ubernerded it that year. Books, articles, etc. I still vividly remember my VHS of it just a few years later. I’ve listened to the soundtrack regularly since 79. Honestly, almost weekly, even now.
Because the original is a permanent Top Ten for me, there was never any chance I’d bother with a sequel. It’s a complete and finished story (for me).

You…seriously… have never watched The Empire Strikes Back this entire last 40 years???

No. I last watched it in the late 90s. Let me be a bit more clear on Empire. I don’t dislike it, I just don’t care about the story enough to watch it with any regularity. It’s fine as a film and as a sequel. It just doesn’t interest me because I didn’t care what happened after 1977. It answered questions I wasn’t asking.

Some standout moments to me; Any scene with Lando, the asteroid field, and Luke hanging under Cloud City. Those were all moments that I thought were very well done. Again, not enough to watch it, but if the OT is ever released in it’s theatrical version(s), I’ll buy and watch Star Wars for sure and maybe even The Empire Strikes Back.

I don’t know how to explain it any more clearly. Two things figure into it. 1. It’s been 40+ years since this was topical for me. Life is SO much more than a film.
2. Lucas contaminated things so badly that I’ve lost interest. I’m on this board fighting the good fight for nearly 20 years. Lucas won. He has successfully denied me - one of the teenagers who made him wealthy in the 70s - the ability to watch and escape in that very 1977 film.

I’m typically fairly neutral or nice(ish) about his mental illness, but at the same time my thoughts are about what a piece of shit he really is. Who the fuck goes to battle against the very people who gave them fame, fortune, and power?

The Kenobi <s>Movie</s> Show (Spoilers)

I’ve seen the 1979 original - several times in 79 in the theater and countless times in the decades since. I ubernerded it that year. Books, articles, etc. I still vividly remember my VHS of it just a few years later. I’ve listened to the soundtrack regularly since 79. Honestly, almost weekly, even now.
Because the original is a permanent Top Ten for me, there was never any chance I’d bother with a sequel. It’s a complete and finished story (for me).

One thing you wish were still canon

The entire franchise is make believe.
Lucas and/or Disney deciding what’s real vs otherwise is laughable. That levels ranking they came up with is even more so. If you like a series of novels, read them. That’s canon for you. If you don’t like something, ignore it.

Your imagination decides the story that moves you and the world you escape into when you read. Same goes for the films, games, or TV shows. When you were kids, did you stop playing with the toys or figures if someone said you weren’t imagining your own story correctly? Of course not.

Why in the world would you allow Lucas or Disney to do that now? Man, some of the takes that Lucas came up with and then claimed they were the real story were idiotic. Darth Vader as a little kid building 3PO? That is spit-take level ridiculous.

I really like the Zahn novels. So for me, Luke grows up, marries Mara Jade, and they have adventures fighting the good fight. That’s my Luke Skywalker. It sure as hell isn’t some old kook who tosses his lightsaber over his shoulder and then goes off to milk a giant sea creature for a snack. WTF?

There are hundreds of Star Wars novels and stories out there. Read and enjoy. They’re every bit as real as the rest of the GFFA.