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Star Wars Unified DVD Covers Project
hmm. I don't like the look of the figures at the base of the spine. An d some of the text seems a bit hard to read but otherwise these are looking good so far. Would you release a template once you're done if others want to add custom covers for their own edits?

What figures on the base? Do you mean the Roman numerals?

As far as the templates go, I may consider it if theres some demand...
Star Wars Unified DVD Covers Project
Wow, thanks for the comments guys!

The template looks like one i've seen before (urm, corrme? perhaps?) somewhere. It also looks like you've disected my Returning To Jedi cover there to fit in with the template, which does look kinda good. I agree, though, the titles on the spine need to be emphasised on that background to make them more readable, perhaps with a black outline or a drop-shadow or something.

Yeah, i took elements of existing templates that I liked and made it to fit what I needed.

Attack of the Editor front is from the RotS Video game...
other than that awesome covers.

Yes, will change to something more appropriate, that was just a placeholder that I had there.

Also, I realised I know your screenname from one of the cover sites. I think I may have some of your covers on my hard drive somewhere.

Yep, I belong to most of the major cover sites...been in the cover scene since about 2003...

Loved your Michael Bay cover set (now the penny has dropped).

Hehe....where'd you see that, i think i may have previewed it but I never released it...

1) Assuming you are using Photoshop, move the brushed metal layer to the bottom. The way you have it between the text layer and the borders is kind of strange looking.

Not too sure what you mean here, Cassidy. And yeah I am using photoshop.

2) Get a better brushed metal texture. The one you're using looks like a small jpg stretched to fit the cover template, and you're losing some detail in the top of the image. If you can't find a higher resolution one, it's easy as hell to make your own using Photoshop's native filters, and using some simple brushing techniques to make it look all destroyed like that.

the brush metal texture that I used was a high res photograph...i've actually printed a few of these out as test prints and they came out fine looking. Might just be the preview? But yeah, I have considered maybe changing the texture...I kinda wanna stay away from photoshops brushed metal filters...there already are a bunch of covers out there that use it...thanks for the constructive criticism!

Thanks again guys for the input!
Star Wars Unified DVD Covers Project
Note that these are works in progress so certain things may change...for instance, that is not the front that I will be using for Phantom editor's Attack of the Phantom.

I am currently also working on covers for:

ADM's Spoofs and Bonus Features
The Interactive Board Game DVD
The Bounty Hunter
Deleted Magic
Battlefront II

And also the retail DVD's...

Anyone have a copy of the Star Wars Interactive Boardgame box in which they could possibly scan?
Star Wars Unified DVD Covers Project
I love all those Star Wars Fanedits out there. Only problem is, they all have different covers...nothing to match everything. The goal of this project is to make covers to match all the Star Wars fanedits that I have. I will also include, covers for the retail DVD's as well. So there you go, one set, one design, total unification. Hehe...

Here is what I have so far. Lemme know what you all think.

By the way, I am new to these boards....so...HI everyone!


Returning to Jedi

Phantom Edit

Knights of the Old Republic

Holiday Special