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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Ultimately for me personally, my two main wishes for this fan edit are:

  1. More breathing room throughout the movie so not every scene feels rushed. I really enjoyed this movie but the main criticism I have is how the dramatic scenes felt rushed and some felt poorly executed (Rey Palpatine reveal & Ben dying for example). Better pacing will enhance my enjoyment of this movie for sure.

  2. Have more tie in with TFA & TLJ. Make the 3 movies feel more connected like there’s a vision/plan all along. As much as I enjoyed all 3 of these movies, I cannot help but to agree with the criticisms that the three movies have connective issues. But to fully achieve that, I imagine some editing will need to be done on TFA & TLJ.

I think you basically agree and are trying to fix these issues. So really all I gotta do now is just to sit tight & wait patiently. Good luck with the project man.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

stein said:

And as another poster said, there were loud guffaws throughout the theater I was in when they kissed.

And as another poster (me) said, in my theater everyone cheered. In my post I also said I watched a video review and the reviewer’s audience has the same experience as my theater. So it’s a mixed reaction. In this case we should focus on what’s best for the movie. What makes most sense story-wise and creates a more fluid visual experience. I agree that the edit of no kiss was well done and it made the scene look more natural. However, that’s not to say there isn’t a way to edit it to look natural with the kiss too. So I think the argument comes down to is that kiss important or not?

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

GeekForFun said:

What I would really love to see with this is some more prominent music placements that the trailer promised. Dual of Fates when Rey and Kylo fight on the Death Star, and maybe Across the Stars at the kiss? Just some extra nods to really make this feel like a 9 film conclusion

I second this. Loved Dual of Fates when it played during the trailers. But I wouldn’t want the original song simply carried over. I would like a remixed version that adds Kylo & Rey’s themes into it. Or just remixed in a way that fits the sequel trilogy music. I think it would take me out of the movie if it’s just the original Dual of Fates. Want that reserved for Phantom Menace.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Octorox said:

I think having Ben live at the end would be quite ambitious and maybe beyond the scope of this edit, but if possible I’d like to see him appear beside Luke and Leia as a force ghost. It would require some FX work but doesn’t seem impossible considering what’s been accomplished in some of Hal’s other edits. I don’t feel that we get enough closure with his character in the theatrical cut.

While I personally wish Ben lived because a redeemed Ben Solo would make for some great stories. But I think it makes perfect sense for him to die. If Luke died using force projection and Leia died using force to speak to Kylo at the end (and possibly projecting Han as some people theorized), Ben should definitely die from using force revive. This should be the most taxing of all the force abilities.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Siliconmaster482 said:

yic17 said:

The other scene is the kiss scene. I dig the kiss itself, but I hate how Ben died immediately after. The crowd at the theater cheered when they kissed. But a lot of people laughed when Ben died. It was just too soon and too fast. I don’t know if that’s JJ’s intention. But I wish his death would be more dramatic. And I later learned it’s not just my theater, someone else had the exact experience where the audience cheered at the kiss and then laughed when he died. I think slowing down both scenes giving them more breathing room will help a lot.

It was the opposite in ours: There were audible groans at the kiss. And other friends have told me their theaters actually boo’d haha. That pieced-together version of that scene on YouTube actually feels much better to me, with them almost looking like they might kiss, and then him dying instead. The tension is still there, you don’t need a big goofy romantic moment.

I agree the editing of the no kiss looked quite nice & natural. But adding the kiss after doesn’t feel natural. Unless you can show Ben waking up again which won’t be possible without new footage.

At the same time, I also don’t think the kiss was the awkward part. It was the dying immediately after that felt awkward and rushed. With some breathing room/slowing down, I think it’ll look fine even with the kiss.

So I guess there are two ways to go about it, remove kiss to get a natural flow or add some breathing room, pauses on some frames so the death doesn’t feel like it came out of nowhere. It will be best if there’s already extended version of this scene on Blu-ray extras.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Personally, the 2 major scenes I’d change/improve in this movie were: 1. The Rey Palpatine reveal. I don’t mind that Rey is a Palpatine. But I think the execution was done poorly. It felt like Kylo just threw it out there and it did not feel dramatic at all. The other scene is the kiss scene. I dig the kiss itself, but I hate how Ben died immediately after. The crowd at the theater cheered when they kissed. But a lot of people laughed when Ben died. It was just too soon and too fast. I don’t know if that’s JJ’s intention. But I wish his death would be more dramatic. And I later learned it’s not just my theater, someone else had the exact experience where the audience cheered at the kiss and then laughed when he died. I think slowing down both scenes giving them more breathing room will help a lot.

Overall, the movie is just too fast paced trying to fit too much content in. I think an extra 10 minutes of breathing room for multiple scenes will really enhance the experience.

Looking forward to your edit!