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The Thief and the Cobbler: Recobbled Director's Cut (Released)

*crash lands* I'm so glad I found this forum.

Hi. My name is Bec. I was born in Queesland, Australia in 1989, to a dad who had been managing a video store for 2 years. I was about five years old when I watched the Princess and the Cobbler for the first time, on a preview tape that still had a time code stamped to the bottom. That was 15 years ago, and I am only now learning about the sorry history of my beloved childhood film.

Every time I talk about it, the only people who still remember it are my younger sister and our parents, who now own the same video store they worked in when I was born. We're all film fanatics, the four of us. My sister and I are heavilly obsessed with this film, and the tragedy surrounding it.

If you've never seen the Australian cut, it's well worth the watch. I've yet to see any other version, but it's still so lovely. But there are so many mysteries surrounding the release here in Australia, and i have two major questions I'm seeking to answer. Firstly, I want to know more about Majestic Films International, the distribution company that now seems to have dissolved into obscurity. I know literally nothing about them. But the thing I want to know most is why this version, of all versions, made its way to Australian shores. Why was I so lucky that I managed to fall in love with this wonderful film, in one of its purer forms available to me at the time.

Will be keeping my ear to the ground. :)