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Clone Wars Movie Series [Episodes I to V released; Episode IX WIP]

smudger9 said:

TOTE Devoted: Bariss and the other inquisitors are introduced to Vader.
Final Clone Wars scene of Vader and Imperial troops exploring the wrecked Venator.

Might be a stupid idea, but have you considered switching the final two scenes?
In my mind it would work as following: After Padmé’s funeral Anakin hears about what happened to Ahsoka, he goes to look for her. She’s dead, all ties to his old life are over. Cue Bariss and the other Inquisitors awaiting their new leader Vader, the true beginning of a new era.
I do understand how great of a closing shot the CW ending is though, so I understand keeping it as well. Either way I’m so stoked to see what you’ve come up with!

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

EddieDean said:

Sense check please!

I’ve made a major update to the spreadsheet, trying to make it absolutely clear for people which episodes to watch based on their preferences. There’s a new set of content at the top left to this effect. Can you guys please sense-check it and see if it clarifies things?

(Right now it just distinguishes usefully between Core and Filoni-only episodes, but this’ll be more useful once I plug in the ‘bonus’ ones.)

Also, are you guys able to sort the table yourselves? If so, try sorting by episode number!

It makes sense to me personally, but I’m used to how you structure the project now. It might be helpful to get some insight from people who experience the sheet for the first time, because I feel like it could be a bit of an information overload… or not. If it’s problematic it might help to merge the two expanded tiers, since the dinstinction between those is probably the least clear out of all four of them.

Sorting is possible by right-clicking on the letter of a column, if that’s the way you’re refering to, though I doubt most people would go through the hastle. It’s most helpful right now when you sort by colour, so that you get all the Mando cut episodes underneath each other for example. That’s quite a neat feature. The sheet is automatically sorted by episode number already 😉

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

EddieDean said:

  • What do we think about the Ventress line in New Padawan referencing her past with Anakin? It’s not perfect lipsync but I borrowed this idea directly from Smudger because I thought it referenced their past nicely.

I thought it sounded quite odd as well tbh. I know that it’s in reference to the 2D episode, but it just took me out of it when I watched the episode.

The 2D episode is getting retconned soon anyway, with the novel Star Wars: Brotherhood promising the first canon meet-up between Kenobi and Ventress, possibly Anakin and Ventress too.

Not that I don’t appreciate the effort you put into it, the way you have it now is probably as good as you could make that change work.