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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I’m sure this has probably been suggested before as a fix and I know would take a lot of work to fix, but oh boy is them crashing the Falcon to “land” on Kef Bir is such a forehead slapping moment. The complete disregard for any attempt at believable physics is one of the things that define the JJ Star Wars films.

Making Luke's Blue Saber duel against Vader's Red Saber From Return of the Jedi.

smudger9 said:

wowbobwow said:

smudger9 said:

wowbobwow said:

How were you able to get a clean SFX & dialogue track?

I asked the same thing in the YouTube comments. It was pristine!

I’m suspecting the Live to Picture audio tracks leaked at some point and the OP has the RotJ one at least.

How do you get hold of these?

No idea, you’re not supposed to be able to. Might be why the OP deleted the videos lol.

Making Luke's Blue Saber duel against Vader's Red Saber From Return of the Jedi.

SomethingStarWarsRelated said:

What exactly is a Live to Picture audio track?

They are a concert orchestras do where they perform a film score live to the movie. So a version of the movie is given to be shown which includes everything on the audio track minus the music. They’ve done them for the OT and I think some of the sequels.

Star Trek Insurrection -- Fixing aspect ratio issues

Hi all –

Been thinking about how to move forward with this. I think the most time effective approach is what WDW203 had suggested and handling this entirely in video editing software. I have access to Adobe Premiere, which is what I will likely utilize. It will result in the end product being a little more lossy but I’ll try to mitigate it as much as I can.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Jar Jar Bricks said:

The emphasis on “release” might make the first line too long, but I really liked the delivery of it otherwise. I’m having a hard time generating one that has the same delivery but less emphasis.

As for the final line, here it is if needed: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13uX1vPD3zcp6ZzbwYhP1yVXkmFmQBjgm/view?usp=sharing

EDIT: Finally got a faster delivery that didn’t sound too bad - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vq85KwTXAPdqXfDZKFA59WiOKNigCKSc/view?usp=sharing

These are sounding really good. Well done!

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I was rewatching this edit and I have an idea I’ll throw your way Hal. The exchange between 3PO and R2 after the “we go together” moment, before the crew departs in the Millennium Falcon, where 3PO says something like “if I don’t make it back I want you to know you’re a real friend” to R2 just feels kind of on the nose and maybe could be justified if the character later on actually dies. But he doesn’t and this exchange feels somewhat out of character and unnatural.

I was watching the 1977 documentary “Making of Star Wars” which is on the OT blu-ray set and 3PO and R2 had an exchange that might work well in this moment. With this exchange, 3PO’s remark would point towards the conclusion of the story without being completely on-the-nose.


Star Trek Insurrection -- Fixing aspect ratio issues

spoRv said:

I didn’t check all, but watching at some screenshots here and here, it seems it has the same aspect ratio problem, too… 😦

Due to the pervasiveness of the problem, I think the speculation about it being incorrectly configured camera equipment is probably correct. And that’s why it’s carried down through every generation of home video release (and if my memory is correct, it was like this at the theater).

Star Trek Insurrection -- Fixing aspect ratio issues

WDW203 said:

Some important information: MKVToolNix’s splitting is not frame-accurate.
You could avoid all the splitting if you import the movie a few different times into your editing timeline, stretch each of them one of the ways it may need to be stretched, and compare them shot by shot.

Ok, that’s good to know. Thank you for the insight and the suggestion.

Star Trek Insurrection -- Fixing aspect ratio issues

jimbotron235 said:

Thank goodness I wasn’t going crazy. I’ve noticed this ever since DVD. I saw this theatrically, but don’t remember that, but I sure remember it on every video release since. This is the first time I’ve seen anyone else mention it.

Stretching the video vertically and then cropping it introduces the issue of chopping off the top of people’s heads. IMO that cure is worse than the disease. If I had to choose between stretching vertically and cropping OR squeezing the video horizontally and having black bars on the sides, I’d choose the latter.

Yeah, that’s a good point. Maybe could have two different versions for whichever folks prefer. Either no picture loss for the problem shots w/ black bars on the sides or the presentation I had outlined.

The only reason I remember the issue being present at the theater was because I remember thinking there was something wrong with the projector, haha.

Star Trek Insurrection -- Fixing aspect ratio issues

Hi all –

Paramount just reissued the Star Trek The Next Generation movies on BluRay and UHD. One hope I had for these (outside of a better transfer) was perhaps they would fix a problem that plagues the movie Star Trek Insurrection. It’s best demonstrated by watching this YouTube clip:


As you can see, there was some mix up with aspect ratios with the movie that has never been corrected. I’m almost certain this has plagued the movie since it’s theatrical release (I swear I remember noticing this issue at the theater, where it was even more pronounced), and so while I hoped they would fix the issue on the new release I had already resigned my hopes. And sure enough, Paramount checked only the necessary boxes for this release without bothering to correct a fairly major problem with one of its movies.

I’m interested in fixing this and have a plan of attack:

  1. Build an index of all problem shots in the movie, using beginning and ending frame numbers
  2. Using MKVToolNix, take an MKV rip of the movie and feed in that index to split the video into several MKVs – breaking the movie down into segments
  3. Appropriately vertically stretch the problem shots
  4. Re-assemble the movie using video editing software
  5. Appropriately re-matte the movie so that the stretched problem shots’ matting matches the rest of the movie
  6. Render the fixed Star Trek Insurrection

The reason I’m posting about this is it seems like the first step I mentioned is a lot of grunt work. It’s not something I want to tackle alone. Is there anyone else interested in seeing this movie fixed? And are there any members of this message board who would be willing to help in building that shot index, using Google Sheets?